
A Regretful Reincarnation In Another World

I wished one night to be drifted off into another world, why wouldn't I? I've read stories of spectacular adventures, I've played games with magics and espers, but upon reaching the new world I felt more regret than I could ever imagine.

SmolSushi · Fantasy
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4 Chs

C2: Congratulations

"I actually… Um… I don't know what to say…" I pretended to be humble, if the people were actually "looking" at me they would've realized that I really don't care. It's funny because, from all the stories I've read about the isekai genre, the people only cared about your power, they never saw "you."

The grass was crumpled and stomped to the cheers of the students congratulating me. The wind gently blew my robes, it drifted back and forth. The crowd had such big smiles on their faces, even the birds were singing, the animals watching, and the bees buzzing. I was supposed to feel warm about this, supposed to feel their affection towards me, but I just don't. I stared blankly at them with a smile across my face, whilst also appearing nervous at the same time. I stood on the stage, on the podium, holding my medal high and then raised my other hand up to show the book that Priest Cheon gave me.

"I really don't deserve this medal… The Master of Casting and Spells… I don't think I deserve this Grimoire of Magic Arts… anyways thank you! I would like to thank my family! [no I don't] I would like to thank my friends standing right at the front! [Friends?] And I would like to thank this school for all the memories it gave! [Memories? I don't even remember what happened yesterday] So thank you… thank you…" My mind blanked out for a moment, as if I were somewhere else. My mind returned to me a bit later as the crowd became louder. The teacher at the back sitting also seemed to be standing and applauding, no, seriously, I don't want to be the main character. Stop clapping those hands, I feel like my ears are going to burst. I walked off stage, "proudly" showing off my so-called trophies.

Priest Cheon walked me off the stage, "Magnificent speech! People from all over would definitely have recognized you as one of the greats! This is going to boost up our school ten fold!" As if the school weren't already big enough, it was basically a fortress at this point, you had walls that rose up so high you'd think they were skyscrapers. The gate was made out of polished gold, it had stained glass instead of normal windows, all of it seemed excessive to me. Worst off all about the school, the obnoxious people, please, you don't need more.

"Thank you, please, I really don't deserve this…" He talked on and on about me, it was pretty annoying hearing my name mentioned so many times. The compliments don't even feel like compliments, I've heard so many of, "Wow! You're so cool!" Probably over a million times. Surprisingly though, I don't hate the popularity, I've got so many connections that my research will no doubt be a fruitful success. No matter what I do, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get the backing of many nobles, I'll use them as resources, they need to do something useful in their lives instead of drowning themselves in women all day, but what do I know? I've never had a girlfriend before, let alone had a crush on somebody.

Prince Cheon walked me back towards the main office of the school, it was right near the entrance, just passed the golden gates you met a hallway and if you walk down far enough you'll see the first turn quickly, but I doubt you'll be able to get there, because the peculiar art on the wall is just so eye catching. One of the paintings was just a very detailed image of a wand, one things for sure though, the artist is really damn good, it looked like an actual picture. However, a long time ago I did question it, "do they have cameras?" Using my prowess ability I was able to find that this was actually made by a very skilled artist. One of the few things I appreciate in this world, a wand, well it's cool, what can I say?

Priest Cheon's room was extravagant, you had a small chandelier, the illumination of fairy dust on the walls, and the chairs were made out of silk-wool from the Spider Sheep, their wool alone costs ten jewels, similar to the price of a Tesla, and rightfully so, it felt like sitting on clouds, if that's how sitting on clouds felt like. So, two things I appreciate then, the wool and the painting.

Priest Cheon sat down, adjusting his white robes so they didn't get wrinkled. Adjusted his face mask and his top hat, not your typical Priest clothing, but it made him stand out from the rest.

"Well, you have one more year ahead of you, but before you go on break I'd like to give you this. You have the entire summer to think about it, you're our top student so I know you'll make the right decisions in life." The paper asked what my life goals were, what I have planned, what magic university I want to attend, for a moment I thought I was back home thinking about whether I should have a career in computers or in writing, but hear I am, casting magic, fighting in tournaments and trying to leave.

"Well, I already have something in mind."

"Really? Well don't be so quick to act on it, remember the entire summer."

I'm going to be travelling to many different places in hopes of finding a way back home, but after graduating I'll have even more freedom, but should I put that on my paper? What am I thinking, no-one even knows that I'm originally not from here, they'd probably put me into an insane asylum locked with magic seals and everything if I said anything.

Summer, huh… why is it that no matter the world, summer feels shorter as you grow older, or maybe it's just me. I headed back home, to the mansion. It looked similar to that of a European castle, thats if you don't mind the force field that surrounds it, I walked through, only people allowed were able to walk through the field. I walked up to the door and when I was about to open it, it flew open. I had little siblings, after I turned ten, my "mother" gave birth to two children Sienna and Cliff, they share the same name as "father" and "mother." They ran outside horsing around, probably playing tag, I walked in and was greeted by Mildi the maid.

"Welcome, if I may…" She took my robes, all I had was my pants and a buttoned-up shirt on.

"Thanks…" It was a genuine thanks this time, because it was Mildi, one of the people here that isn't so obnoxious, well she's a maid, if they were annoying they'd be fired.

I heard footsteps coming down from the grand staircase, "mother" glowed underneath the sun, the roof was similar to that of chapel so the light piercing through that shined on her, made her seem like an angel descending from the heavens.

"How was school dear?"

"The masses applauded my achievements today."

"Wonderful! Anyways, summer is around the corner shouldn't you take a break from all that studying and have fun with your friends?'

"You know I can't do that, studying is very important to me."

"If you're stuck reading a book up there for too long you're going to catch a cold."

By the time I'm cold, I'll be dead. "I'll be fine, I've never had a cold."

She gave me such a worried look, I ignored her and walked up the stairs, made myself gone into the left hallway, I opened the door, and walked inside. My bed was made, the clutter of papers had been thrown away, my books were nicely stacked on my desk. The trash bin inside was emptied out and the window curtains were fully opened. The maids did a real good job in cleaning.

I closed the curtains and fell onto the bed, It creaked real loudly that I thought it could be heard from around the world. I stared at the white ceiling which oddly felt nice and cool, and sometimes when I'm drifting from in and out of sleep, I would hear a beeping sound in my right ear.