
A Promise Of Paradise

A universe with different rules. Two beings created with a purpose: to maintain balance. But it isn't always the case; one of them died. But, given a second chance in life, devoid of any memories. As fate intertwined their paths again, they will share another purpose, a journey full of mysteries and hope, that will not only help the mortals but also themselves. Would they choose to embrace their second chance at love, or would they remain devoted friends? Love and duties danced on thin wire awaiting the universe's final judgement.

Tsukyuki · Fantasy
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27 Chs

(Part Three) Reuniting for a Farewell

The sun had just begun to peek over the horizon, painting the sky with a warm orange glow. Xu Jinhai was under the large tree where he had fallen asleep the night before. As he rubbed his eyes and sat up, he took a deep breath of the fresh morning air.

Stretching his arms and legs, he gazed out at the beautiful scenery around him. The birds were chirping, and the leaves rustled gently in the breeze. It was a peaceful and serene moment.

As he stood up and quickly brushed the dirt off his robes, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to experience such a breathtaking sight. He took a few steps forward and stood at the base of the tree, looking up at its towering branches.

"Thank you, my friend", he whispered to the tree.

He took a deep breath and made his way back to the town. As he walked down the main street, he noticed a frantic looking man running towards him.

"Excuse me, have you seen a guy around here? He's about this tall, he's cold looking and rude but nice if you get on his good side", Kai Koichi asked frantically.

Xu Jinhai scratched his head, trying to recall if he had seen anyone matching that description. But before he could answer, Kai Koichi continued on his frantic search, asking the locals if they had seen the mysterious man.

Xu Jinhai couldn't help but chuckle at Kai Koichi's odd description of himself. He decided to have a little fun with him.

"Actually, now that you mention it, I did see someone like that", Xu Jinhai said, smirking mischievously. "He went that way", he pointed in the opposite direction of where he actually went.

Kai Koichi nodded eagerly and dashed off in the direction Xu Jinhai had pointed, shouting "Thank you!" over his shoulder.

Xu Jinhai couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. As he continued to walk down the street, he couldn't wait to see the look on Kai Koichi's face when he realized he had been tricked.

Little did he know, Kai Koichi was actually looking for him all along. He had been searching the town frantically for Xu Jinhai, following every lead he could find. But, he already ended up meeting Xu Jinhai.

He spotted him on the rooftop of a nearby house, taking in the view of the town. "Xu Jinhai, there you are! I've been looking all over for you", Kai Koichi called out, relieved to have finally found him.

Xu Jinhai turned to face Kai Koichi, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Oh, Kai Koichi. You found me? I thought you'd actually go to the forest.", he said with a sly grin.

Kai Koichi's relief quickly turned to annoyance as he realized he had been tricked. "Xu Jinhai, get down here right now", he said sternly, arms crossed in frustration.

Xu Jinhai chuckled and shrugged. "Why should I? I'm quite comfortable up here", he said, leaning back against the rooftop ledge.

Kai Koichi grinned and looked up at the ledge wrinkling his nose. "Ew, that ledge is dirty. You shouldn't have been leaning on that, Xu Jinhai", he scolded, gesturing up towards the rooftop.

Xu Jinhai's eyes widened in horror as he realized what he had just done. "Dirty?", he muttered, panic starting to set in.

Kai Koichi watched with amusement as Xu Jinhai quickly jumped away from the ledge. "What's wrong, Xu Jinhai?" he asked, trying to suppress his laughter.

But Xu Jinhai was too preoccupied with his sudden need to clean himself. "No, no. I just realized that ledge is really not clean", he explained, still looking around frantically for a place to clean himself.

Kai Koichi couldn't help but chuckle at Xu Jinhai's sudden realization. "Well, I guess you better go wash yourself then", he joked, watching as Xu Jinhai scurried off towards the nearest fountain.

Xu Jinhai shot him a quick glare over his shoulder. "Hey, you never know what kind of germs are lurking around", he retorted, focusing on washing his hands.

Kai Koichi shook his head. He knew that Xu Jinhai was always careful about hygiene, but he never thought he would see him jump away from a dirty ledge like that. It was just one of the many things that made Xu Jinhai such a unique and entertaining.

Kai Koichi and Xu Jinhai were on their way to the temple to witness a traditional ritual. As they approached the entrance, they suddenly heard a familiar voice call out to them.

"Hey, wait up!" shouted Tsukiyomi Yan, as he hurried to catch up to them.

Xu Jinhai looked surprised to see him. "Tsukiyomi Yan? What are you doing here?" he asked, sounding confused.

Tsukiyomi Yan just grinned and shrugged. "I heard you guys were coming to the temple, so I thought I'd join you", he said nonchalantly.

Xu Jinhai looked even more perplexed. "How did you know we were going to the temple?" he asked.

Tsukiyomi Yan just chuckled. "It's an event right now, isn't it?", he replied.

As the three of them went inside to watch the ritual, Xu Jinhai turned to Tsukiyomi Yan and said in a low voice, "You're just here to keep an eye on me, aren't you?"

Tsukiyomi Yan grinned slyly. "I never said I wasn't", he replied.

Kai Koichi, who was walking slightly behind them, looked completely bewildered. "Uh, Xu Jinhai, who's Tsukiyomi Yan?" he asked.

Xu Jinhai shot Tsukiyomi Yan a warning look before turning to Kai Koichi. "He's just an old acquaintance", he said.

Tsukiyomi Yan chuckled. "We go way back", he added, winking at Xu Jinhai.

Kai Koichi looked even more confused, but before he could say anything else, they reached their seats, and the ritual began. Xu Jinhai and Tsukiyomi Yan both seemed to be deeply engaged in the ceremony, while Kai Koichi sat awkwardly between them, still trying to figure out who this mysterious Tsukiyomi Yan person was.