

The small saiyan dashed in front of me, throwing a sloppy punch, I easily dodge the punch before pushing him away from me,

He quickly twists his body around trying to throw a punch but he slips on wet grass before stumbling forward, I throw a quick uppercut sending him flying up into the air,

He lands bouncing off the grass before standing back up grabbing his chin,

" Hey, we don't have to fight you know, "

He doesn't respond, he begins making primitive noises before sprinting towards me,

This kid doesn't know how to speak, he wasn't taught a language, I completely forgot about that,

I throw a jab into cross catching the saiyan off guard, both punches connect cleanly sending the child flying back until he slams into a tree,

In a enrage outroar the kid begins charging blasts in his hands, he starts flinging them rapidly,

I don't even have to move the kid is just throwing them all over the place, I dash forward kicking him through a tree,

I extend my left hand behind me before shooting a beam propelling me to the kid who's flying through the air,

I grab him by the throat before repeatedly punching him in the stomach, and slamming him onto the ground,

I begin ruthlessly stomping on the kid's head before grabbing him by his spiky hair and throwing him into another tree.

Grabbing his stomach screaming in pain, I begin walking towards him, he starts flinging blasts at me, but I simply slap them away with one hand,

I continue walking until I appear in Infront of the kid and extend my hand, " Goodbye. "

I begin conjuring energy into my hand, a bright yellow light illuminates the kid's face, before I could shoot the blast, a message echo through the cave,

" Congratulations, you have passed the experiment, " A robotic voice said this message

What experiment is it talking about, before anything happened the kid in front of me randomly slumped to the floor,

What? did he get just get knocked out, I quickly create a ki blast in my left hand before raising it up to my face, lighting up the area around me, that's when I noticed something,

A massive fog of gas is flowing through the air, i- it's sleeping gas isn't it but before I could do anything my vision became shaky, my arms became heavy before I could realize, I was falling backwards, I landed softly on the grass, my vision began fading, until I fell into a deep sleep…


The lights in caves suddenly flashed on before three men appeared where Sado was, grabbing him and the other saiyan child and flying up into the air,

Five other saiyans were also seen holding a small saiyan child over their shoulders,

" Only seven children passed this test, must have been hard since there were over fifty kids in this place, " said a middle-aged man before flying into a hole in the roof of the dark-drenched cave…
