
A Rebel Zombie

After surviving the beginning of the Zombie Apocalypse three friends meet a human zombie. But she's different, she still has all of the traits of a human, she can feel and show fear, but she is a zombie and needs to eat flesh. They must overcome their fears and accept her. Dusty finds himself drawn to her and wants to keep her safe. This leads them on a quest to find out how she became that way and if there is any way to change her back to human and perhaps to bring an end to the zombie's once and for all.

DustyOlivia · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Time to Go

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the desolate landscape, Alex and three other people from the resistance arrived back at their safehouse. His footsteps echoed softly against the cold, hard ground as he approached the entrance, his breath visible in the crisp evening air. With a determined expression etched upon his face, he wasted no time in delivering the news to Dusty, William, Samantha, and Sarah. 

The four were excited to welcome Alex back to their safehouse, this was the visit they had been expecting and preparing for since early last week.

"I have news, it's tomorrow morning," he began, his voice steady and resolute, "we'll be moving out tomorrow. Meet at the abandoned garage, and bring everything you need with you. We'll be walking south as a group starting from that location."

His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of uncertainty and anticipation. The four survivors exchanged glances, a mixture of excitement and apprehension reflected in their eyes. They knew that this journey would be fraught with danger, but they also understood that it was their best chance at finding safety and sanctuary in a world ravaged by chaos and despair. Alex then went on to explain in more details what their plans entailed and how many people would be involved in the trip. He also assured him that they were planning as safe a route as possible and have already sent a few scouts on ahead to map out the best path possible.

"As you can see, we have already prepared, we will finish off and leave here early in the morning." Dusty stated. "Also, we thought you might want to take a quick look at what we are leaving behind, just in case there is anything that you guys would like to take with you."

"Thank you," Alex replied as Dusty pointed to the shelves of supplies they were not taking. The four men walked along the shelves and gathered some survival gear, some extra first aid equipment and ammunition that did not fit the guys they had decided to take. On behalf the the group Alex expressed his gratitude.

"We will meet you at the abandoned gas station just after noon tomorrow." William said, the excitement evident in his voice.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Alex turned on his heel and disappeared back into the city along with his three companions, leaving the four of them to prepare for the journey ahead. They wasted no time in finishing packing their belongings, carefully selecting only the essentials to take with them on their trek southward.

As they had done the last few nights they built a large fire in the stove, if they were going to leave the wood behind, they might as well use what they could to be comfortable. They enjoyed a final good meal before heading off to bed for their last night in the city. As usual, Dusty did his rounds, checking the bolts on the doors and windows one last time.

As the fire crackled and danced in the hearth, casting a warm glow throughout the safehouse, the four survivors gathered around its flickering light. They shared stories of their past adventures, reminiscing about happier times before the world had been consumed by darkness and despair.

The night passed slowly, each moment weighted with the knowledge that would be their last in the relative safety of their makeshift home. But despite the looming uncertainty of what lay ahead, they found solace in each other's company, drawing strength from the bonds of friendship and camaraderie that had formed between them. Excitement for the journey ahead growing with each passing hour.

As the first light of dawn began to filter through the cracks in the boarded-up windows, casting long shadows across the floor, the four survivors rose to their feet, their resolve unwavering in the face of adversity. With one final glance around the now-empty safehouse, they gathered their belongings and set out into the cold, unforgiving world beyond.

In the morning their final preparations were made, water and food was loaded, their wagons mounted on the slides were fully packed and ready to move out.

As they began, the wagons creaked and groaned under the weight of their provisions they had loaded into them, the sound echoing eerily through the empty streets. Each item was carefully stowed away, maximizing the space to allow them to bring as much as possible with them. A silent reminder of the challenges they would face and the sacrifices they would make to survive along the way.

The journey to the abandoned garage was fraught with danger, the streets eerily silent save for the occasional shuffle of the undead lurking in the shadows. But they pressed on, their footsteps echoing against the crumbling pavement as they made their way through the desolate landscape.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they arrived at their destination. The abandoned garage loomed before them, a crumbling relic of a bygone era, its rusted doors hanging precariously from their hinges. As they approached, they could see the faint glimmer of firelight flickering from within, a beacon of hope in the darkness.

With a sense of anticipation and trepidation, they pushed open the doors and stepped inside, their eyes adjusting to the dim interior. The rest of the group was already gathered around the fire, their faces illuminated by its warm glow as they shared stories and laughter amidst the ruins of the old garage.

As they settled in amongst their newfound companions, a sense of camaraderie washed over them, a shared bond forged in the crucible of adversity. They knew that the road ahead would not be easy, but they also knew that they were not alone. Together, they would face whatever challenges the future held, united in their determination to survive.

Along with Alex, both Dr. Andrew Mullins and Dr. Patricia Merchant were there, they would be making the trip with them. In addition, there were a few faces Sarah recognized but many that she did not. Doctor Merchant took the time to introduce each of them to the new people. Sarah drawing the most attention. Doctor Mullins mentioned to Sarah that he did have a small update but it could wait until they were on their way south.

With that, they all had a quick lunch, gathered their things and set off beginning the long journey to their new home.