In a world similar to ours, an orphan named Haruki Kuraokami, guided by a prophecy, delved into forbidden magic. His transformation into the Overlord, a figure of awe and terror, didn’t change his kind heart. Despite his fearsome exterior, he yearned for companionship and understanding. Haruki had many enemies, including the Order of the Crimson Dawn, who plotted to overthrow him. Among them was Sakura, a double agent who pretended to be his loyal servant. As she spent more time with Haruki, she saw his compassionate leadership and lonely soul, and fell in love with him. Caught between duty and love, Sakura must decide whether to follow the Order’s plan to kill Haruki or stay with him. The fate of Haruki and Sakura hangs in the balance as the tale of the Overlord with a heart continues. Tags: Magic, Overlord, Prophecy, Forbidden Magic, Transformation, Enemies, Order of the Crimson Dawn, Double Agent, Love, Duty, Decision, Fate