
A regressor's 2nd chance

Lance seems to have regressed into his younger self. He knows what is to come, and this time, he'll be ready. This time, He will be strong enough.

SleepyAsura685 · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter 12: Unfamiliar Reunion

As the echoes of her words, filled with annoyance and confusion, reverberated in the sparse office, I couldn't help but smile. This Elizabeth Tanaka was so different from the one I'd known in the throes of an uncertain future.

She wasn't the battle-hardened leader, who had maintained her poise even amidst the horrors that unfolded daily. The future had always been fraught with perils, destruction, and death being a constant. And yet, amidst all of that, she had been a beacon of strength.

Looking at her now, all professionalism and precision, I felt a pang of nostalgia mixed with a trace of anger. A deep-seated anger stemming from the profound loss I'd experienced in my past life. She had been more than a respected colleague to me; our mutual respect had evolved into something deeper. But fate had not been kind, and I was left grappling with a loss that cut deeper than any physical wound.

Suppressing the swirl of emotions threatening to rise, I composed myself and motioned her to follow. I led her down the short, well-lit hallway. I had designed this place, from the futuristic details down to the sourceless lighting. A stark contrast to the chaotic world outside.

As I waved my hand and a holographic keyboard sprung to life, I could sense her curiosity pique. I couldn't help but hum the tune that had often brought us comfort in our past life. A simple melody that had woven itself into the tapestry of our shared history. It felt oddly comforting in this strange, new present.

The tension in the room thickened as I turned to face her, revealing the various charts, files, and data projected in mid-air. This was no simple foundation for the disabled. This was the hub of a network that held the potential to influence the very course of our future.

"But underneath it all," I said, meeting her eyes, "You will have directive authority of it all."

A look of shock spread across her face, and she stumbled, falling to her knees. The sight stirred a strange mix of emotions in me. Part of me wanted to reach out, comfort her, reassure her that she was strong enough to handle this. But another part, the one still raw from the wounds of our past, held back.

Silently, I walked towards her, observing her shock-ridden face. My voice filled the room as I praised her, "Ms. Tanaka, I understand this is a lot to take in. But I have absolute faith in your capabilities. Your past accomplishments, your tenacity in handling diverse situations are unparalleled. They far exceed any expectations set by anyone else."

I paused, looking down at her. The words that left my mouth were sincere, holding a depth I didn't dare let on. "I need you."

In that moment, I acknowledged my determination to protect her, to ensure she grows stronger, to prevent history from repeating itself. This time, I wouldn't be too late. This time, I would be there for her. I was prepared for whatever was to come.