
A Rebel Zombie

After surviving the beginning of the Zombie Apocalypse three friends meet a human zombie. But she's different, she still has all of the traits of a human, she can feel and show fear, but she is a zombie and needs to eat flesh. They must overcome their fears and accept her. Dusty finds himself drawn to her and wants to keep her safe. This leads them on a quest to find out how she became that way and if there is any way to change her back to human and perhaps to bring an end to the zombie's once and for all.

DustyOlivia · Fantasy
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67 Chs

The Winter Wilderness

As the sun rose over the snow-covered landscape, the group of survivors trudged through the frozen terrain, their breath misting in the chill morning air. The winter landscape was unforgiving, and Sarah knew that they had to be careful to avoid frostbite and hypothermia.

As they walked, the group passed by a small town, its buildings reduced to mere skeletons. The streets were empty and silent, except for the sound of their own footsteps. Sarah felt a shiver run down her spine as she gazed upon the desolate landscape.

"What's wrong?" William asked, noticing Sarah's concern.

Sarah hesitated before speaking. "I just don't like this," she said, her voice low. "It feels like we're walking into a trap."

William nodded in agreement. "I know what you mean. But we have to keep moving. We can't stay here."

Samantha chimed in, her voice filled with excitement. "I'm so excited to be heading south! I've heard that the warmer climates are safer and more abundant."

Sarah turned to her, a hint of skepticism in her voice. "Really? What makes you think that?"

Samantha's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "I've heard stories from a couple of the other survivors with us. They said they had heard from a few that had made it to the south. They say that there are still pockets of civilization left, and that the government is trying to rebuild."

Sarah raised an eyebrow. "That's all well and good, but we can't assume that just because it's warmer that it's safer."

William nodded in agreement. "We need to be cautious and keep our wits about us. We can't let our guard down just because we're heading in a warmer direction."

As they continued their journey, they came across a small gas station on the side of the road. The sign creaked in the wind, reading "Open" in faded letters.

Sarah's eyes lit up with excitement. "Let's check it out," she said, her voice filled with hope.

The group entered the gas station, their eyes scanning the dusty shelves and faded posters. There was a small office in the back, where they found a phone and a radio.

William picked up the phone, his eyes scanning the numbers on the dial. "I think we might be able to get some help," he said, humor in his voice as he knew the lines had long ago gone dead. Picking up the receiver he talked into it as if talking to a long lost friend, finally asking to have a pizza delivered to their location.

The others laughed, wishing the pizza would really come.

Looking around, Sarah's eyes lit up with hope. "Maybe we'll be able to get some supplies and get warm," she said.

But as they sat there in the dimly lit gas station, Sarah couldn't shake off the feeling that they were being watched. She glanced around the room nervously, her eyes scanning for any sign of danger.

And then she saw them - a group of zombies shambling towards them from the direction of the town they had passed earlier.

"Oh no," Sarah whispered, her voice barely audible.

William's eyes snapped up. "What is it?"

Sarah pointed towards the approaching zombies. "There's trouble coming our way."

The group quickly sprang into action, grabbing whatever they could find and preparing for battle. They knew that they had to protect themselves if they wanted to survive.

As they fought off the zombies, Alex couldn't help but think about how lucky they were to have found this place, it gave them a break from the weather and a short rest but he knew that they couldn't stay any longer. There weren't a large number of zombies so they were dealt with quite quickly.

"We need to keep moving," Alex said, his voice low.

Sarah nodded in agreement. "But we need to find a way to stay warm and dry. We can't keep walking in this cold."

Dr. Mullins nodded. "I think we can find some ways to adapt. We just need to use our brains and our resources."

Sarah nodded. "Let's find some place to get some rest and figure out our plan for tomorrow."

Dusty spoke up, "I saw some buildings up ahead. Maybe we can find some supplies and get warm."

The group picked up their pace, their eyes fixed on the distant buildings. As they approached, they saw that they were small, rundown structures, but they looked like they might have been used as homes or barns.

The group entered the nearest building, their eyes adjusting to the dim light. It was cold and musty, but it was better than being out in the open. Sarah looked around, taking in the surroundings. There was a small woodstove in the center of the room, and some old pallets and crates scattered around.

"Let's get a fire going," Dr. Mullins said, his eyes scanning the room. "We can burn some of these pallets, this building looks like it will be a pretty good shelter."

Sarah nodded. "Along with these crates we can go to gather some firewood."

As they worked to get a fire started, Sarah noticed that one of the men in the group was acting strangely. He was shivering uncontrollably, and his eyes looked glassy and unfocused.

"What's wrong with him?" Sarah asked, her voice low.

Dr. Mullins looked up from his work. "I think he might be getting hypothermia," he said. "We need to get him warm and dry as soon as possible."

Sarah nodded. "Let's get him by the fire and try to warm him up."

As they worked to get the man warm and comfortable, Sarah couldn't help but think about how lucky they were to have found this place. They were safe for now, but she knew that they couldn't stay here for long.

As they settled in for the night, Sarah couldn't help but think about what lay ahead for them. Would they be able to outrun the new form of life? And what would happen when they finally reached their destination? Only time would tell.

The group slept fitfully, their bodies numb from the cold and their minds racing with thoughts of survival. As they drifted off to sleep, Sarah knew that they had been lucky to find this place, but she also knew that they couldn't stay here forever.

They would have to keep moving, no matter what dangers lay ahead.