
A Realm Transcendent

"All that has a start also has an end." Celestial beings, the Architects of everything we call creation, are all aware of it: The looming doom that will destroy all. As a countermeasure, a selection of humans, given the name Evocatus, are beared with the responsibility to save all they can; If they can, that is. Will they be able to save it all? Will they be able to advance through all physical, emotional and psychological harm? –––––––––––––– It all depends on one thing: Whether they find what will destroy it. Or rather.. WHO will destroy it.

Sikawa · Fantasy
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54 Chs


"This was your plan all along, huh... I never expected your plan to be.... This much.." Herald thought as he stared at Aurendor. Like a lone wolf, he stood at the center, staring at the Higher Celestials.

"Good day to you, great ones." Aurendor said, bowing slightly.

"What brings you here, Aurendor?" One being asked.

"Did you come to explain yourself to us?"

"Well, yes. You were going to summon me anyway, except that my Lord and Sir Herald stopped you from doing so." Aurendor said, staring at Zain. Zain grit his teeth as he stared back at him, his fury spiking up every second they stared at each other.

"Then answer us this: Why did you give the Orion to that new celestial? You are surely aware of the potency its power has. It is a weapon that your master made herself... A treasured weapon even among the higher celestials... A weapon that has some skills yet to be unlocked... WHY DID YOU GIVE IT TO THE BOY?"

An immense pressure covered the entire realm, yet Aurendor remained calm, as if the energy burst was just some wind breeze.

"This Aurendor..He looks so composed, isn't he affected at all by the pressure? Or is he just cocky?" Zain wondered.

"I gave it to the boy because he is my chosen one. I have deemed him worthy of it and I shall still bestow my master's Legacy on him. It is true that the weapon is indeed powerful, but the already unlocked skills aren't very effective. The weapon locks its skills depending on the user's power, so you lot have no reason to worry at all for at least two to five years." Aurendor said.

As Aurendor continued speaking, Herald got to understand what Aurendor was planning.

"By saying two to five years, the higher celestials will assume that the kid has a somewhat powerful form, but not one for them to worry about. They will also opt to do the wait and watch method, so that they check whether the kid is indeed worthy, they won't try to investigate right now... Splendid indeed, Aurendor." Herald thought as he smiled slightly.

His creator stared at him then back at Aurendor.

"You two have always been mischievous little foxes, this is some kind of plan, isn't it?" He asked Herald telepathically.

"Yes, my Lord. But fret not, Aurendor seems to have everything under control."

"I take this as a confession that you two are indeed hiding something about that summoned. I shall only ask this then, is his form worth protecting?"

"Yes, it will be completely worth it my Lord,"

"I see, then I shall need to see the boy soon too, do not forget to bring him to the divine world."

"I was already planning to do so after a while. I shall prepare him well so that you may find his talent worthy enough to cause all this commotion."

"Herald, did you happen to teach Aurendor any skill, by any chance?" One being asked.

"Yes I did. The all knowing gaze." Herald replied.

"What does that skill do?"

"Its an ability that enables one to see the amount of potential a being has."

Gasps spread around the higher celestials.

"So, Aurendor, you already knew how powerful your summoned is going to be?" Zain asked, his face downcast.

"Yes indeed. That is why I gave him a level one, so that he would be left behind by those prideful ones with a higher level. Then, a simple act made me acquire his sister too, another human who was interesting and still is. But still, the boy does manage to surprise me at times..." Aurendor said with a straight face.

"So, you toyed around with them huh.. Splendid indeed Aurendor! You truly live up to your title!" One higher Celestial said.

"Well, it is something I had to do anyway, Mitsuki couldn't be left in that world while he has such a crazy amount of potential. To save creation, I'll toy with him as much as possible. Even though I never thought he would become such a powerful celestial, I'll just have to adjust things. This is the least I can do to save everything.." Aurendor thought.

Aurendor was indeed, toying with Mitsuki and Miyuki, though for the sake of the greater good.

"Now then, what do you plan to do from now on?" Herald asked, acting as if he wasn't aware about it.

"I will train the kid, starting with the dungeons on the planet he is right now, then after all the other chosen ones of our family and other Celestial beings transcend, we shall start the pilgrimage." Aurendor said, looking at his creator.

"I see. If that is the case, I will make sure the dungeons your chosen one visits have the best and powerful monsters never seen in existence."

Said an elderly looking female Higher Celestial. Her eyes were closed and she was smiling. She had a silver mage staff on her hand, using it as support. The other higher celestials looked at each other curiously.

They never thought that she would actually talk, especially something of that sort. Aurendor didn't expect it too; hearing the sound of one of the oldest higher celestials:

Alener, the creator of dungeons and monsters.

"What's with the looks, little ones? I only want to help out my friend's student, and I am also curious to see whether that boy is indeed worthy of my friend's weapon, that is all."

She said as she stared at Aurendor, revealing her silver eyes, making Aurendor get goosebumps.

"I am indeed thankful for the help, Lady Alener." Aurendor replied, bowing a complete ninety degrees.

"Good, I'll be sure to tell the rest of your decision, goodluck," Alener said as she tapped the ground with her staff. She vanished, heading to the other older Higher Celestials.

"As expected of Aurendor.. You have an elder celestial backing you up. You should be here with us as a higher celestial." One said.

"I am honored that you think so, but I must decline once again.. Mr Zain over here just got in some few hundred years ago, I would feel bad removing him.." Aurendor said.

As some giggles spread around the higher celestials, Zain could not take it anymore. He walked towards Aurendor and unsheathed his sword, pointing it at him.

"I've had enough of this AURENDOR!! I challenge you to a duel!!"


Sorry for not uploading for the past one week :( I'll try to compensate next week!

Sikawacreators' thoughts