
A Pure Hearted Mate

[ This story is at least 18+ for its erotic themes, depression, rape scene, violence, language, and depiction of a toxic relationship and abuse. ] This is taking place in the world of humans and werewolves. It begins with a twenty year old girl named Autumn. She is a very timid girl who has to go threw, like all the other girls who were 20 years old. The process of having a werewolf pick a mate. But she is completely aware of the situation, and is terrified of leaving everyone she loves behind. Let alone the idea of having to be with a total stranger. But as she tries to hold onto the small fragments of her normal life, she is dashed away by a werewolf who claims her as his mate. Will she be too scared to let herself except the position she's in? Will she learn to try and be open to him? Or will what becomes of her change the person she is for better? or worse?Will she gain more than she could ever receive and find happiness? Or will on going threats make it all too much for her to take? Let's see.

gemlover2 · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter 17: Meeting the Parent's

After we got dressed, we headed out in his jeep to my parents house. It took a long ride to get there as I sat and watched outside the passage side window. I would play the scenarios I could think of in my head but it only made me even more nervous, but then I felt Leo hold my hand and it made me feel a little better as he drove. I knew that it had been a long time since I've seen Mom and Dad, but the thing that worried me was the fact of how they were going to handle the news about the baby. I haven't mentioned it in any of my more recent letters to them and I don't know what to do about that now that we're going to see them. When we arrived at are house I felt a wave of nostalgia wash over me. Enveloping me in familiar sights and sounds that I hadn't realized a couple tears slipped out as I stood looking at are house on are old street. I snapped out of thought when I felt Leo glancing at me and then said clasping my left hand in his

" Hey, you going to be okay? " that was when I said realizing the tears as I tried to wipe them away with my right arm

" Yeah, I'll be okay. " I knocked loudly on the door and my father answered with a big smile.

" Autumn!, Summer! What brings you here so early? Wait, let me get your mother. " He said smiling as he was letting us in. I realized once we stepped in the familiar smell of my childhood home rushed over me. I felt myself almost instantly relax as I looked at the familiar kitchen and living room. Summer seemed to smile more than me when mom came down the stairs with dad following.

" Autumn! " she said tears in her eyes as she started to frantically hug me happily as I could feel her relief. I hugged her back remembering how much I missed her and how I would have loved to have her at are ceremonies. She did the same with Summer as we all did a family hug. But I pulled out of the hug and went to Leo who I grabbed by the arm and said smiling trying to have them be introduced to my parents.

" Mom, Dad, this is Alpha Leo of the Black Sun pack. " then I felt Leo smile calmly though I could tell by how clenched up his hand was that he was nervous as he said trying to not sound too authoritative.

" It's a pleasure to meet you both. " then as Mom and Dad looked at us Summer did the same

" And this is Zeta Randell of the Black Sun pack too. " she said leaning her arm against his as she smiled weakly as she said that rather sheepishly. We all sat down in seats around the island table and the strange ambiance of the room felt heavy as we could all feel the pull of the weight of it on us. My Dad was the first one to talk trying to act casual.

" It's really great that you have come to visit. We know that you are having a hard time finding the time to come because of you guys adjusting to each other. " Leo and Randell were acting like even the way they breath could cause a problem and were trying to be on their best behavior. I looked at my Mom and realized she had a foul expression on her face. She didn't just looked like a silent fury but she kept an almost shade she was trying to hide that she was throwing at Randell and Leo mostly. I was sitting across from her as Dad sat to her right which Randell was across from him. Then I noticed that he tried to change the subject into a happy one

" Well, Autumn we were so glad to get your letters. We really loved the pictures you sent of your special days from the ceremony. " he practically was beaming and it made Summer say looking at me embarrassed and surprised

" What? You sent them pictures. How did you get pictures anyway?! " but then Randell said turning her attention to him

" Summer is it really that big a deal? I mean, it's more than fair that they'd get to see you two even if they couldn't be there with you. " she seemed to sigh and said calming down

" I guess, but I just feel a little strange them seeing a picture of us and me all like that. " my Dad laughed at this but I felt Leo's hand move to try and hold my hand as his fingers tried to thread his with mine. I gladly held onto his as I started to feel the weight of the room centered by one force, my Mom was holding something inside she wasn't saying. I knew the look on her face was disapproving and said that much. Then I asked her trying to bring her into the conversation so we can deal with what has her all tense for.

" Mom is there something you want to say? " this made her actually say as her arms remained crossed as she sounded harsh

" What can I say besides the fact that I don't if your men are strong or high ranking. I don't approve of my daughters being with the likes of you two, and keeping them so far away from us. " I feel upset that she glared at Randell and Leo like they were the enemy. She'd be okay if we were with human's or at least in the same pack, but to plain out say that made me mad and sad. But then Summer said surprised at her bluntness

" How can you say such a thing like that Mom?! You're acting so rude. " then I felt as I looked down thinking about what she must think of Leo. I felt Leo's hand tighten around mine as I could tell he was upset at this too. I understand that she has had a bad experience with this mate thing and it's making her have an idea that if we are with mates that we're unhappy. I felt myself smile and say softly as I looked down

" I..I'm happy Mom...I'm happy being with Leo, and..." I could feel her eyes on me along with Dad who was trying to calm her down a bit. I felt Leo's other hand on my shoulder almost hugging me as I was going to say the big bombshell.

" ..And I'm happy that I'll be having a baby with him. " my Mom and Dad froze at what I said but then my Dad asked not shore he herd what I said correctly with how quiet my voice was

" Wait, you mean you're.. " then I felt Leo smile happily and said clearly unable to keep the news any longer from them " She's pregnant. " my Dad said to Summer beaming at the idea that I'm so happy and am even going to give him a grandchild to adore.

" Wait so you knew before we did Summer? It's amazing. "

I smiled to at him but when I looked at Mom she was sitting so quietly in her seat with her face showing she was trying to stomach the words. Then all she could show was a look of spiteful hatred in her eyes as she glared at Leo coldly. The look was easy enough to read the message it sent. It said

" How dare you come into my home, and tell me of how you dare defile my daughter you retard." I could tell she was going to explode at some point but the look she had on. I've never seen her so hateful before and it hurt seeing it. My Dad then said trying to give Leo some advice drawing my attention at his warm smile

" Now boy, as exciting as it must be, I want to make sure you're ready for this. Fatherhood is a big responsibility in its self. Especially someone who has been an Alpha with a mate for only so long. You know how to keep a strong pack, but if you're to have a family. You have to learn how to balance both leading and taking care of a pack, and also making sure to take good care of your family as well. It's a hard job and won't be easy, but if you both work together I'm sure you two will be able to figure it out. " I felt really happy as I looked at him then up at Leo who nodded respectfully to him thanking him for the advice. I loved the smile that both my Dad and Leo shared, but then the chair my Mom had scooted loudly as she stood up not taking another second staying quiet with her bitterness.

" No, I won't except this. I'm not going to hear another word on the subject! " she spat with disgust and anger. It hurt me how she was acting. It felt like she was also angry at me for being happy about having a baby. Like I'm also to blame for not being unhappy like she'd expect me to be. Then I felt Leo's hands on me grip tighter as I could telling looking at him that he was getting really angry and then he looked at my Mom and responded trying to still be respectful

" Autumn is my mate. We're happy even if you don't want us to be. We'll even get married if that's what you need to happen to except this. I want Autumn and this baby to be happy and have your support and love, and I'd expect you to want that as well. " I could hear his anger and frustration as he said this in his authoritative tone.

My Mom looked like she was a little intimidated by how he had his Alpha making her want to back down from retorting evident on her face as she grimiest. She looked at me and then looked down and said before going upstairs angrily

" I'll support the baby, and you Autumn. But I will not approve of him..being involved with either of you and that's that. If the baby becomes like him then you'll have to make due with one parent. "

Everyone in the room was shocked. I knew that she hates Leo but if that wasn't bad enough. Now I know it's because he's a werewolf and now she's saying if the baby turns out to be a werewolf like him she'll shun them too. I feel so furious and at this point I'm done taking such a load of BS from her. I sat up and pulled away from Leo as I started to follow her going up the stairs quickly

" How dare you. " I muttered through my teeth as I followed her into the hallway that had her and Dad's bedroom door open. I walked into their room and said pulling her shirt to make her turn around.

" I get that you've had a back experience but big deal! That doesn't give you the fucking right to be so selfish and cruel. What? So if I had been born a werewolf would you have hated and shunned me too?! Is it because I'm human that you have such a problem with me being happy when you turned out to be miserable? " I felt a felt a raging fire burning through me as I felt the blood in my veins start to boil. No one is going to threaten my baby, nobody.

" Because I know right now that I'll love my baby weather it's a boy or a girl. I'll love them no matter how many I have with Leo, but you got to fucking except that I'll be a mother who will love her kid unconditionally no matter what they are. Even if they turn out to be human or a werewolf. " I shouted at her face feeling tears burning as they ran down my face.

" So stop being so shallow and shut up and be happy- " I froze in shock as I felt a burning sensation on the side of my face. It took me a bit to recover what had just happened before I felt my face with my hands at the realization that my Mom had just slapped me across the face.

I looked at her in disbelief that she really just struck her own kid as she remained cold and said sternly

" How dare I? How dare you talk that way to me. I taught you how to act and how to never talk that way to your parents. I do love you and it doesn't matter if you were a werewolf, because in the end even as a human you still remind me of your birth father so it wouldn't make a difference to me. If you're that mad then you have only yourself to blame for this whole mess. "

Mess? I can't believe she's referring to me having a baby as a mess. Choosing to fall in love with Leo a mess. I felt my heart weighing heavily as the fire burned out and all I could do was start to cry in my hands. I wanted someone to help me through this and I wanted that to be her, and I want to not have this mess of a family when the baby comes into the world. I had the guilt of my birth father hanging over my head all my life and felt relieved that my baby won't go through that, but I don't think I can take anymore of this.

At that moment as I started to kneel on the floor crying so hard as I had my left hand on my stomach clenching it as I started to try and cover my mouth with my right. The only sound in the room was the sound of my sobs and my breathing. I herd some harsh breathing over mine. I herd a loud growl rolling from the doorway that grew deeper and louder. I opened my eyes and snapped up to see my Mom who looked up from me and she looked a little nervous and a little scared. " Oh shit. " escaped her lips under her breath.

I slowly turned my head as I stopped sobbing but tears still streamed down my cheeks. I saw standing there was Leo with pitch black eyes as he didn't say another word as he growled at my Mom. The look on his face was pissed enough to where I felt my body start to shake and scramble back from where I was on the floor. She wasn't apologizing or backing down, but that's when I saw Leo transform into his black wolf form. His growls got deeper and louder his black eyes locked on my Mom now. I tried to calm my breathing trying to slow it down so that I don't panic and have a heart attack.

Hair started to grow along his muscular arms and his chest. His face was changing too. He was in the room now and his wolf was huge to where he was blocking the doorway for escaping. His golden eyes were still there pitch black as he moved passed me and pinned my Mom to the ground as he growled his rage present. A scream fell from her lips when his lips parted to reveal sharp teeth that were still growing in length. He wasn't going to hurt her but I could tell that he wanted to scare her and make it clear that he is the strong one in the room. He wanted her to see that he wasn't just a title and had an actual experience of what her place was in comparison. I felt myself starting to shake as I watched in shock of what was happening in front of me.

I think he was even angrier than before because he saw I was crying and her hand left a mark on my face which really set him off. That was the first time someone actually slapped me and I felt myself wrap my arms around myself as I laid down on the floor faced down trying to make all this disappear. I didn't think it'd be this bad when we were heading here. It was worse then the worst I could have thought of and I just want this all to be some kind of nightmare that I can wake up from. Then I felt something nudge my side. I slowly turned on my side and then on my back and saw Leo's big wolf looking down at me. A small whimper fell from my lips before I could silence it. He stopped, his black eyes caught mine briefly before they lowered.

I tried to wipe my eyes as I sniffled and I could hear him whimpering as I noticed his ears were down. His eyes were there golden yellow again but they looked sad as they peered at me. He moved himself above me and slowly dropped to his stomach and crawled forward slightly. He dropped his head down against my left shoulder as he laid down on me. I felt him nudge his head against mine as I found myself wrapping my arms around his furry neck in a hug. I cried some more of whatever I had left till my eyes ran dry. I felt a small gasp escaped my Mom's lips as she slowly sat up from the floor as she watched us and seeing what Leo was doing now.

I felt surprised at feeling Leo's nose touch my face as I started to feel him starting to lick at my tears which made an unexpected giggle fall from my lips. I loved how he could look so scary and be very dangerous but he was just a sweet big old softy. He acted so harmless that it was really cute when I started to feel myself feeling better. I started to hold my hands around his neck and near his head. He laid his head on my chest gently as I felt the slight weight of him on my body. I started to trail my fingertips on his face as I felt through his fur. I could hear and see his long black furry tail patting the floor softly making me know that he was feeling happier.

His fur felt kinda soft and thick as I felt through it. I glanced at my Mom and saw that she seemed to have a look of regret and almost like she understood how he was making me feel even in this form. I looked away as I herd the steps of Dad, Randell, and Summer come in. My Mom got helped up off the floor which she sat still shaken by Leo, and Dad asked what happened but she stayed quiet. Randell and Summer noticed what me and Leo were doing. As my Dad took my Mom out of the room he got some of his clothes that should fit Leo out of their closet. Summer found out about what happened and wanted some alone time with Randell to real with it. I felt as the door closed to the room Leo's head pulled away from me and was moving back from me so that I could sit up and then I hugged his face feeling a little better after crying it out. But then he started to change back into his human form. I herd bones cracking as his fur started to disappear from his body to leave a Leo standing on his knees and hands. I had my arms wrapped around his neck now that he changed back and I said quietly as I was letting him go

" Thank you Leo..." he stood up and walked behind me and helped me off the ground and then got dressed. My eyes couldn't help but trail over his naked form. He looked so hot, but I felt my curiosity was getting the better of me as I lowered my eyes and looked away. I noticed as he was putting a shirt over his head I couldn't help but bite my lips watching his muscles as he pulled the shirt over them. Then he walked over to me as he asked gently touching my cheek as he rubbed my arm up and down

" Are you okay, Autumn? " I wasn't even close but all I could do was hide my face in his large chest as I started to cling to him tightly feeling more tears building up in my eyes. I felt him wrap his arms around me tightly as I felt him rubbing my back slowly soothing me as he said softly

" Shhh baby, I'll be right here for you. I'll make sure that she won't do that to you ever again. " I felt him started to lean his head against mine and I could tell that he was really worried that I'd brake in his arms. I lifted my head from his chest and looked up at him feeling tears in the corners of my eyes

" Can we just go home, please? " I asked almost pleading for him to just take me away from this sadness and pain as I held onto his shirt. He started to stroke my hair before he said after in- haling deeply.

" Alright baby, but first lets say bye before we'll go home. " Leo said as he started to hold my hand as he held my side in the other as we walked down stairs where Randell and Summer were waiting for us. I hugged and said good-bye to Dad who I could tell was done giving my Mom a thorough talk of which I could tell when she glanced at my still pink mark on my cheek. That she looked surprised at how she could see just what she did and she looked away and I think she really was sorry since she looked like she was really hating herself. I think it was her way of telling me that she understood what Leo does to make me love him so affectionately. He keeps me safe and makes me happy and that she understood which I think only fueled her own self-inflicted guilt.

I said waving bye from in front of the door before I turned my head to walk out the door as she looked up at me in surprise and confusion as to why I was feeling even better now.

" Bye, Mom. I'll come back and see you guys again, love you. " we got to the jeep and we all were silent as we were driving through the Blue Moon pack territory. I knew that I just want to curl up in are bed as I try to let my pain slowly disappear. I realized that as I thought about it that we were going to stop to get something to eat on the way. So we stopped at a Wendy's and got some food as we all sat in a booth together. As I ate and sipped some coke Leo asked

" Autumn...is there something..anything at all you want to talk about? " I looked at him on my left and then I looked over at Randell and Summer and I then smiled and said looking back at him

" Not really, but there's something I do think we should talk about though. " he asked intrigued looking serious

" What is it? " then I smiled and said " We haven't chosen names for the baby yet. " he smiled back and said " Alright, we can talk about names. Well first of all we should start with names for if it's a boy. " I pondered what names I liked and then he suggested

" How about Caleb? or Callum? " I said thinking them over " Caleb sounds nice but I think we should continue thinking of a back up in case. " that was when he asked what I had in mind.

" Um well, how about Grayson or Jace? They're nice, right? " then I felt him think those two over as he muttered them to himself trying them out. Then it hit me. I don't know Leo's last name. But when he said " Those sound like great names too. " and then I asked him a little nervously feeling embarrassed to ask

" Hey Leo? What is your last name? I just realized you haven't told me it yet. " he seemed surprised and said " Oh well, my last name is Xander. I don't really use it all that much so I guess it hasn't come up often. " I ended up testing out his full name " Leo Xander. " " Leo Xander. " he chuckled at how I was testing it out. Then he said starting to hold my hand tightly

" You having fun saying it, Autumn Miller? " I said leaning into him " A little, but how about some girls names. " then he took a bit before asking

" Well, how about Emma? " Then I thought about it and said smiling " That sounds like a nice name. " then I felt as I ate a fry that he whispered into my ear as he sat close to me

" I know you're going to be a great mother and I know that you're mother will turn around and she'll be a part of this. " I smiled up at him as I felt his words gave me small comfort. We finished eating and got back in the jeep. As we drove I wondered if I could finally meet his father since I've never met him before. I know that Leo hasn't had the best relationship with his dad but it'd still be nice to meet him at least. We don't even have to tell him about the baby.

I think I'll ask when I've gotten my own feelings in check. We were half way home and Leo had Randell and Summer switch seats with us letting Randell drive the rest of the way. As I sat in the back seat of the passengers seat Leo held me tightly in his arms keeping me close I asked hesitantly as I looked up at him

" Leo...do you want..your father to be involved? Will we ever get to..meet him? " I felt him tense up at the mention of him and I said leaning my face to the side as I held a calm smile as I started to stroke his arm with my right hands fingertips.

" It's okay if you don't want him to be involved with the baby, but I want to meet him and maybe....I think we'll be able to make peace with that. " he was silent and then sighed before saying calmly and quietly " Alright, I'll think about you meeting him. But I'm not letting him anywhere near the baby. " I could feel his stern and unwavering coldness in that last statement. This concerned me but I understood that this was a good start. I said quietly as I smiled and started to place a couple kisses on his neck, cheek, and then lips.

" That's okay, but for now lets try to enjoy right now. " I felt his arms around me and his lips sent a jolt of sparks throughout all my nerves and senses. He started to relax now and I felt his heart beat and mine sinking up as I felt are heart skipped a beat " budum " as I felt both of us starting to kiss more intensely. When we pulled up to the pack house I felt a lot better than before and just wanted to talk about the baby more. I felt like taking a nap in are bed to blow off any steam from when my blood was boiling. I napped but felt Leo was getting distracted by me when he was trying to work on some paperwork. He tried to slap some sense into himself, but only to scoop me in his arms as he started to nuzzle me as I could hear his voice say faintly

" Hm....I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you. I'll be here for you to lean on..always, " I opened my eyes slightly " Huh? Mm.." and then leaned into him closer and then I felt myself understand why he's so hesitant about his dad. I felt him lay down with me to fall asleep too. I felt his chest was so hard and I could feel the heat coming from his body from under his shirt that made me feel cradled as I sleepily tried to kiss him. I failed only to sleep like a baby afterwards with him only trying to hold me closer as I felt him starting to fall asleep too.

I knew that even as we're getting used to the idea of becoming parents. I'm actually feeling a calm sense of peace of mind knowing it's with Leo. I'm going to be here for him and for this baby, and nothing will make me regret having either of them in my life.