A human with no dbz knowledge reincarnates in DBZ universe, and reincarnates into a saiyan.
In Mere hours, the news of planet Vegeta's destruction spread throughout the universe, massive celebrations were held on planets, they celebrated the demise of the ruthless and barbaric saiyans, but inside the galactic patrol a dire meeting was held,
Inside a white room with a black table with eight white cushion chairs sat five men and three women, all except one woman, wore the classic galactic patrol armor, they were talking about the destruction of planet Vegeta, an orange woman wearing a bright red dress with strange symbols lining throughout the dress began to speak,
" So from reports we have gathered, planet Vegeta was destroyed by a massive meteor, " said the woman with her legs crossed in the black cushion chair,
" I highly doubt that was the cause of their planet's destruction Jenny, but we can let that lie spread throughout the universe, " said Merus leaning back in his chair while spinning his gun in his hand,
" Yes, I highly doubt that was the main cause, but we have just received reports that planet Sodiain was destroyed as well, our spaceships set the coordinates to the planet but only a few remnants of the planet remain, " said a short blue man wearing the classic galactic patrol armor,
" Planet Sodiain? " said a man at the end of the table in a confused tone of voice,
" Who would want to destroy planet Sodiain though? " said Jenny,
" The only person I could think about that would have a grudge against planet Sodiain is that saiyan Sado, " said Merus with an annoyed look in his eyes,
" Isn't he one of the three that escaped the galactic prison? " said an elderly man sitting on the opposite side of Merus, who was situated on the right side of the table,
" Yes, we have ordered a search to find him just recently, but we have had no luck in finding him, the only lead we had was that a Galatic patrol ship was destroyed on planet Yardrat, but we went over there, and talk to an elder yardrat named Pybara but he said that he never once sensed a saiyan on his planet, " said Merus looking at the elderly man,
" Yes I highly doubt a yardrat would hide a saiyan from us, knowing the two species' history with each other, " said Jenny,
The group of people continued talking about the destruction of planet Vegeta and planet sodiain before the group of men and women heard footsteps sprinting towards them, a black metal door on the right side of the room slid open before a small blue woman ran into the room out of breath,
" What are you doing here Jella, " said Merus looking at the woman after spinning around in his chair,
" I'm here to report that about twenty Galatic patrol ships were destroyed, the ships unexpectedly blew up from the inside, but from a few coms we were able to recover they said a man has teleported in there ships, they said he's a tall man with spiky hair, " said Jella slightly bowing,
" Then he must be Sado, so he has survived the destruction of planet vegeta, " said Merus clicking his tongue,
" Is this Sado you speak of strong? " Asked Jenny, Merus turned around before looking at her,
" Sorta of, he wasn't that strong when I first fought him but the thing that worries me, is that he is far smarter than all the saiyans I have fought, " said Merus slightly shaking his head, before speaking again
" It's been five years since the last time I have seen him, so there's no telling how much stronger he has gotten, " said Merus, Jenny look at him before glancing at Jellas standing next to him,
She gesture to Jellas to come to her, Jellas begins walking towards her, before she whispers something in her ear, Jellas eyes widen as…