
A Real Villainess : 'she is a disease'

Idhaya, a new transfer student, arrived at the prestigious Royal Crystal Academy with hopes of a fresh start. However, her journey took an unexpected turn when she encountered the infamous S5 group on her very first day. To her dismay, they immediately targeted and began bullying her. In an attempt to intimidate Idhaya, the S5 group orchestrated a malicious act by showing her a video. The footage depicted Idhaya allegedly slapping their leader in a crowded bar, causing a scene that brought humiliation and anger to their group. Although Idhaya vehemently denied her involvement, the S5 group refused to believe her, further fueling their hostility towards her. Overwhelmed by the relentless bullying and the weight of the false accusations, Idhaya found herself on the verge of despair. In a moment of desperation, she decided to take her own life by jumping off a bridge. However, fate intervened at the right time when a mysterious individual named Arnav appeared, saving her from the tragic fate. The encounter with Arnav triggered a profound transformation within Idhaya. In a matter of seconds, her personality shifted, and Haya, her alter ego, emerged. Confused and unaware of the connection between Arnav and Haya, Idhaya found herself facing a stranger who seemed to hold answers about their shared history. Arnav, knowing the secret deal that had transpired between Haya and himself, offered Idhaya a cryptic proposition. He revealed fragments of their past encounters, leaving Idhaya puzzled and intrigued. Completely unaware of the intricacies of their connection, Idhaya was left to grapple with the mystery surrounding her alter ego and the enigmatic role Arnav played in her life. As Idhaya delves deeper into the complex web of her past and present, she must confront the S5 group's relentless bullying, the accusations against her, and the enigma of her relationship with Arnav. With her very identity hanging in the balance, Idhaya embarks on a journey of self-discovery, seeking the truth that will unravel the mysteries surrounding her existence at Royal Crystal Academy.

Prosperity_forms · Teen
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6 Chs

Why are they doing this to me?

"Who are they?" Idhaya asked, pointing her finger at the boy group who were surrounded by a large crowd.

"Hey, don't point," she scolded, slapping my finger.

"Are they celebrity kids?" Idhaya muttered to herself, but her words were loud enough for Ruchi to hear.

"Hey, well, they're known as a group called Striker Group," Ruchi explained.

"Wow, it feels like a K-drama," Idhaya remarked.

"It's more than that," Ruchi replied.

"So, what's so special about them?"

"Well, they're a highly popular group in our school, super intelligent, and one of them is the son of the famous film star Tiger Goyal."

"Wait, the famous Tiger Goyal?" Idhaya exclaimed.

"Yeah, the renowned superstar," Ruchi confirmed.

"Wow! I can't believe it. It feels like I'm just watching a moving 3D video," Idhaya expressed in awe.

"Believe me," Ruchi assured her, "this guy is as good as his father."

"The rest of them are okay, except for that joker. He's a piece of trash," Ruchi criticized.

"Who are you talking about? The one walking in the back?" Idhaya asked.

"Yeah, the guy with long hair and a zig-zag metal band on top of his head," Ruchi clarified.

Is he your brother? Asked idhaya while looking at Ruchi.

"That guy is my brother."

"Bingo!" Ruchi exclaimed, pulling Idhaya back to her seat.

"Congratulations," Ruchi continued, shaking hands with Idhaya. "That 'trash' is your benchmate".

Idhaya looked at Ruchi, sensing that she didn't like her brother at all. As Ruchi had mentioned before, perhaps it was because he was one of the school bullies, which could explain her dislike.

But before Idhaya could sit back on her bench, she tripped and fell flat on her stomach.

Idhaya, for a moment, didn't realize what was happening to her. She held her right leg tightly, realizing it was badly injured, while the whole class burst into laughter.

Idhaya looked around and saw a girl who had intentionally tripped her, causing her to fall to the floor. It was clear that it was not an accident.

Ruchi, feeling confused, immediately went towards Idhaya.

"Are you okay?" Ruchi asked, concerned.

Idhaya nodded her head, indicating that she was fine. But before Ruchi could help Idhaya stand on her feet,

Someone from behind threw a bunch of chalk at Ruchi, interrupting the moment.

"Don't try to be a hero," the girl warned, narrowing her eyes at Idhaya and then turning her attention back to Ruchi.

"Hey babes, did you forget the punishment for new schoolers?" she taunted Ruchi.

"I don't want to drag you into this," the girl said to Ruchi dismissively.

"Leave this girl to me," she declared, clearly indicating her intention to deal with Idhaya herself.

Idhaya looked incredibly confused, not understanding what was happening or why they were targeting her. The situation had escalated quickly, and she found herself at the center of unwanted attention.

The door swung open with a loud bang as a group of five boys, the S5 group, entered the class.

"So, is this your doing?" Ruchi shouted, confronting the group.

"What's next? Why are you targeting her?" Ruchi demanded answers.

"Take her outside," the long-haired guy commanded, and one of the boys from the group forcefully dragged Ruchi out of the classroom.

"Everyone, get out!" the long-haired guy yelled, and within a minute, the entire class had emptied, leaving only Idhaya behind.

Idhaya, still unsure of what was happening, used the support of a nearby bench to stand on her feet. She was left alone in the now empty classroom, wondering about the events that had unfolded.

I apologize for any confusion caused by the previous response. Here is a corrected version:

However, as Idhaya was about to leave the classroom, the girl who had tripped her suddenly punched her right in the face. Idhaya fell to the floor once again, blood streaming from her nose.

"Jessica, leave her alone," a short guy with brown hair intervened.

In a fit of anger, Jessica kicked the girl's right leg before storming out of the classroom. The guy with spectacles closed the door behind her.

Idhaya gathered herself and stood up, preparing to leave the classroom. But someone from behind grabbed her by the scruff and threw her back onto the floor.

"Hey Harry, she's a girl. Show some respect," the brown-haired guy protested.

"...but before the brown-haired guy could finish his sentence, he was stopped by another member of their group.

"Sid, if you can't handle it, you can leave," Harry, the long-haired guy, stated firmly.

"Nav, show him the way," Harry instructed another member of the group.

"I'm telling you, this time you're going overboard. At least show some respect since she's a girl," Sid pleaded.

"I haven't done anything yet. It was Jessica," Harry reminded Sid.

"How the hell did she know about her before you did?" Nav questioned Harry.

"I don't know," Harry responded, his voice filled with frustration.

"Are you sure, man? Is she the one we're looking for? Because she doesn't look like the one," Nav said to Harry.

"Do you think I'm kidding?" Harry retorted.

Something was clearly wrong with Idhaya. She held her head tightly, feeling overwhelmed as everything became blurry. She couldn't handle it anymore.

In her desperation, she tried to run towards her bag, hoping to find some solace or escape. However, strong hands grabbed her and forcefully pulled her back by her leg.

"Who are you?" Idhaya asked, her voice trembling with fear.

"This bitch, I know it's you! Stop pretending!" the guy said, his grip tightening around her neck.

Idhaya gasped for breath, struggling to speak. Tears streamed down her face as she pleaded, "I can't breathe... Why are you doing this to me?"

The situation had taken a dark turn, and Idhaya felt helpless and confused, not understanding why she was being targeted in such a cruel manner.