
A Pure Hearted Mate

[ This story is at least 18+ for its erotic themes, depression, rape scene, violence, language, and depiction of a toxic relationship and abuse. ] This is taking place in the world of humans and werewolves. It begins with a twenty year old girl named Autumn. She is a very timid girl who has to go threw, like all the other girls who were 20 years old. The process of having a werewolf pick a mate. But she is completely aware of the situation, and is terrified of leaving everyone she loves behind. Let alone the idea of having to be with a total stranger. But as she tries to hold onto the small fragments of her normal life, she is dashed away by a werewolf who claims her as his mate. Will she be too scared to let herself except the position she's in? Will she learn to try and be open to him? Or will what becomes of her change the person she is for better? or worse?Will she gain more than she could ever receive and find happiness? Or will on going threats make it all too much for her to take? Let's see.

gemlover2 · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter 11: The Party

I was glad that Summer was able to come see me at the pack house and we could talk, but recently I've left hers and Randell's relationship up to them and just letting them get to know each other. I introduced Leo to her once he came down one time when we were talking and having breakfast. She said that she liked him and said smirking at me once he left to go train

" So..you got a good looking Alpha huh " her giving me that smirk made me blush and say " Stop that! It's not like I had a choice in the matter, plus you got the only Zeta of the pack as your mate so ha! " she was blushing a little, because she's just as shy about being affectionate to someone as I am. But at least in middle school and high school she had dated a couple guys. I got bad feelings about one of them, and he ended up cheating on her. The next one was a friend of ours things got complicated going into high school, and they broke up. Then a guy I got to know from a party and had a good feeling about before they both decided to date on their own, but they broke up a little after graduation. Whereas me, I haven't had the experiences she does making her very out going and kind hearted. Which was why I liked how they were getting along.

I went to Leo in are room to try and help with paperwork, but then he told me something interesting.

" We're going to host a ball for the arrival of an Alpha coming to visit are pack along with his Luna. " The idea made me a little excited and I asked

" Which Alpha is attending? " I wanted to know because it's not often that an Alpha would go to another Alpha's territory unless invited for something and usually they're busy so when they take the time to come it's a big deal.

" Alpha Remus of the Midnight Rouges, along with his mate Luna Carole. " I smiled and stood up from the end of the bed and said excited to hear that

" I know Luna Carole! She was my friend from high school and we were on the same truck sitting next to each other when she got picked. I've seen Alpha Remus, but we haven't been properly introduced though. " He was smiling at how excited I was to see my friend and get to see how she was doing.

" At this ball we're to be the host's and will have are own spots to sit and over see the party. " he sat up and I felt him hold me from behind and leaned over me and continued

" I can wear something I already have. " his voice was starting to get low as he smirked near my ear " But I wonder what I should get to put you in. " this made me chuckle and say pushing him off my back

" Get your mind out of the gutter. " then he said letting go but holding one of my arms back " No really, I was thinking about what would really look nice on you. " I smiled because he did know what would look nice on me, but I said thinking about the idea of maybe wanting to dance with him at this party. Even though I'm almost hopeless when it comes to dancing, but if he leads then I can just follow him. I then gave in and said

" Okay, you can dress me up, but I want one dance with you. " he leaned and peaked me on the lips

" I think that could be arranged, even Alpha Remus can have a dance with his mate too. " then he kissed me again and then decided to let me over see the preparation's that we'd have the party in a ballroom we have in the pack house. He left and when I asked him where he was going he simply said

" Shopping. " before he left I knew that I was probably going to regret that deal. I don't know if he'd go nuts with what he'd make me wear.

I planned the decoration's had all the girls in the pack even the kids help with setting everything up. The ballroom when I first step into it seems so big that it'd seem impossible that it would be in the pack house, and it even had a black grand piano.

The ballroom when I first step into it seems so big that it'd seem impossible that it would be in the pack house, and it even had a black grand piano

It was fitting for over two thousand people to be in at once. Once it was getting close I saw that Summer was getting ready for the ball and a teased her saying that it would be a good chance for you to get closer to Randell. She was ending up wearing her hair down and had it get wavier as she was wearing something that was a long sleeve white dress with black on the bottom that reached her knees. She looked great and it made me happy once I thought about she almost never wears dresses. I could get a glance at her mark she got on her neck. It looked like a cute little crescent moon that was black and I thought it was discreet and cute. She acted surprised then smiled and said

" Okay I'm not talking to you. " when I knew she would because that was her way of handling my remarks. But when the time was getting closer for the ball approaching. Jay and Liz were ready when I was doing some last minute checks on if all the people making the music had already arrived. They pulled me out of the ball room and they were going to get me ready since I was going to be the last one not ready and that was something they weren't going to let me do. They started to clean my hair and dry it before they started to put my hair in curlers. During this they finished up doing my hair;which they put into two side buns and used the ends and made them stick out like wings or something of that nature. They decided to leave to go head up with their mates.

I didn't think my hair looked bad but I wish they'd stop being so pushy like it's are little salon thing but I have no clue what's happening to my hair. I opened the bathroom door and went into my closet where Leo left the outfit he decided on. It was um...a little showy and less formal then the one he picked for the ceremony. It was a dress that had skinny straps to a dress that was black at the top and it transitioned into white as it went down. The dress went down to mid thigh and it was a little light for a dress and it had a black line above the rim of it. I put it on and it fit well, but...it showed a bit more skin than I'd like and a lot more cleavage than I'd like. It seemed to be the opposite of Summers outfit. Where my skin was showing hers was covered and where hers was white mine was black. Even her hair was down and mine was up.

I grabbed the black overcoat I had and put it over my shoulders so that it would blend into it. I put on the white stockings that when just bellow the knee and I started to take the curlers out. My hair was put up in a way that make the ends of my curly hair rest over my shoulders. At least the back wasn't exposed because that would be a lot of skin. I looked in the bathroom mirror and was surprised how different I looked, but it was a good different.

I had on the matching white flats and was out the door. But when I made it to the front of the pack house which I tried to take the route that would avoid those coming in; I saw Leo waiting for me when we'd greet Alpha Remus and Luna Carole.

He had his messy black hair combed which I think made it look cute. He had a black loose shirt with long sleeves that were rolled up on the ends. The rest of his shirt he had tucked in his jeans he was wearing along with these nice black shoes.

He was surprised at how I looked even though I had a failed attempt to scare him which I think me being clean made it easier for him to sense me. He held me his hands on my arms and said

" You look amazing. " he was smiling but then frowned a little and said " But could you have kept the coat off though? " I then said blushing

" Sorry, but I'm not this comfortable wearing something so revealing. " Then he said looking me up and down a second time

" I guess I get it, but could you take the coat off once we sit in are chairs once we go in? " I thought about it but then I softened up after looking at his face and his eyes for a bit

" Fine, but stop staring so much at me. You're making me self-conscious. " He smirked and leaned his face closer to mine and said giving me a kiss on the lips

" Can you blaim me? " after a bit he pulled away and I said smiling at him " Maybe.. " we waited till a car pulled up and out came from the drivers seat a man with pitch black hair and red eyes that you could see threw the how dark it was.

He went to the passenger side and the door opened and Carole stepped out in long sleeved black shirt and a white pencil skirt. Her dark purple eyes widened when she saw me in this get up. I noticed that her shoulder length light brown hair had growed to past her shoulders and it got straightened from what I could tell. They both walked over and Leo said as I smiled my best without being to excited and nervous at the two of them in front of us

" I'm so glad that you two have come all this way. I hope that both of you enjoy yourselves. Alpha Remus, Luna Carole, I'd like you to meet my mate Luna Autumn. " I bowed at the hip and said try to be as formal as Leo was

" It's nice to meet the two of you. " But then Remus bowed the same way as I did back with his left hand on his chest as he did it and said his voice surprising me how calm it was

" It's nice to meet you as well. Luna Carole has told me much about you, and I'm glad to meet one of her friends. " I felt happy and looked at Carole and wondered when I'd be able to hug her. Leo had lead us to the ballroom as we walked threw the pack house. Carole and me hugged as we both walked behind them. We whispered to each others ears

" Autumn! I'm so glad to see you, and it looks like you got picked by a Alpha after all. " I said wanting to know more about how she was getting along with Alpha Remus.

" What about you? After you were dragged off by him I was worried I'd never see you again. How is he treating you? " she said in my ear as we looked at him as we walked

" He's actually a real gentlemen when you get to know him. He respects me and is pretty sweet too. He can be a little hard to reason with on things like what I should wear to this thing. " " He wanted to see me in a dress, but I didn't want to wear one so we met half way. " " But overall he's a pretty cool guy and he's not that bad a kisser either. " I felt my face start to blush a little as I said a little surprised how blunt she's being

" I didn't ask you that you know. " She knew but as we were walking into the ballroom we stopped talking and got ready for the whole pack to see us. We walked in beside are mates and walked threw the crowd that cleared a path for us to walk to are chairs. There was a big one for the Alpha's and Leo had one for Carole because he insisted that I'd sit with him in his chair.

We looked at everyone and Leo started to announce " Thank you everyone for your work and for attending

We looked at everyone and Leo started to announce " Thank you everyone for your work and for attending. Are honored guest's are Alpha Remus and Luna Carole. Please enjoy the festivities and let the ball commence. " Everyone cheered as I could spot Jay and Liz giving me thumbs up on the outfit Leo picked out. This made me smile as I continued to look threw the crowd and saw Summer and Randell. Summer was wearing her dirty blond hair down which she rarely does and had it held up with a clip in her hair. She was wearing a formal black dress and ankle black boots with some fur on the rim near the ankle. She looked great and she looked stunned as her mouth hung partially open as her head was tilted down as her eyes were mesmerized by how I looked. Randell seemed a little taken aback by what I was wearing as well but in a way that he seemed confused.

The music started to play as everyone was going to start dancing.That was when Leo and Alpha Remus walked to their chairs as I followed Leo and Carole followed Remus. Leo sat down and held a hand out to me to help me sit on his right leg as I folder my legs hanging outwards. I could feel him wrap his right arm around my waist as I was leaning against the arm rest and into him.

I remembered that I said I'd take the coat off and slowly started to move it off my shoulders as it was hanging from my arms. I could hear him growl a little in his throat when he looked down at me. I looked up at him and I felt kinda like I was being his little doll. I watched the people dancing as I rested my head against the crook of his neck.

It was about an hour when he asked me enough to hear over the music and the song that was being sung.

" Are you having fun? " I nodded and said " I like seeing so many people together like this, and the music is great too. " he then asked me " Well would you like that dance now? " I was getting a little excited and said remembering my inability to dance

" Yeah, but I don't really know how to dance so you might have to take the lead. " he then said " I could do that. Why not ask if Alpha Remus and Luna Carole would like to dance together too? " I thought that was a great idea then I stood up from the chair and walked over to the right of the chair as Leo started to stand up. With that the song was nearing its end and he walked over to Alpha Remus's chair and asked them as they looked up at him.

" Since you two are our honored guests, would you like for you two to have your own dance on the floor? " Remus looked over at Carole and she said that she'd definitely would like to. Then Alpha Remus stood up and took Carole's hand and that was Leo's cue to have the a okay.

He stood and faced everyone as the song ended he spoke catching everyone's attention and said threw out the room

" I hope everyone is enjoying themselves tonight. As are guest's Alpha Remus and Luna Carole would like to have their own dance, and after them myself and Luna Autumn will dance as well. "

Everyone made room on the dance floor as the musician's repaired as the two made their way to the floor. We stood as the music started and we watched them dance to the song.

[ Sabrina Carpenter- Let Me Move You starts to play. ]

Remus was holding her hand in his as he held the small of her back. As the music got the chorus he'd move with her really close to him in a ballroom kind of dance. He twirl her out and back to him holding her close each time coming in, and I could have sworn that I could see him smiling like he was having a good time. Carole's smile was wide when he'd twirl her and I could tell that there were some sparks when they'd go slow at some parts. When the song ended they looked happy and started to walk off the dance floor. Just then I saw Leo had his hand out to me which I took and we started to walk onto the dance floor as they got off.

I noticed the instruments had stopped as someone went onto the grand piano as another woman was getting close the the microphone for the next song. I only know what I'm supposed to hold for a ballroom dance but not how to dance it all that well because you need the man to lead. I stood in front of him and the song started with the piano filling the room.

[ Crazy In Love ( Beyoncé Cover ) Starts to play slowly.]

He held his left hand out and I put my hand in it as he held it tenderly and he moved his right hand to my waist. The woman was already starting to sing. He slowly started by having us move left to right as we were starting to spin around. My left hand was on his chest next to his right shoulder which was all healed up now. I felt myself keeping eye contact the entire time like I didn't need to really think at all. I felt him hold me a little close. I don't know why but just dancing calmly like this felt nice and all the people of the pack watching us started to fade away.

The singer stopped as the violins were starting to play fast before the singer continued with a almost power in her voice. He started to lead me faster to the side as I felt him slowly grab my left hand and twirled my arms and me around folding his arms in front of my chest as he stood against my back. He leaned against me so close it felt like his head was leaning over me. I could tell that he wanted to do a slow dance with me and I almost started to pick up what he was going to do with the steps. I felt my heart was starting to pick up pace as me undid my arms and was holding my waist again but he moved it higher as he held me closer to his chest. He was holding my right hand and held it higher almost above are heads in the air and I felt him move his hand down my arm slowly. His hand moved to my right shoulder just as his left moved up my left arm to grab my left hand. He then twirled me just as the music was going back to the more calmer part of the song.

The singer sang more calmly as he slowly moved my right hand down and he bent his arm holding my left still as it was to pulled over his left shoulder moving his right arm back as he was holding the middle of my back strongly. He pulled my arm more and he turned around stepped back a bit, and pulling me into him going back to holding my right hand in his as he held my back. I would take a step forward then back in this pattern that almost was like are bodies were pulling each other. All I could do to often going into him was having my left hand against him and I felt my face starting to heat up. He held a smile that kept me captivated and any surprised looks I would give a little made me smile wider. I felt being so close against him made me want so badly to kiss him. I felt like my hand wanted to grasp onto his shirt tightly I wanted him to be in my hands.

The music started to kick up again and once it got to the climax my left hand moved to his shoulder again and really was struggling keeping myself from wanting to pull him closer to me. The sound was nearing its end and then he twirled me before dipping me and kissing me as the singing when to the highest part. He slowly lifted me not braking the kiss making me stand on my feet again. Then he broke it even though I wanted to kiss him more intensely then the song started to settle more as we continued to dance like we did before. The fire on my lips left me wanting to relive just that part of the dance over and over again as it lingered on them. Once the song faded at the very end he had held both my hands. We each had an arm stretched out and the other bent and are arms were held like this as we looked at each other. We were walking around each other in a circle my eyes locked with his trying to understand what were going to do. Then he made his arms do the opposite of the other and as I did that he pulled both my arms hard almost propelling me forward to him as he dropped my arms. At the moment I got to him he grabbed my waist and lifted me up looking at my face that was hovering above his. My legs and arms were bent as my curled hair hung past my cheeks in the air.

The music ended and after a while he put me down and a wave of claps and flowed over us getting louder with each one as if the tide was coming in. I felt the trance was broken and I looked around us and everyone was surprising me as if everything just appeared around us. I felt thoughts starting to rush over me as if my mind was as blank and devote of anything as fresh snow. I realized that I had no clue what I was doing the whole time and yet...my body almost was taken over or manipulated like a puppet. I forgot all my cares and I felt so confused and lost as to...wait, no that was it just lost..lost in dancing with him. Lost in every moment, every touch, kiss, and movement.

I felt these thing I felt lost in was slowly fading as I started to have all my other sensation's coming back almost instantaneously like I forgot them. Like how I don't know how to dance and I don't like being the center of attention like my stage fright was gone the whole time, and it had returned. I saw Summer, Jay, Liz and their mates all looking at us amazed while the boys were using their fingers to whistle at us enthusiastically. This made me blush in embarrassment. I looked at Carole and Alpha Remus. Carole was smiling widely in amazement as Remus clapped too amused by are performance.

I felt Leo's hand brush my bare shoulder and made me look at him almost like I was trying to let my mind finally catch up with the rest of me. To where when he did that I snapped back into this world and was able to think and be back to normal.

" Come on, lets leave for them to all have the stage back. " I took his hand and walked back to the chairs letting everyone continue as the next song played. The down side to all these thoughts I could think clearly and I felt like when we danced that I've never wanted him that intensely before. He sat down and looked at Alpha Remus who looked at us as he commented

" My, that was an incredible performance you gave out there. Tell me did you practice for this purpose so you could try and be a good host? " I sat down on him again but I felt as I tried to lean against him that I felt his scent started to make me heated up and so I sat leaning my back on him. He responded myself starting to loose my nerve at the fact that I realized what I wanted to say and what I was feeling was certainly clearer to me. I feel confused, the world feeling like it is nothing as it seems to be him that is all that exists, and the fact that the whole time I felt this tension that would grow at certain points that made me really want him.

" No, what host's of a ball would we be if we didn't provide entertainment? " I felt like I am acting more like a girlfriend to him but I've never said I love you before. I sat back on Leo but I felt my heart was still beating fast as my breathing a calm but still. I felt stunned realizing just how great a dancer Leo is. I would never have guested and a part of me wanted to keep dancing like that forever. As everyone was dancing I whispered in his ear

" I didn't know you could dance like that. " he looked at me with my surprised smile, smiled, and said almost like he was trying to tease me

" You said you couldn't dance either and you followed really well. Would you have liked to dance longer? Because we can dance again later if you want. " I felt myself nod yes but then I realized how I'm in a state that if I were to dance with him again. I would be in that same state. The one that I feel so lost that I'd give myself and let him do whatever he wants with me. That was when I got snapped out of it once I felt him lean his head down into my neck as he took a deep sniff against my skin. I felt myself blush hard as I felt him holding my hips with his arms crossed around me. I let him hold me for a while before wanting to move so he could stop. He left me alone but still held me as I watched everyone dance. I noticed Jay and Liz were looking happy dancing, but I noticed that Summer and Randell were different. Summer like me doesn't know how to dance let alone in public, so Randell was nervous and was trying to hold Summer properly for a slow dance that ended up them both swaying. I felt myself smile and told Leo to look at them as I pointed, and once he got a look at the stiff and silly goofy face he had on.

He smiled widely at his best warrior not understanding how to navigate holding his mate looking hopeless. I looked at his smile and it made me smile feeling myself lean back against the crook of his neck just looking at his smile. I didn't realize it but I was slowly starting to notice those who didn't have a mate weren't dancing and some were just watching. Some would talk to each other and I noticed that some would smirk and look at me in Leo's arms. It was making me uneasy as I was noticing that they were looking me up and down as he held me. I almost felt like I wanted to just hide behind him so no one looks at me, but I couldn't except for being able to hide my face deeper into his neck.

The party was drawing to a close as everyone prepared to leave but I felt the eyes of some of the unmated men looking at me started to get to a creepy level as they were heading out. Leo seemed slightly oblivious to this as people were leaving the ballroom. I felt like I was showing a lot and it made me feel like they were seeing me like I was just a body. I felt myself looking away from their gazes in shame as I grabbed my coat and just as I was going to rush out of that room putting an arm into my coat. Leo grabbed at my other arm as he picked up that I was feeling distressed. As I left the ballroom leaving the door to close behind me after I pulled out of his grip. His concerned look remained as I left him to deal with showing Alpha Remus and Luna Carole to a room for them to spend the night.