
A regressor's 2nd chance

Lance seems to have regressed into his younger self. He knows what is to come, and this time, he'll be ready. This time, He will be strong enough.

SleepyAsura685 · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter 6: The Serpent's Proposition

In the heart of an unconventional landscape, before a dilapidated building boasting neon signs, I disembarked from a formal car. Dressed sharply, I was in stark contrast to the shabby surroundings. The spry old driver, Sebastian, cast a worried glance my way through the rearview mirror, "This place seems a little unconventional, Lance."

My thoughts broke as I looked back at him, my face hardening, "If that bastard isn't here, when I do eventually find him, he'll wish he had stayed hidden." The past few days had worn me thin, turning over six different locations without success.

"Sebastian, stay with the car. I can handle myself," I instructed before striding toward the grungy building. The entrance, under the lurid neon banner reading, "Every hole's a goal", led into a bar. The near-empty establishment buzzed with an upbeat techno rhythm and was occupied by a handful of patrons who seemed as weathered as their environment.

I approached the bar, the bartender meeting my gaze with suspicion. "Booker," I simply said, the single word dropped like a stone into a still pond.

The man's eyebrows furrowed, "There's no one here by that name." I responded with silence. The tension in the room escalated swiftly as I found myself encircled by a motley assortment of patrons. Knives, machetes, and pistols were brandished with palpable threat; one individual even wielded a bar stool.

The bartender interjected nervously, "You'd best run along, kid. Don't go looking for trouble." My response was another echo of the first, "Booker."

The calm before the storm evaporated, giving way to a flurry of hostile advances. I moved fluidly, every evasion and parry a balletic blend of martial arts styles, my body dodging each weapon by mere fractions. My form was the distilled essence of diverse fighting disciplines, each move efficient and purposeful.

When the dust settled, the fallen littered the floor, their groans of pain and shock filling the silence. As I moved towards the visibly shaken bartender, a voice rang out from above, "send him up." The man quickly complied, his trembling hand revealing an opening in the wall next to the bar - a hidden elevator.

Inside, the lift ascended, the doors opening to reveal a world entirely different from below. I was surrounded by the elegance of lush palms and succulents, the room teeming with opulence. A man, presumably Booker, entered the room with a disarming smile. "You shouldn't take those guys down there too seriously. They wouldn't have hurt you... too much."

I met his misplaced joviality with silence, moving to sit on a nearby sofa. Gesturing towards the seat across from me, my smirk punctuated the audacity of the action. His façade began to crack, anger quickly replacing amusement.

The sudden cold in the room was palpable. The man's rage seemed extinguished by an unseen force, his skin prickling with goosebumps. Meeting my gaze, he was met with eyes that resembled an abyss - empty, cold, devoid of any light or warmth.

Finally, I broke the silence. My voice, steady and firm, rang out, "Mr. Booker, please take a seat."