
A Quest For A King

After being a ruler of a kingdom in the Underworld, Adam decided to abandon the boring and toxic crown's life, and taking now a path wich his past self wanted, but what will he do to fulfill his desires when he is known as the world's most dangerous man ever ?

YopiYapa · Action
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: Memory (Part 2)

While Adam was overwhelmed by the sight of his lovely wife, he slept next to her in the bed, after Adam sleeps, Lucille woke up, she was awake since Adam entered her room, and she acted sleeping because she was ashamed of the sight of her chamber, she was the type who wouldn't want her husband to see her sloppy side, also she was surprised by the fact that her husband decides to visit her out of sudden, there was a mix of emotions running wild inside the poor Lucille, sadness, confusion, fear, anger, and happiness...

She tries to get up but couldn't, given the fact that Adam is holding her arm, she realizes that her husband is worried about her, she can't hold back her emotions anymore, from losing her first child at the hands of her parents to the constant bullying and mistreatment at the noble's parties, she couldn't find peace, only when she was at the presence of her husband Adam, she remembered her past life when she was young before meeting her him...

I remember the time when I was known as the shame of Shamshar household, I was born with the least energies reserves, I didn't have the talent like my little sister or the powers like my big brother, I craved for my parent's attention, but I couldn't make them care or talk with me, I remember how the maids were disrespectful towards me, I mean I can understand why, since my family and the elders have seen me as a nuisance, a problem that didn't have a solution, I was kept off the public appearance, so the maids didn't see me as someone worth to serve with respect, so I often didn't get meals or education, sometimes big brother handled serving my meals and teatching me, it wasn't much, because he did them in secret, I remembered when he gave me a chocolate cookie, it was rare at that time, he didn't eat it because he wanted me to have it, perhaps my brother Kane was my father and mother figure, it's weird but I loved it, when I reached sixteen, my clothes start to tighten up, I was growing up in my clothes, I tried to knott my own clothes from the sheets and some fabric that I got, I hurt my hands, when my brother visited me at night, he saw my hands, he was enraged, he screamed at me saying that I can't heal my injuries, and he won't be present for the next weeks, I cried because I made my brother angry, but he has a big heart, he holds me and wipe up my tears, I told him that tried knitting because I didn't want to burden his shoulder with my needs and desires, after talking with each other and laughting, he tells me about his dreams, he told me that he want to unit the land of Mir, make every one lives happily, I told him that I will do anything to make my big brother's dreams come to true, he stares at me for a while, then says: "Lucille, I will make you the

Queen of Mir, I make sure to marry you to the most suitable man for you, I will be your shadow, me and Lucy, we will protect you, I will gain power and the position of the heir so that I can make marry the strongest man that I know..."

I was very happy when I heard that my brother has been thinking about me this whole time...

He told me that he will ask Lucy about some clothes to spare tomorrow, he heals my injured hands and gives me my dinner and pat my head, he looks at me with sad eyes...

The day after, Kane didn't visit me, I was lonely and sad, I knew that he was busy, but he did tell me that he took The Challenge Of The Heirs, I was reading some books that Kane brought to me, these books tell the story of a young man who couldn't fit in his village so he decided to travel across the world, he meets a dragon, they fight but becomes sworn brothers, then they travel to a legendary kingdom, where their princess suffered from a curse, that whoever looks at her he will turn to a sculpture made of gold. Thus, our hero tries to save her, and he succeeds, they marry each other, and the princess abandoned her title and wanted to travel with her husband, she joins his party with the dragon, and the story goes on...



I hear someone calling my name, I open the door, it's a young girl with short black hear, purple eyes and white skin, she wears a fancy dress and smells nice, she tries to hide a bag, I think she's my little sister Lucy, this is our first meeting, I don't know what to say, she's too doesn't know what to say, I let her enter my room and we stare at each other, the atmosphere is awkward, I try to break the silence by saying something, but she seems to want to tell me something, I ask her: "D-do you want to say something?"

She replies:" Yes, my brother Kane, told me to visit you, he asked me if I have some clothes that could fit you..."

"By the way, I am Lucy, Lucy Shamsher, and I assume that you are my big sister Lucille?"

I was happy to meet my little sister for the first time, I was afraid that she would hate me or treat me badly, but it seems that my sister is the opposite of what I was afraid of."

"Yes, I am Lucille, your big sister, nice to meet you, I'm happy to see you for the first time in person...If you want, we can be friends, hahaha???"

"Why not sister!!!"

The two sister's etiquettes lost to their hearts, they hold each other...what happens after that is left for another time...

Returning to the present, Lucille gently takes off her husband's hand from her arm, and he covers him with the sheet, she opens the door and asks her personal maid for a broom and dustpan, the lady-in-waiting asks Lucille to let her clean, as for someone like the Queen's caliber shouldn't do this type of work, Lucille replies with a smile: "Maria, you're right, the queen shouldn't do this, but I came here as Lucille, not the Queen, I asked you as a friend, I didn't order you, so please Maria, listen to my demand."

Lady Maria can't keep her calm face, she barely holds her tears, she handed the broom and the dustpan to her friend Lucille, and tell her if she need something she calls.

Lucille thanked her friend and goes away, Maria close the door, she trembled with happiness and joy, seeing her friend and master happy she couldn't hold herself.

Lucille returns to her room, she tries to clean it, it was 1:00 a.m, Lucille finishes cleaning, it was fast, perhaps her years of living with no maid made her an excellent cleaner, there still the broken mirror and the cracked walls, she knew that her powers were hitting from time to time when she was in despair, it was a sign, she tries to sleep on the bed where Adam is, she stumbles by carpet and fell, but Adam holds her before she hurt herself, an awkward moment where she and he are looking at each other, Adam hugs Lucille, then says: "Be careful where you put your feet, I don't want to see you hurt..."

Lucille blushes with embarrassment, then replies: "I'm sorry my lord, due to my loss of focus I woke you up..."

"It's okay, I was awake since you started cleaning..."

Adam did realize how bad his words are, he just made Lucille blushes even harder, she was about to cry because of the only person that she doesn't want to see her misty side just knew everything from the beginning to the end.

Adam remembered what the Sage Hana told him about his wife: "Don't try to embarrass her or make her feel uneasy, remember she hold great pride for her looks when you're around, if you see something, act like you didn't, I know you blockhead won't understand what I say...What I'm saying is you're just gonna forget about everything I told you now, God help us, this idiot of a man will make my precious queen suffer..."

Sage Hana, I just remember your nagging, darn it, I think I just messed up everything.

"I'm sorry Lucille, I didn't mean it, hahaha???"

Lucille can't control herself, she hit her husband's face.

"You idiot, it's not like it seems, I just wanted to find my ring, so I ended up cleaning everything, I didn't find him after all!!!"

Adam then says: "You mean the ring that you wear in your left hand?"

Adam realizes again how grave his words are, this idiot will break his wife's feelings.

Lucille can't react anymore, this bastard just drained her power, she can't react anymore.

"I'm sorry, Lucille, I think my mouth acts iffy when I'm near you."

"It's okay, it is my fault that we ended up in this situation, as the queen of Mir, I shouldn't fall to this level just because a child that wasn't born died..."

Adam gets up, he holds his wife's face and says:

"No, you are wrong!!!"

"No Adam, I was overreacting over our child's death!!!!"

Adam gets angry, and says: "There is nothing more hurtful to a parent than their child's death, it's more harder for a mother to her first child, so don't say that kind of thing, you have the right to cry, you have the right to mourn over our dead child, no one will talk or criticize you over your actions, I failed to protect you, I betrayed your trust by not fulfilling my duty as a husband toward you, and what hurt even more that failed my child..."

Adam can't continue, from the day he was born to now, he did never feel this kind of pain and emotions, his chest tighten, his face gets red, his tears come from his eyes, he can't talk...

Lucille sees her husband's agony, she can't keep it inside anymore, she cries with her husband, if anyone were to watch this scene, they would break into tears, a father and a mother morn over their first child's death, you cannot do anything except to wish for their future to be bright...

The king regain control over his feelings, he felt his queen's hand over his shoulder, she didn't finish crying, fearing that it would affect her condition, Adam hugs her to calm her, he talks to her: " Lucille...you must get over this, you won't be able to survive if you keep holding to the past, what was done is done, we can't change the past, so please, try to cheer up and act as your past self, Lucille of Mir..."

She looks up at the ornate ceiling, then says: "Adam...you know who caused the miscarriage..."

Adam replies: "Who is it, Lucille? who cause it?"

"It was my father and mother, Adam, it was them!!!"

"Older brother Kane told me about it, he was suspicious about them, he asked them directly, and they said that it was necessary since they didn't want the descendant of Shamshar to be powerless like me..."

Adam holds Lucille tighter, then says: "Lucille, it's okay, it's okay, I knew it this evening, Kane sent a message passed by Duke Antares, saying that he will take over the Shamshar clan..." while gently patting her fragile body.

She cries harder than before...

She says with a sad expression: "I'm sorry Adam...I'm so sorry..."

"It's okay Lucille, you suffered enough from me and your parents, tomorrow will be a new era for us, we will take a vacation!!!"

Lucille reacted: "Really, we will?"

"Yes my dear, we will travel to wherever you want, as much as you want, this time only me and you, as Adam and Lucille, not as the king and the queen of Mir, but as lovers..."

"Thank you, Adam, thank you so much...I love you, I love you, Adam, I will be the best wife that you could imagine!!!!"

"I know Lucille, I know..."

"And I shall be the greatest king that can be..." he mumbled

Lucille lost consciousness, the Adam put her in the bed, he slept while holding her from the back...