
A Pure Hearted Mate

[ This story is at least 18+ for its erotic themes, depression, rape scene, violence, language, and depiction of a toxic relationship and abuse. ] This is taking place in the world of humans and werewolves. It begins with a twenty year old girl named Autumn. She is a very timid girl who has to go threw, like all the other girls who were 20 years old. The process of having a werewolf pick a mate. But she is completely aware of the situation, and is terrified of leaving everyone she loves behind. Let alone the idea of having to be with a total stranger. But as she tries to hold onto the small fragments of her normal life, she is dashed away by a werewolf who claims her as his mate. Will she be too scared to let herself except the position she's in? Will she learn to try and be open to him? Or will what becomes of her change the person she is for better? or worse?Will she gain more than she could ever receive and find happiness? Or will on going threats make it all too much for her to take? Let's see.

gemlover2 · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter 60: The First Thanksgiving-Part 2

[ Autumn P.O.V ]

As I got to the stairs and caught a little glimpse of the scene in the living room where Leo was opening the front door. I started to recall all I knew about her from Leo. I remember he basically told me that she has his eyes and light brown short hair. That she can be a very protective person when it comes to family and can be very giving in nature.

That's all I could remember besides knowing how to raise a son to become very respectful of women and vulnerable. That's about it. But a part of me did want to make a good impression like the one Leo left when he first met my parents. I wonder if he was this nervous and anxious?

I slowly started to toon into the conversation at the door as I made it to the bottom of the stairs and getting closer to the couch. Remembering Leo saying she was a really great Luna does give me a little extra pressure to convey that same skills and qualities that make a great Luna.

" Hi, Mom. It's been a while since last I saw you, I've missed you. " Leo said as I made my way behind him. I could hear a calm and happy tone to his voice that was pleasant to hear. She responded calmly, " Well it has been so long and I'm glad to spend the holiday with you all. " Her voice sounded pleasant when it reached my ears.

After she stopped talking I caught a scent hit my nose. It was a strange smell that was subtly sweet like honey or honey gram crackers. I quickly pated myself off straightening up. This feeling to badly want to make her like me has never been so strong in my life.

When my eyes finally gazed over the woman before us just a couple inches from the door way. I felt a faint wisp of air escaped my lips. There stood a beautifully slender bodied woman with muscles along her arms that did nothing to take away from her feminine beauty. She was wearing what seemed to be grey jeans and a light brown blouse with wavy layers that distracted from her somewhat mature overall presence.

Her gaze and attention shifted to me. When her eyes caught me in my modest summer dress and dress ankle boots. I felt my eyes immediately looked down almost like I was shy or even just immediately respected the person before me. That or I'm just really anxious.

She just looked at me. I could feel her gaze move over my whole body taking me in, but then I felt myself flinch at a growing warmth on my small back followed by me looking up to my left as Leo saying with a firm smile looking towards his mother

" Mother, I've been anxious for you to meet my mate and Luna, Autumn Miller. " but before I could move my face or eyes I felt startled as I was scooped up off the ground into a huge bear hug. I opened my eyes feeling flustered as his Mom exclaimed

" Finally, I get to meet the woman my baby has finally found! " Her holding me started to put me down after realized she was holding her arms tightly wrapped around my waist. She placed me down and looked at me with a big smile

" Also, I've seen my grandbabies and they're so precious. " her smile was a little too big for me to say weakly a little nervous " Uh..y-yeah. It's nice to meet you- " it took a bit before realizing that her eyes were a light brown but they were warm like walnuts with a brightness to them that reminded me. That Leo is her only kid and knowing he's happy and after the whole abduction thing. I kinda feel more comfortable that she's happy.

She turned he face to Leo with her still close to me now holding my hands clasped in hers " Leo, you take better care of her okay. She's even more pretty than you mentioned when we were talking. " As she turned her head the motion made her hair move allowing for the light brown almost hazel hair move with the few grey hairs in them. Her hair grew from what I imagined. It wasn't shoulder length and was now at least a little ways passed her chest.

The complete openness was surprising and frankly confused me with how different she seemed to what I had been expecting that I felt confused. Then she turned back her attention and gaze to me making her hands grip mine a little more tightly in the process.

" I'm sorry if I startled you Autumn. I have just herd so much about you that I feel like I know all that I need to know about you. " her gaze started to soften as did her smile as her gaze moved to our hands. Her voice too on a soft and slightly pained tone

" I'm sorry if this makes things weird for your first impression of me. Honestly, when my son became Alpha. I was so proud of the man I raised, but as a mother. I felt sad that I had witnessed his good heart grow bitter at becoming lonely. " I felt myself calm down more as she painted an image of her son as I listened afraid to add a single word to what sounded more like she was pleading with me. Perhaps afraid for her son's happiness being at risk again.

" When you were kidnapped and I visited I saw how lonely and despaired my son was. He was holding up everything in this pack and his world around him. That I could tell each time when he hugged me that he was lost and needed me to help hold him up. " Leo was completely silent and looked away his eyes hiding from my gaze I'd flash his way when I felt I had the opening to do so.

My attention turned instantly back to her as she was reaching her conclusion " He was far worse than I ever saw him. " I felt nervous once her calm voice and smile started to falter into a look that felt serious. Her gaze felt penetrating as she said

" You are good for my son but you still have to show me what kind of person you really are. Not just the kind of person he knows and not even just what person is the Luna. " " So just be yourself and you'll know what kind of impression I have of you. "

I understood, and it made me understand that it felt less of a warning and more of being passive aggressive. " That's enough, " I felt myself snap out of the haze once the pleasant sound of Leo's voice break the moment of silence and tension.

I looked at Leo who was trying to redirect the topic " Mom, stop making my mate nervous. " that's when Ron said from the dining room as everyone was getting the table set up.

" We're almost all set up to get started in here, " that's when she let go of my hands and said to Leo " Alright, I'm just being upfront with my concerns. I'm not here to make you uncomfortable after all. " She started to smile again a little and released my hands. This leaving me with an uneasy and confusing set of emotions as I backed away from her and closer to Leo.

I felt a strange mix of emotions on how to feel but then I felt my mind remembered Leo who slowly held my sides from behind. I looked at him and put my hands on his trying to relax with the warmth from his hands.

" Thanks for saving me there, " he held me so close that I felt comfortable and more at ease and decided to try and brush it all off. He whispered close to me as he rubbed my sides " No problem, and don't worry it'll be okay. Let's just enjoy ourselves. " After a little bit we started to make our way into the dining room.

The food was great as we dug into everything. There was a lot so everyone got to try everything. I avoided the stuffing like a wet and some parts dry plague. The creamy mashed potatoes, fluffy flakey croissant, and sweetly tangy and a little bit cranberry sauce. I tried my best to not stuff my face like I was starving and to try and show more restraint. That only went so far when my taste buds were singing happily at the melding of flavors that completely distracted me from trying or remembering what I was holding back for.

" Mmmm..." everyone seemed to share my sentiments on the meal. I caught Leo's Mom enjoying the food too and complimenting Liz on her cooking. I couldn't help remember what had transpired before. How intense and calculative her gaze over me was. But now she seems to have let down her guard and is enjoying herself. I focused on eating and filling my stomach with everything on the table. From slightly salty rubbery black olives to the savory and mildly salty and just slightly dry turkey.

But once everyone was stuffed and done eating everyone at the table decided that Leo and me deserved to have the wish bone from the turkey.

He held one and I held the other and we both took a moment trying to think of something to wish for then we both said " 1..2..3-" then Luke blurted out " Leo should wish that maybe he'll finally get boned by the end of this year! " everyone was looking at him and when Leo and me did. The bone snapped. I looked at it and he had the bigger one.

I knew that meant that the last thing he thought was what Luke said and that meant that his wish would come true. With everyone looking at him with looks of surprise and discussed at the appalling statement. He then said brushing it off

" Oh, come on. We all know that Leo's the only one who's been in heat in this house for a while now. At least, now he'll finally stop drooling over our Luna 24/7. " everyone in the room had this awkward look as I looked around to understand what he's saying. That's when I started to understand that's what they thinks been going on. This started to make heat crawl up my neck as my face slowly was burn bright red with embarrassment.

Leo was starting to put the bone down and started to growl, his black eyes evident of his wolf feeling a challenge or insult like that was going too far even for him.

" You are out of fucking line. You know far too well of this, and even did so with my Mother present! " his voice was slightly roaring in anger, because things were going just perfectly and he knew how much Leo was taking her being here so seriously. His face looked a little scary at how unamused he looked and the slight snarl that was peering from his mouth.

I felt my eyes falling to my lap as the slight gazes of everyone on the three of us was making me very uncomfortable especially after me and Leo decided to take our time to get better about being intimate. I glanced up when I noticed Luke was silent for once and felt a little surprised when he was hanging his gaze down in submission. I guess even he realizes his limits with Leo's patience.

I looked down again feeling the eyes on me was too much to take especially with his Mom sitting to my right. It was getting too much. I even thought about just excusing myself to leave the room. But Leo's growls were making me nervous as well and I couldn't stop looking down at my lap feeling my hands were clenched and my right still had the small bit of bone in it.

A small awkward silence of tension spread across the room. I didn't want to look up but once I herd him sit down next to me it wasn't as intense but I felt very on edge.

That's when I felt myself flinch when he leaned close and asked in a whisper just above my left ear noticing my body all tense and quiet " Are you okay? " I kept my head down and nodded my face not as flushed yes, but he wasn't buying it. Then he asked and I felt him move his right hand to brush my left.

" You sure? " Once I felt his hand I looked at it and I started to feel a little bit better and started to open my hand and let him hold my hand as I said quietly letting my face finally lightening up.

" Yeah.." I looked up at him feeling a little bit better and more comfortable. The awkwardness kinda slowly started to lift from the room. Then we all paid attention to the wreath on the door we all got to go up and pull out a paper to read out loud. Summer grabbed one and read

" I'm thankful, that all of this drama and chaotic problems are all finally over. " then Jay came up and pulled one out and read as she went to her seat

" I'm thankful, that my sister has been able to be my rock through this year. " It made me smile knowing that one was Summer. The next one was read by Nick " I'm thankful, for a Luna who can become such a strong unbreakable woman. "

I wasn't sure whose that one belonged to but understood and appreciated it. The next one was Randell reading what looked like a tiny slip of paper " I'm thankful, for such a strong and fair Alpha. " I wasn't sure who wrote that one but liked that it could have been any of the guys or possibly even one of the girls. I could tell a small bit of pride in the compliment especially since it's great to have his Mom hear what his friends and peers think of him. But then he was the one to read next.

" I'm thankful, that for the couple goals our Alpha Leo and Autumn set and support with me and my mate. I can only hope for more family to join my already close-knit family here. " When I herd " more family " meant like babies and kids and we all couldn't help smiling and looking around at everyone as to ask whose it was. Leo said it wasn't his but did say playfully that he wouldn't mind more kids though. I brushed that comment off though as we went through all of the papers. I felt better having the mood in the room change to one I don't feel so uncomfortable.

I felt my attention become drawn to Leo when I felt his hand slide from my hand to my thigh and lightly rubbed and squeezed it. My wolf mused at the warm sudden attention.

' Mmm..I've missed this kind of attention. ' once dinner was done and everyone was sitting up from their seats at different times. Gathering plates and as I stood up from my seat and leaned against the edge of the table to help grab the dishes to help try and store the leftovers on the island counter top. Leo stood up too to grab his plate but then I noticed that as we were getting everything put away with Liz trying to disassemble the leftover turkey to store away.

I felt Leo lean close to my back and started to slowly slip his hands on the sides of my waist. I felt his warmth from them as he slid them down to my sides and slowly rubbing into me. I felt him lean into me and resting his lips on my right shoulder breathing into me. I felt him slowly moving to inhale my scent as he whispered making shivers break out over my skin.

" I'm happy things seem to be going well, " Unintentionally, a breath escapes my lips as my body responded to feeling his nose press hard against my skin as my back arched. I loved him responding with him snicker at me and brush his lips against my skin. I felt my face trying to hide the blush spreading across my face and holding back the whimper because of him taking a tug at my skin in a soft bite. Once he stopped and back up a bit still holding me tenderly I looked back and moved my right hand behind my head and started to brush his cheek. Moving my strokes to the rhythm of him rubbing up and down my sides.

I felt something interesting that caught my attention. I could feel these little bristles on his skin which made me smile as I leaned my back into him. He smirked and leaned in close and I said quietly as I nuzzle the side of my face and cheek against his.

" I can feel you have little bristles that's a little scratchy. " He smirked and started to nuzzle harder brushing the bristles into me rougher and in the process making me let out a giggle at the tickling feeling. When I giggled he nuzzled into me and started to leave pecks along my neck and suckling my skin when he felt my body flip in response.

I stopped when Luke scoffed after putting his dish away and caught sight of us. I guess he found the fact that we had our hands all over each other only proved his statement earlier. I glanced at Leo before I grew quiet as I looked at everyone and felt embarrassed again. I stopped touching him and tried to lean away from his body. He quickly took the signs and removed himself from me and slowly let go of my sides last. My eyes couldn't help but remember his Mom looking at us and my eyes couldn't help but look down feeling very weird and like we made our relationship image a whole lot worse.

I needed to be out of this room now. I started to walk out of the kitchen door way and walked over to the stairs and stood against the wall. I needed time to calm down because so far this Thanksgiving is leaving me feeling very weird. I'm happy one second then the next constantly feeling embarrassed and uncomfortable and overall just tired of feeling judged in our house.

I wrapped my arms around myself and I noticed that Leo was looking to the right of the same doorway. " Hey, you doing okay? " His eyes were focused on my body language and looked concerned. I looked down unsure what to say " Look, my Mom understands we're both passionate with each other. I know you want her to like you. I've talked you up so much and honestly, " he was moving next to me but I looked to my right as I was thinking.

" She was starting to think that you didn't like her and was avoiding meeting her. But she understood that you had no control over any of it. But I've talked you up for so long now, that I think she might be wondering whether you like her. " This bugged me because that's exactly what he had been doing for me by talking about how much he cares for her.

I need a moment to myself to relax and think and I said starting to turn to start walking up the stairs " If we're both concerned about the same things, then why does this Thanksgiving feel so weird? Look, I'm just going to go check on the boys for a bit. " I just need some time to think.

I walked into our boys bedroom, and the cozy and calming atmosphere left me let out a sigh I didn't know I had once I walked in and walked over to the crib. Seeing my boys made me feel differently than I would especially today. Meeting my mother-in-law, it made me happy to see Leo happy and beaming with a child's simple joy in his eyes.

A part of me felt this weird ping in my chest that felt tight. I think it made me wonder if I had that look when I was with my Mom. It reminded me that my Mom wasn't able to meet Leo's Mom. Even as I stand looking down at their crib and taking in the changes in our boys. How each of there heads had grown more hair than before. How the way they sleep and move has changed.

This feeling that time is irrelevant and everything is so still. The thought alone of one day meeting the woman or women that my boys will meet. Fall in love and I'll have to see them both as adults in their own lives, but for now. They are just my babies napping unaware of all this. For now, they can stay my babies.

" I'm not disturbing you am I? " My eyes immediately shifted to the doorway after recognizing the presence of another person. When I recognized it was Leo's Mom I said quietly responded trying to keep my head and eyes down and moving it back to the crib.

" O-oh no, I was just..thinking is all. " I wondered how long she was standing there for. Her presence is a little unnerving. I felt her presence and she seemed to keep quiet and felt the awkward silence with us being alone. I took notice that she was looking around the room and then stood next to the crib as well. We both found ourselves looking down at Jace and Grayson.

This still silence hung over our heads as if emphasizing the slight intensity of which we were gazing at the two future Alpha's. I started to think about what I could bring up to use as a random conversation starter when her almost soft voice broke the silence first.

" I can't believe how big they're getting. It seems each time I come over and see them they get a little bit older. " I smiled at this as I looked at them " Yeah, I think the exact same thing sometimes. " I couldn't help but feel a little bit more comfortable and continued to speak what was on my mind but keeping in mind to keep my voice down.

" Look, I'm sorry if today I've been weird or haven't been giving off the best impression. " I took a moment to think before taking a breath " I guess.." I couldn't help but rub my arms as I let out apprehensive " I guess, it's been a bit of a hard day. " I quickly noticed that Jace was starting to whine and was getting fussy and I reached down to stroke his head gently to calm him down.

" Even though this Thanksgiving is the first with our new family. It's still the first without my Mom. " I let out a small sigh as I gazed down in an almost daze at the boys " I guess a part of me wants to impress you and make today great, but I also miss that feeling Leo has with seeing you here. " I wasn't even paying attention much to what I was saying anymore.

I just remember that pure enjoyment that we don't realize we show on our faces. How love makes us experience things differently. How the absence of it is even sneaks up on you. I felt the haze I was in break as I heard her voice for the first time in a while.

" I understand this all must be very stressful for you. " I quickly looked at her then became silent trying to figure out how much I blabbed on about. Her voice became almost nostalgic

" If you want..you can call me Mom. I'm not trying to replace her or trying to make things weird. Just know you can come to me with things you'd want to talk to your Mom about if you want that is. " I could tell she was being sincere and I appreciated what she was trying to do. I stood straight and turned to her and said with a weak smile

" Thank you, but I'm doing much better after talking it out with someone-" but before I could end my sentence hugged me again and lifted me off the ground with little effort. She didn't say a word and just hugged me this time. I felt a rush of emotions start to bubble up. After a bit she just said with her face in my shoulder

" You can just call me Mom. " It hit me once I answered back nervously " Okay...Mom.." It had been so long since I've said Mom out loud to someone. So long that I got any sort of hug from my Mom. I started to feel myself trying to fight myself from crying. I managed to keep it under control and said feeling having a new Mom figure might actually make me happy.

" So what should we talk about first? " she answered with a smile as she put me down and out of her muscular arms that were held still wide.

" You could always talk about you and my son. I got one! How about who used the word love first? " I thought about how it's a little weird to talk about Leo to his Mom, but it seemed like we're bonding so I thought why not. I said about it as I answered honestly,

" It was Leo who said it first, and it was during a particular bad heat early into our relationship. " then she said already intrigued " Oh, and how did it feel? " I answered slowly as I was putting my mind back into that moment.

" Well..I had been crying so I was already pretty emotional. But, " I remembered his despair at my pain and unable to do much to comfort me. It wasn't exactly the perfect moment for it but it still meant a lot to me.

" But? " She asked slowly raising an eyebrow in intrigue. I answered smiling slightly " He said ' I love you, Autumn. ' But when I herd him say that. " " It felt like each word of the sentence echoed in my mind to where I could literally picture it spelled out before me. " " But it felt like when he said my name. That it was normal but it was said so quietly almost like an after thought after saying it. That my name felt and sounded small. Even the image was my normal name but looked shrunk in comparison to the rest of it. I thought it was because of how low his tone was, but even so, "

I started to feel a familiar feeling in my chest and a slight blush spread to my face " Even so, I felt surprised and a nice but almost lifting fluttering in my chest as I breathed. I actually think looking back on it that I'd probably would have wanted to kiss him if I knew him like I know now. " " But that feeling..it was my first sign that I was actually falling for him. " Just thinking about it made me feel it again in my chest, but then she interrupted the silence of the moment.

" You going to stop hanging around doorways and listening? " She drew attention to the doorway and there stepping into view was Leo who was listening in. She said sighing with a weak smile " Honestly, I thought I raised you better than that. Was your curiosity met? " he looked like he was prepared to receive the stink eye from me after saying calmly

" I didn't want to interrupt and I just wanted to see how you two were doing spending time together. " But I just started to walk up to him as she answered

" We're having a great time, and I have to say you caught yourself a good one. " Once I reached him and he turned his attention from her to me I leaned my hands on his chest. Then I leaned in and kissed him making sure to lock our lips which sent that feeling in my chest to explode. I leaned my body ever so slightly into his and he quickly recovered and kissed back. When I pulled away he smiled and started to say brushing his right hand into my left cheek gingerly.

I whispered to his ear " So you were listening in now were you, " I smiled and pulled my head back into his hand again enjoying the warmth as he started to move his hand to caress my face and moving to my neck. He responded grinning " I was just curious~ " I enjoyed him stroking my neck gently making me move my head for better access as I closed my eyes.

It was when I felt a gust of air on my skin that I opened my eyes and he added holding the back of my neck " I was also concerned about you, but I see you're doing much better. " his tone was dropping low and it was when his mouth was close to my neck that I felt excited.

But then he pulled away and wrapped his arms around my waist and turned us to face his Mom that he said to her smiling " I'm also glad that you like Autumn Mother. " " How about we all head on back to the others and maybe you'd want to talk to Summer Autumn's sister. " It was only when she started to leave and we were making our way to the door too.

That I felt startled by Leo closing the door and locking it. He had a grin on his face as he said lowly as he tried to hold me from my sides " How about we join them later..." He was eyeing my lips almost with a flicker of delight from earlier. But when he tried to pull me in I frowned and huffed and started to pout at him. He asked trying to keep a smile and trying to lean in a little

" What's the matter baby? " I said simply stepping back from his touch " That's easy, you got me a little excited..then you stop and turn me around and then lie to your Mom. I don't like being teased like that. " then I felt slightly surprised when he pinned me to the door. I looked up startled about to go off on him being angry at this but then I felt his hands holding the sides of my waist and stomach. When I looked in his eyes they were locked on mine and I felt my stomach flip when he brushed his thumbs against me.

I felt startled when he said close to my ear " What's wrong with a harmless tease? I honestly, wanted to get her out of the room, or would you have really had no problem with it? With me holding and engulfing all of your sweet body. " I started to feel him slowly slide his hands up my sides and moving down to my hips. In my surprise I said upset

" Stop that! I wouldn't have wanted her to see that but I honestly don't need you to make a point. " My hands unknowingly were on his chest and once I did I tried to push him away but then he smirked and said pushing his chest against mine " I've missed my little firecracker of a mate. " I felt slightly pleased by the sound of that and with his lips so close to mine when he said mate. But before he could kiss me I pushed him slightly away. He understood and backed off because I liked his touch and just as a reminder I started to brush and nuzzle his cheek and gave him a peck under his chin on the neck.

Then I said trying to keep our minds on the fact that we're trying to be responsible and host the Thanksgiving holiday. But when I turn around he couldn't help but sneak his hands around my waist and I could feel his hands and fingers tracing the under lining of my bra under the dress. The awareness of this made my breathing change as I said carefully and quietly,

" I thought we agreed we have to go, " then I felt his fingers move to lightly trace his fingers inwards all leading inwards to a single point. He was kneading my breasts that I felt pleased and excited by his touch. The attention left me still and craving his touch leaning into his hands as he started to stand close to my back. My face was heating up as I started to enjoy him saying kissing my neck and collar from behind.

" We'll join them in a little bit.." then I leaned back into his body letting myself give in to the heated feeling growing as he squeezed and rubbed my chest making my mind go completely empty. I tried to keep my moans in check as I found my hands moving to brush his face and the back of his neck keeping him close to me. After a while we finally stopped and tried to break free of this lust filled haze and the pleasant warm tingles that was remaining from his touch. He pecked my cheek all over before we left the room.

We all joined everyone as we all decided to start to cut up the pies. Personally, everyone has their own preferences. I like pumpkin cheesecake while Leo is a bit of a fan of pecan pie. Everyone got sliced and some wanted the vanilla ice cream we had for either on or beside the pie. After everything wrapped up and everyone was content having their stomachs filled. It was time to wrap up the family affair.

We were getting ready at the front door to say goodbye to Leo's Mom; which I could tell brought a lighthearted sadness in both of their expressions.

" I'll call you once I get home to see how you all are doing. " then Leo said smiling " Good, and I'm glad that we're all able to spend the holiday with each other. " then I added in feeling comfortable enough to add to the conversation

" Yeah, it was nice to meet you. " that's when she smiled and said " I'm glad to have come over. Leo, I think you got yourself a good one. Don't hesitate to call me if you guys need me for anything. " he smiled and wrapped his right hand on my side pulling me a little to lean on his side. " Yup, I did, and I think that will be great. " I couldn't help but smile and lean into him more as I started to hug him in a side ways hug with my head against him chest. As I nodded,

" Mhm, " when she was about to leave I started to pull away from the hug just to let her hug him but then I felt her hug the both of us at once.

" I'm glad you two are together and happy! " the feeling was nice but a little tight. But once she was getting into her car and backing out of the pack drive way that we waved her bye. We both went inside to try and see how we can help cleaning up the dining room. I noticed the wreath had some paper still in it. I pointed to it for Leo to see it's there.

That's when he took it out and we decided to read it: ' I'm thankful for the woman that makes my son happy and is actually as far as I can see is a genuine person. '

Once we both read that we both knew who it was who wrote it and couldn't help but smile at each other at it anyway. The rest of the day was less stressful and felt like the edge of the day was taken off and we all enjoyed the rest of the holiday. And ready for the next to come for us to fit back into our everyday routines.