
A Realm Beyond: Spiro (Deader than dead… I wish it wasn’t)

Woken up by explorers. Our protagonists finds herself stranded on an unknown world with a memory drive missing. She is forced to stabilize herself before setting out in search of her memories.

Commonnerfer · Sci-fi
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15 Chs

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It is at this point that I have to stop posting the book on Webnovel.

I am going to continue writing it in hope I find somewhere else to publish it.

As I stated at the start A Realm Beyond is meant to be a multiwork series. This is the end of the first draft of the first book.

I should have something figured out within a month or two hopefully, whether it's my own website or something else.

All I can say is join my discord if your interest on seeing what happens with this book series from here on out.


I will say what comes next is the final draft.

Along with another book about the history of the world from earths point of view.

After that I get to start Spiro and Eclipse book 2 in the series.