
A Pure Hearted Mate

[ This story is at least 18+ for its erotic themes, depression, rape scene, violence, language, and depiction of a toxic relationship and abuse. ] This is taking place in the world of humans and werewolves. It begins with a twenty year old girl named Autumn. She is a very timid girl who has to go threw, like all the other girls who were 20 years old. The process of having a werewolf pick a mate. But she is completely aware of the situation, and is terrified of leaving everyone she loves behind. Let alone the idea of having to be with a total stranger. But as she tries to hold onto the small fragments of her normal life, she is dashed away by a werewolf who claims her as his mate. Will she be too scared to let herself except the position she's in? Will she learn to try and be open to him? Or will what becomes of her change the person she is for better? or worse?Will she gain more than she could ever receive and find happiness? Or will on going threats make it all too much for her to take? Let's see.

gemlover2 · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter 39: The Case

[ Leo P.O.V ]

With the arrival of Assassin Changer Luke, I had him converse with me in the meeting room in private. He had informed me that everything is going well. Another reason he's is going to be staying a while longer instead of returning to his post in the Blue Moon pack. Was because I felt I needed his skills for another task.

Ever since Alpha Andrews has been in my custody, in my prison. He was been quiet, and hasn't responded or made any trouble. He has eaten what had been brought to his cell. I myself have sent my Beta, Nick to visit his cell to talk to him.

It has been at least almost a month since we had put him in a cell, and not once had he'd responded or spoken to anyone. The warriors I have guarding him outside his cell and the jail haven't been able to get answers from him either, nor a confession or excepted the things he's charged for. I myself was planning on making a visit myself to the bastards cell. A part of me just wanted to see him rot and reassure myself of a sleeping monster that was within its cage.

I was planning to have Changer Luke go undercover as a spy that I had apprehended. I'll have him thrown into the same cell as Alpha Andrews as a cellmate. I informed him, that he will be trying to gather as much evidence as possible we could use. He will be sharing that prison cell with him until the day we will be preparing to have him taken in cuffs as we begin to depart.

Changer Luke was an annoyance and charismatic, but he was more than a calculative and clever man. He was more than competent for a situation with these circumstances. His personality is as flexible as rubber. He can make you have an impression about him and still have a calculative mind that even I respect, but it does make me irritated even more when he is around people I trust. Because as much as I understand his skills and him. His personality is too hard to get to know or understand because I don't know when he is on the job or not to tell. Hopefully he manages to make Alpha Andrews talk before we have to hand him over.

It was a week of waiting but nothing has improved since we've had Luke in the prison cell as a prison mate. He reported that the only thing he knew was that Alpha Andrews did try to assert himself as a dominant up front. In his words from Luke were " Look, I'm nobodies bitch, so piss off. "

Once I received word of that I was getting really impatient with everything and having to deal with him. So now I'm going to do what I really didn't want to have to do. I was going to go down to the prison and try and get something out of him. I really thought this would be the biggest inconvenience and sign of me becoming desperate. I part of me wishes he'd stay quiet once I'm there so I don't have to restrain myself and keep my composure. Hopefully things will go well.

[ Alpha Andrews P.O.V ]

Another day, huh? Man, I wonder how long it has been with me waking up to the same cracking ceiling.

It's like the days just blend into a normal routine that I've been getting kinda used to by now. I wake up the same way and sometimes to cursing of other inmates. Other rogues that were caught and pissed about something or other. I'd sit up in my metal framed bed that creaked when I sat on the side of it.

Most cells in prison's, detainment facilities, or even in brigs at police stations. They all require werewolves to wear something fashioned with a similar purpose as a straitjacket. I have seen many rogues getting into fights in their shared cells and having been put into some of these kinds of suits. These were made with a material that was more heavy and hard to rip threw for those who were dumb enough to thrash around in them. The cells are as far as I was able to tell when they brought me here by guard. The cells very the further you go down, on the seventh and what I assume the last floor of this place. The cells literally had one thing in common.

They were meant to look like cages of metal that upon first glance I thought it'd be normal steel bars. They weren't normal steel though, they all had conduction attached to each cage to send electric shocks. That way if you touch them each time the electricity goes up, but mine made me feel special. It wasn't electrocution but rather the cage that was simply basic had a metal top and floor. The bars and walls were simple and even had a door built into it.

In some cells that were either a couple away or even once in the cell over from me. I found these cells were all the same but less archaic than the ones I have in my pack. The cells are all under ground at least by four levels down into the ground, so no hope of getting a good view from a window or getting sunlight being on the lowest floor of this place.

My cell was one with a room all to myself that held my cell. The metal seemed simplistic enough but the problem was when I first grasped a bar I felt a slow searing pain my the palm of my hand.

' Shit! uh..fuck...'

That's when I came to the conclusion that my cell, was made with a silver alloy that could burn you upon contact. Not only that, but my cage was surrounded by a glass box that had a door to it for people to enter and interrogate me. Aren't I special even to be accommodated to a cell to this degree. I soon found that the glass was bullet proof, sound proof, and it was the kind of glass that you couldn't see out of but someone can see the cage from threw the glass.

Day after day is ushered by the sound of guards banging on the glass first then kicking the bars of the cell bars. I was almost interrogated in all darkness because there wasn't a need to have a light on. There were long florescent light bulbs that did turn on during the night I guess. It all felt rather like they were trying to desensitize me from time and letting me rot in the dark.

They bring me my meals that looked like the kinds you only see in movies or TV shows that are on these metal trays that look like poor food imitation's. The bathroom situation is a bit ridiculous how funny it is to actually attempt to use a bucket like in the movies. The idea of going with anyone able to see me while not being able to see them is unnerving and bothersome. I tried making a game out of it but didn't last long. I hadn't had a shower in weeks and they weren't going to let me have one.

Even as I'm sitting on my bed with no blankets or sheets just a pillow, it still was hard to have a rough idea of how many weeks had gone bye since I first was brought here.

' Was it four weeks now? A month and a half? ' ' Shit, I might be miss counting. ' I found when I was being asked questions I decided to just ignore them since they were interrupting my time alone. The thing that stunk was that I preferred my old cell before being transferred into this one.

' I at least had one person that I could talk to to keep me company, even if he's in my head. ' When they got me a cell mate I was skeptical about him because out of all the cells what would make him even able to be in the same cell as me. I quickly realized he was supposed to be a reporter or spy for info. I gave him nothing and just tried to ignore his presence.

Eventually, he was taken out of my cell once they " found another cell for him to move into ". It was amusing in a way at the idea that they were getting so creative and desperate. I concluded that sooner or later maybe I'd have yet another visit, and this time from Alpha Leo himself. As much as I've been in this prison.

' "Stone walls do not a prison make, /Nor iron bars a cage:/ Minds innocent and quiet take/ That for an hermitage." Huh..funny how that old of a poem seems to still intrigues me. '' I know that if we had our mate on our side and was in here with us it'd make a world of difference. ' I thought as my wolf responded ' Shut up about that old poem already! It's bad enough I don't understand why it resonates with you just stop repeating it! ' I sighed and laid back on my bed and whined

' I miss Autumn. Ever since she slapped me I hadn't felt such a strong rush of rejection before. ' ' It really sucked...' my wolf could attest to that ' Yeah, and as if being in a place like this helps. It might be best not to think about her. Although, it would be nice if she would come to pay us a visit. ' The thought alone did make us both wish to see her again. My wolf slyly commented

' Maybe we can get her pity and she'll except us even a little bit, we can make her feel sorry for us. ' I knew as much as that would be nice that didn't suit me to believe that. Being stuck in a cell with no entertainment, comfort, or even respect leaves the mind and body little to do.

Conversation with my wolf gave me a way to stay sane and have a way to reflect and ask questions and imagine with the free time. Quickly I found after about three or four days we learned that we had ran out of things to ask about our situation. Talking helped along with trying to tell stories to each other for entertainment.

We even tried to do singing with the acoustics since no one would hear us, plus that lasted only a day and left us tired by night time. When I was living in my pack house I recall waking up some mornings and just wished to not have anything to do all day so that I could sleep and for the nights to actually last longer.

Now, I can do just that and the night seems to never end because I can't tell when it's night or day yet. It wasn't as great as I thought it was going to be, but now most of what I can do is sleep on the metal bed attached to the floor of this cell and try to do workouts.

[ Leo P.O.V ]

I've never been one to enjoy going down each of the floors of my prison. Each cell I passed I could either hear nothing or the pain and growing cleared noise of those in them comment as I pass bye. With the occasional " YOU SUCK! " or more tasteful things simple in its simplicity " FUCK OFF! " either way, it wasn't exactly a pleasant place since I'm a walking target for their glares and contempt.

I strolled through the dark hallways, devising my questions which will get this pain in my neck to spill his guts before I give up and leave him to Alpha Ian. The only light so far down here at night were bulbs that glowed dimly letting no person see beyond their five steps once getting to this floor. Had it not been for my werewolf sight, I probably would have tripped over nothing by the time I got to the third floor of this place. This place was always a sore spot in my pack among everything else in it.

The overall sober and sturdy construction made it seem like Alcatraz to any normal human, but to a werewolf it was just another building. A place you could end up in at the end of your line. I they were really meant to do was contain rabid wolves and criminals that threatened order and safety.

I turned around the corner and was entering a dark room, and I was faced with the guards, who stood in front of a door where you can see threw the walls it closed. The guards bowed down, allowing their Alpha through the door as they continued to guard the door. Inside was the single cell, all sides were visible to walk around all the sides of the metal bars. The glass around the walls, roof, and floor were all pitch black not allowing for much light to light up this room. They might as well have been actual walls painted black by how you couldn't see anything threw them.

The cell contained a muscular figure who was hidden in the shadow, as the light bulbs flickered with only enough light to make out each others features the rest of the room was empty. I could tell he was awake and I walked near the bars enough to where I can see inside the cell properly.

" Hello, Andrews. " I began with a look that was unforgiving as I stood fiercely. " Enjoying your time here are you? " He asked his voice sounding tired from lack of use in a while

" Alpha Leo, nice for you to drop bye. But what happened to me being called my title? " Alpha Andrews walked out enabling me to study his face. His eyes were still as sharp as even with his wolf slightly appearing in his eyes along with a glint of cruelty.

" When you're behind bars titles have no place here. You sure as hell don't need it after what has happened! " I sneered without the slightest show of sympathy. His hair had grown wildly messy and considerably longer than his original length. Now it was reaching near his upper back. He was wearing no shirt on and had his baggy prison pants on. He shrugged as a smirk appeared on his face

" Fair enough, but my stay here so far. Could have been better, I didn't enjoy having so many interrogation's. I know you're getting desperate but a spy, really? " he scoffed before adding amused that he found out and at the slightly look of surprise I might have given away

" And now, after your men have failed you you've come yourself before me out of desperation. What is it you clearly are desperate to achieve? " I spat angrily at his arrogance despite his current state of situation. ' He has clearly lost but he hasn't given up but what is his game? Is he just trying to mess with my head? '

" You're awfully confident for your placement, but I'm not desperate at all. " I smirked and stated calmly getting my irritation of this jackass under wraps

" In fact, I was just coming here to tell you something simple. Soon in about a week, you'll be escorted along while you'll be placed into the custody of Alpha Ian. " with that his smirk was gone as he looked at me almost indifferent. Then I added

" From then on we'll be arranging for a trial and a sentencing for you and what is to be done about dismantling our packs merging and what's to be done. " he slowly started to smile a little as he asked out of the blue.

" So you came all this way to tell me what's to await me? Apologize, but I got to call BS on that. " he snickered raising his eye brows and added as I started to feel a low growl in my throat as my jaw tightened.

" You see, you could have not told me, or you would have simply gotten anyone to tell me for you. " " It just doesn't make sense for an Alpha to come, at night no less, to come her just to tell me that after not coming for how long now since I've been put in here? " I snapped and spat angrily at him trying to play around with me now

" What's your point? " then he bluntly responded coldly narrowing his gaze on me.

" What is it you really want to ask me? What is it that's eating at you that you'd take yourself away from your mate just to come down here to ask me? " I felt taken aback slightly at his seriousness in his questions with profound curiosity.

I started to search my mind asking what he was asking me. Then I slowly said realizing it wasn't exactly that I had anything in particular now that he's trying to turn the tables on me.

" I don't know what you're refer- " he cut me with a small smile crossing his face " Is it because it's about Autumn? How is she by the way? " I felt my wolf was having enough of this as I growled

" YOU DON'T GET TO SAY HER NAME! LET ALONE ASK ABOUT HER! " he grinned as he was starting to really get to me. I felt I had to protect her and keep him from knowing anything regarding her. I was going to make sure she was going to have enough of this bastard.

He then added starting to walk closer to the bars and getting close to touching them as he said calmly " Oh? But it has been getting quite lonely being in here as you can imagine. I've been wondering how she's been. I mean, you do know what happened don't you? " I felt he was trying to push all the right buttons to make me pissed

" I mean, she must have kept something from you that's bothering you enough that you've left her alone to come and get answers from me, right? " I got close to the cars gripped one of them locking my eyes dead onto his saying lowly

" She has told me every detail of the hell you put her threw, and I trust my mate. " my hand was burning but I was enduring it as I added

" I'm just worried that she'll have to deal with being in a court room with shit like you. I just want to make it clear that you are going to face your crimes and then will Autumn finally be safe from you. " I was drawing his wolf out from the way his eyes were having a hard time from staying blue. But then his small smile came back and he asked

" Then won't you feel better if she came here to pay me a visit then? This way she can do what your doing. In forming me of the situation and in a place where she can say anything she wants to me without her safety being jeopardized. " I snapped back

" Hell no, I'm not even interested in here coming here to walk passed to look and identify the rogues let alone come to see your sorry ass. " then I felt as I dropped my right hand from the bar that left it burnt pretty badly he said in a sober voice that echoed through the empty space

" Not even if she was with you and you could end it whenever you'd like? I could even answer those incipient question's you've been wanting me to fill. Hell, I could even write my own testimony of the whole thing if that helps. " I thought about giving some consideration, since the testimony and my answers I need would be useful to hand over to Alpha Ian as evidential material. But even if I told Autumn about this I know she'd never want to see him again so soon especially before the trial, but I also know if I told her that we'd need the evidence she'd come here with me because it's important that we'll need evidence.

I just said as I proceeded to leave " That all depends on her, but I'd trust you're much of a man of your word anyway. " he didn't make a sound and just shrugged as I left through the door. I went home and got back into bed. I felt Autumn was already awake a little because she noticed I was gone. I thought about not telling her where I went, but she could smell the slightly burning of my hand and got really awake now and started to get concerned. As she was trying to get some aloe vera and was helping ply it when I told here where I went.

Told her about if she went with me then he'd give us answers. As I expected she was very apprehensive but wanted to help and decided she's going to go with me. Once my hand was covered and wrapped was when I started to make sure she knows she doesn't have to go since Alpha Ian will just try and get those things anyway when he has him in his hands. It would only help us to get the things fast enough so we don't have to have a trial for too long. But she said she'd be fine and it would be best for her so that if needed she'd be able to talk when we're going to the court house.

I made sure to assure her that I'd be able to take her out of there and that she'd be safe. She was okay but I knew she was still bothered since it's him. I tried to hold her anyway to comfort her as we tried to get ready to try and go to sleep. But when my hand flinched at it still being tender I felt her try to hold it and even tried to kiss at my the bandages even though we both knew they'd be gone in the evening tomorrow.