
A Queen Don't Need A Crown

DaoistynPXVa · Others
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3 Chs


AUTHOR: While walking on the road she bump in someone she don't know who it was obviously he is an unknown person to her

Mr Roy:oh! Shit can't you see are you blind or what you just ruined my whole Gucci shoes do you know if you sell you're kindney also you can't afford it beggar

*He walk pass by her she herself was a little disturbed by his attitude*

Y/n:she just get up from there and collect her stuffs and walk to school *yeah I know readers must be thinking why she didn't take any action she could have been a little savage but being bad with a bad one is not a good idea always choosing violance is not good*

She sighed and went inside her school

while walking through the stairs she bumps to her bully actually this time she didn't bump her bully bump into her she was about to fall from stairs but she managed herself to not fall

Bully:look who we have here NERD our school's biggest nerd

Everyone started laughing at you


Bully:what did you say

Y/n: can't you here our school's biggest bully can't here anymore

Now everyone started laughing at your bully

Bully:how dare you *he shout*


Her bully was about to hit her when the bell ring for the first class

Y/n:*she waves her hand infront of him and run to her class

Y/n: Atlast I m in my seat

And then the teacher started teaching and like this way her school went by

After finishing her classes she went to her workplace

While she was working

*To be continued*