
A Queen's Pawn

As the king of Belarus raises an army of creatures unknown to this realm, will Aelin Morgenstern, the Silent Slayer, outface the odds and save everyone from an evil like none this world has seen or will she surrender to his royal higness once her horrors are stripped free? •First book in the Phlegethon Series• While Aelin plays a game of fate and death with the queen of Earth, for a pendant that holds the key to all the caged terrors. Will she ally with princess of Ethopia and her Fae court or will her selfish needs push her to use the Fae beings for her own ploys? Aelin clashes with her past and sights for her future, but will she play right into the Queen's trap or will she pierce her way through it? Each turn brings her closer to an undeniable truth but one wrong move could raise hell, from the deepest, darkest parts. After all it is a game of thrones and kings and queens and pawns.

Wishma_Hafeez · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 8

A hand stroked her hair, the warm sensation blocking out any sort of fear that had been strangling her. The body next to her embraced her slowly, the gentleness soothing her. Sleep surfaced to claim her, her eyelids growing heavier by the second. Then came a loud roaring noise, a scream it may have been, a loud depthless, agonizing scream. The sharpness sending everything around her rumbling. It was enough to shake her out of her sleep, something inside of her jumping at the noise, roaring itself. The screaming grew louder, the gentle hand in her hair stopping at the noise. The hand stilled for what seemed like a minute, the warmth of it still lingering, missing the strokes that had walked her to sleep. She didn't dare open her eyes, her hands clutched tightly sweat greeting them. The roaring inside her screamed louder promising to break free. Sounds of men screaming, in pain and aggression washed into the room, dancing around as the soft hand continued stroking. Her body tensed, her lower lip trembling. "Hush my sweet Fireheart, my sweet Hestia, you're safe here nothing will happen. You are safe my child." The voice was soft and tender, it was silvery, enough to release her tension, letting the sleep claim her once again. The hand continued stroking down her hair, the movement comforting. Sleep claimed her soon.

Aelin woke up with a start. She wasn't sweating or crying. But her head pounded slightly, eyelids still heavy. She snapped her head towards the window, even the smallest movement sending an ache through her already sore muscles. The sun had already risen, light peeking into the room from behind the thick curtains, darkness still invading it. She got up, rubbing her fingers over her temples, trying to soothe the pain.

What she had just seen. Her dream. No it was more like a memory. It had seemed so real, the girl, the voice, it had been different. Nothing like this she had dreamed of before. It seemed like a memory had somehow unlocked, something long forgotten had found its way to the top. Resurfaced. Fuzzy but still real. The voice, Fireheart, Hestria, the roar. Questions seeped into her, drowning her into them, an ocean that seemed to have no end. What did they even mean?

The shower had been quick and cold, enough to give her time. Not to think or answer, no. The questions had pressed against her for far too long, burying her deep under the surface. She'd thought about Belarus, her amulet, the Queen. But even that had been tucked away for now.

Aelin made her way to the conference room, following Fennis's directions closely. The morning seemed quiet, anew as she stumbled down the stairs. Her wet hair, now braided back, flinging in a braid behind her. She murmured to herself, cursing the Fae's for not providing breakfast. Her stomach grumbled in response, a frown clouding Aelin's face. She hadn't eaten since the night she'd seen the Queen, the question of how she'd answer her, still haunting her. The food had seemed delicious, trays and trays of the most extravagant looking dishes she'd witnessed. But Aelin didn't trust the Queen. Not only about the food, thinking she was going to poison her, but about anything she'd said now. Including her amulet's possession. No she'd think about that later. After she'd paid the king of Belarus a visit.

The door seemed miles away even as she stood in front of it. It seemed far. She took a deep breath, biting her bottom lip as she opened the door and slipped in, closing the door gently behind her. She turned around to find nine Fae's staring at her. All fresh, showered and tensed. Arms were crossed, maps scattered on a table in between. "Let's get started," Aelin said. Her eyes gleaming with mischief.

"It's about bloody time," one with dirty blonde hair answered. His canines sparked slightly, his eyes stilled on her. "Well go ahead show me," she started, ignoring the scandalous stare.

Astra let out a scoff, moving towards the papers that sat on the table. Her hand stumbled onto one as she straightened it out. Jerking her chin forward she addressed to Aelin, "This is the map of Findara, the city where the kingdom is situated." Aelin walked to the table, her eyes stilled on the city fluttered on the map. " How exactly did you learn about this army Astra?" she questioned, studying the city. She felt Astra tense above, a sigh escaping her lips as she flared her nostrils. Aelin looked up to see her jaw clenched as she closed her eyes. "I- my kingdom, it was attacked by Belarus's army once our kingdom rejected their proposals to hand over our lands. None of my parents trusted the King and they refused him using those lands to prosper food for the commoners. It was all good. Officials from Belarus stopped coming, everything was peaceful. Than within a month war sang above us."

She stopped for a brief second, Conan to her side immediately. "Only a few of our people escaped. Our kingdom was burned, my sisters and parents with it. Someone had warned us that they were planning on invading our lands but my father refused to believe it. We took precautions and had an army ready but it was nothing compared to theirs. I lived because I had been in a tower away from the castle so I- I escaped." Her voice broke, tears forming in her eyes. A pained expression crossed her face as she shook her head looking down. "When we escaped we started planning on- on ambushing the king and maybe one day- maybe one day retrieving our homelands. So my remaining people they went to Findara, established contacts, started a rebel group sending spies to the kingdom, retrieving information. That's how I know." Aelin felt an invisible dagger slice through her back at the princesses words, her heart sinking into her chest. "I'm sorry." She said quietly. She meant it as well. It was the worst thing to lose your family. Your home.

The silence was soon broken as Aelin started again, "You said Fae were being executed all over Belarus, how will you get around in the city without getting noticed? The map says guards are scattered all over the city, it'll be impossible." Her question echoed in the quiet room. "We were thinking only about moving about in the city at night. That way less people notice us. Our cloaks will help conceal the rest. There are also less guards, the rotation times wary so that'll be an advantage as well." One with moonlight hair answered. Her scars gleamed, her pointed eyebrows raised. "But that could attract the wrong crowd. If word is spread you'll lose your cover as soon as you get there. And if you're right than they'll have to be extra careful as well. Besides there is only so much you can do in night's cover." Her suggestion was correct. Analyzed and thoughtful. It seemed so as few of them shifted and tensed. Another moment of silence was followed. 

"We could move through the tunnels under the city, Findara is built over tunnels and sewage systems for the water lineage. I'm sure no one even knows about them. They can be of use to us. It'll allow us to move through the city at any time easily." Another suggested. Her black hair was pulled back in a ponytail, two red strands swinging around. Her body moved gracefully as she moved forward, pulling another map from underneath. This one pictured tunnels and sewers. All drawn over each other painting a clear picture. "Yeah yeah that could be of help," Aelin replied as she looked at the female. A serious expression had been painted over her face, eyebrows furrowed as she looked at the map. 

"That'll be easy for us. But what do you plan on doing after you get there?" Another question stamped into the weary room. "Well start by figuring out what the hell the king is up to. Then get in touch with my people. From there we'll try to find a safe way inside the castle, and figure out what the hell it is the king is using to control the whole city." Aelin only nodded in response. "It is a good plan." She continued reading the maps, the guard rotation. Everything there was that could use helpful.

"Great then we can leave tomorrow at first light." Fennis answered. The tenseness only slightly loosened. The light now danced in the room, sunshine glimmered onto them. "I hope you have enough horses," Aelin muttered going through the maps one more time as she memorized each turn and swing. "Oh we aren't going by land, we'll travel through the sea." Astra assured her voice full of hope. 

Aelin slowly looked up, her gaze lingering on the map. "What do you mean?" A question fully out of confusion. "It'll take us two weeks by land and more chances of us getting caught. Guards are stationed everywhere in the continent and anyone can recognize us. We'll take a boat, go through the sea. It'll be easier to get into the city that way and it will only take us three days thanks to Esma's winds and water." So that's who the dark skinned twin was. Her skin shone gracefully dark brown hair pulled back in two braids. Her brown eyes glinted, a layer of pride shining into them. A grin met her lips, her rounded face tilting back slightly. "Good enough," Aelin said tiredly, "Now can we eat something please, I'm starving." A chuckle sounded in her ears, the room suddenly airy and better. "Yeah let's go."

With that she followed behind Astra. Her stomach grumbling silently in response.


The next hour was spent introducing everyone to Aelin, stories, secrets and strengths shared beneath the blue sky as they devoured their breakfast. Eggs, bacon, bread provided with a cup of hot steaming tea. It wasn't the best she had eaten but it worked. No one had seemingly warmed towards Aelin but the tension and danger had died down slightly.

They sat on low, sturdy chairs. A circle was formed under the clear sky, voices echoing around them. Astra looked over to Conan, who out of all of them, was still quite as he nibbled on his bread. He glanced into her direction as if sensing Astra's stare. She glanced away as quickly as she could, his stare throwing daggers at her.

"So how did all of you meet, and how long have you guys been working together?" Aelin asked, her mouth stuffed with food. She looked less death-like, more like another girl who'd joined them. The dullness had died down only slightly, a smile on her face.

"Oh well, Conan is the oldest out of us," Jude started, his eyes gleaming with joy, "he comes from a kingdom that had its downfall a long time ago." Conan huffed at this, his shoulders rising, muscles tensing. "Anyways," Jude continued teasingly, "We met him fifty years ago and worked as generals for the army Alynth." He motioned his thumb between Colton and him. "When he met Astra two years ago, we did as well." Aelin swallowed quickly. Her eyes glinted with curiosity, a questioned expression on her face. "What about the rest of you?" she asked quietly. Autumn shifted slightly, rubbing her hands together, chewing slightly on the last piece of bacon in her mouth. "Fennis and I knew Astra from when she was born. I worked as a warrior and he as a cook in Ethopia. We were practically best friends, the three of us. So the six of us," she said motioning a finger between them, "Met each other two years ago." She leaned back in her chair.

"And what about you three?" she said, jerking her chin towards Esma and Atlas. "We're like you. Met them because all of us same the share task. We owe the king favor. Met the rest of them three weeks ago." Esma replied with a grin. The twins exchanged a side-glance, their smirks growing bigger. "Wow," Aelin said. She slowly got up placing the empty tray on the side. She rubbed her hands with the back of her tunic. "Where are you going?" Atlas asked. Each of the slightly stiffened, alert again. "To train," she started rolling her eyes, irritated by the movement, "Since the rest of you seem no good."

"That's not fair. You caught us off guard. We would have had you on your ass before you would've realized," Fennis suggested rolling his eyes in return. Aelin tilted her head, a smirk landing on her face. Astra already knew what was going to happen. A shot of excitement burst through her, her fire dancing in response. Each flame bounced higher than the last calling her into it. Her attention turned towards Conan again who had a smirk on his face, his head down shaking slightly at the childish conversation. She couldn't help but smile slightly herself, at seeing him ease a little.

"Well let's go," Fennis replied. Moving in grace as he walked towards the weapons room. Astra noticed as Aelin and the others left quietly. Aelin winked at Astra, her smirk not faltering for a second. Astra blushed as the left, her attention soon shifting to Conan again. He looked at Aelin leaving a frown on his face. Gods he really did dislike her. She'd say hate but that would have been a very strong word, since she had agreed to help them, more like ordered them. But it was good, she thought.

Before she could say anything to him, Conan got up and left after them. Astra sat there. In disbelief or anger she didn't know. He- He got up and left. Didn't say a word to her.

Even as it pained her she stood up, following behind them. Her heart sank back into her chest, tears threatening to fall. No. Her stomach churned, as the thoughts of when they had first met drifted into her head. 

She'd kicked him in the groin, leaving his miserable drunk self there, as she walked back to Autumn and Fennis. They'd been laughing when she did, hands clutched to their stomach, faces red. They were in Eurora. Travelling through one of the cities, looking for a certain person. Even then they had been trying to find one of the rebels, their task to end the king of Belarus, retrieve their country and crown the princess, last living heir and Flame Bearer, as queen.

The last part was her least favorite. Even as a child she'd wished to go out with Autumn, train with the soldiers, explore the world. Being declared queen would cage her. In her own castle, her own throne, she would be imprisoned.

They'd rested at a nearby inn that night. She remembered it. She'd been sleeping, when she heard the thud. A soft sound it was but enough to drizzle her out of sleep. When she opened her eyes Conan stood above her, hands clutched around a dagger, lifted to the top of his head.

She did what seemed right in the moment. She kneed him again. Even as she did she had looked into those grey eyes. The grey had been from the deepest of ashes, the darkest parts of it. But that wasn't what had caught her attention. It was the pain, the agony written in those eyes that had made her own eyes tear. She had felt pity for him. For  whatever secret haunted him. Whatever woke him screaming during nights. Once he'd relieved himself of the unnerving pain of getting hit a second time. She had screamed at him. Used all that rage bottled up to scream at him. She'd done that until her throat had gone dry, and her limbs had hurt.

He'd listened to her. He had a bewildered expression on his face when she had finished. And that night had changed a lot of things. Including the fact that she had found the male she loved. One she'd kill for and die for. And no matter how much they fought, how much they argued, they'd always end up together.


Aelin walked to Conan, his face tilted to the side, eyes on Fennis who was picking out a stick for their match. Fools she called them. For trying to fight with her. Maybe they didn't know what being Empress Assassin meant. Rick had trained her to be his best. A prized possession he had called her.

He'd trained her to work with every single weapon. A way of protecting and attacking. Daggers, Swords, Axes, Sticks, Bows and Arrows, she had been taught to use each of them. Weaponizing whatever was in a hand's reach. One of his favorite ways to teach her was when he'd tie her to the walls, with thick, strong chains to her neck and beat her until she would get out of them. The aggressiveness of every hit would send her screaming. The chains had made their marks on her throat. Thin slice marks but they had found their place. Sometimes he seemed to get so rough she would try to claw her way out of those chains. His techniques had been brutal, disastrous but in the end she had learned everything she knew from him.

Conan snapped his attention towards her, his eyes set on her like a hawk, watching with quite interest. He looked her over once taking in every piece of her clothing. Black. Everything was black. Her jeans, shirt, jacket, boots and cloak, each were the darkest she'd seen, made with the finest material she had worn. She was a living shadow one might have said.

"I'll like my weapons back, and some extra ones if we're going to face a king with an army of mythical creatures." She said it quickly, her voice low and sarcastic. He only rolled his eyes at her, his scowl finding its place. He started walking away, his arms still crossed in front of his muscled chest. She'd given up, that sore miserable bastard, sticking out her tongue to him. He stopped halfway, as if realizing her expression and turned only enough to give her a side glance. "If you win this foolish match you're having, you can have your weapons back and choose your new ones as well."

Excitement course through her, nerves crackling. This would now be better, an interesting match. One she would take time in and enjoy. 

A deal it was.