A human with no dbz knowledge reincarnates in DBZ universe, and reincarnates into a saiyan.
Planet Sodian:
The man's hand began to glow a bright red before a massive flame formed in his hand, I raise up my guard to block, but he doesn't shoot it, It slowly moves out of his hand before It circles around his body,
That must be a sodiain technique even the kids I killed used this move, he quickly dashes toward me with his flame following him quickly, He throws a lighting fast kick, I dip my shoulders ducking under the kick, I reach out grabbing his leg, I throw a leg kick sweeping him off of his feet, He falls onto the wooden floor the back of his head hitting the ground, I pounce on top of him, sitting on his body,
He reaches up and grabs my jaw and tries to push me off, I throw a crisp right hand, it hits making his hand drop off my face, he brings his two arms together making a guard, he begins blocking my punches his arm starts to become bruised his orange skin slightly turning purple, while I was punching his guard, I felt a gust of air hit my face, I instantly raised my head back and a millisecond later a blast fly right past barely grazing my cheek,
I snap my head right looking at the direction the blast came from but only the floating flame remained, I look back down before getting hit in the jaw sending me flying back into a table, I push off the table standing back up, I press the scouter button, it begins reading his power level after a while it reads 505,
He's not too bad, I raise my hand firing a blast, he stands still until the flame appeared in front of him creating a flame wall and dispersing my attack, " You will regret not killing me when you had the chance, " He raises his left arm up before sliding it back down a flame sword appeared in his hand,
He sprung forward getting a foot away from me before sliding his feet he raised his arms high before swinging the sword downwards, I create a blast in my left hand blocking them with an explosion, his arms fly back, I contort my body and throw a kick, He closes his hand, the sword disappears before reappearing in his another hand, his firey sword block my attack but he stills goes sliding back,
I place my foot back on the ground before getting back into my stance, his eyes are lasered focused on me but he suddenly looked behind me, I raise my hand behind my back, firing a ki blast, I feel it hit something made out of energy, His eyes widen before he becomes angry, " I hit it didn't I your flame, " he doesn't speak to me, instead his eyes look down to his sword,
It begins flashing in and out of existence before the bright orange flame disperses forever, he closes his eye but I instantly dash forward punching him in his jaw, he goes stumbling off of his feet, his eyes snap open, I throw a kick hitting the back of his head, his head whiplashes slamming face first into the orange wooden blanks, I reach to my right grabbing a black chair and repeatedly hitting the man with it, he falls to the ground after the fifth hit but then,
The chair snaps only leaving me with a piece of the leg left, he slowly raises up back to his knees still holding the ground for support, I flip the piece in my hand till the sharp side is facing him before slamming it into his neck, the piece punctures his throat sticking out the other side, I let go of the piece before kicking his body on the ground,
He looks at me while the life in his eyes flashes away, I stare at the dying man until I hear twenty or more footsteps heading my direction, I look outside a window and see twenty sodiains storming towards the house, I turn around firing a ki blast finally killing the man before jumping out of a window on the other side of the house...