
A Prolific Genius Mega Superstar

Since she died in her original world called Starlynn planet, she met the goddess of the universe and eternality and made a deal undisclosed to anyone. in this one special lifetime, she was born as a baby girl and met a loving and harmonious family. Using magic books and magical artifacts as well as the knowledge and talents she accumulated in her seemingly endless past lives that span across the vast multiverse. She will capture the love and adoration of the people in the world and become the most unforgettable mega-superstar the world has ever seen in history. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

RhiaLyn · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 9

"Mommy is comfortable with the media now but Ae-ri is still young. You still can't express your thoughts and feelings verbally to us." Chae Eun-rin patted her daughter's head.

"So grow up well and tell us everything you wanted to do. No matter what it is, we will support you." Chae Eun-rin bump her nose with her daughter's nose. Chae Ae-ri giggled and say gibberishly that sounded like mumbling incomprehensible words. But Ae-ri were comforting her mother on her own way. Saying that it's her dream to become a mega-superstar and she need not to worry too much.

The slideshows of her photos were playing on the screen. 'Every single pictures have my magic imbued in it.'

That must have been the reason why her Starcube video got that insane amount of views. If they see the picture cover on Cherry Starcube video, they would click it getting drawn by the magic energy.

The entrance of the theater room open and Theodore along with his secretary entered. After a few minutes. Chae Eun-rin secretary also entered holding a clipboard that has a document clip in it.

Yesterday, is the day that her mother asked Secretary Cha to call and go to Delight baby food company and bring back the contract. Secretary Cha had already showed it to Asteria company lawyers to examine if there's any underlying clauses in the contract. The overprotective couple read the contract again just to make sure. Making their competent secretaries shocked for a moment but soon they just shrugged it off knowing that the two of them was just being a parent.

Secretary Cha added as the couple finished reading. "As per the CEO's request. They agreed to shoot the commercial on the Asteria company building. The shooting will take under 3 hours at most if there's no disturbances occur."

At Secretary Cha's words, the couple nodded their heads feeling relieve their daughter won't be having a hard time shooting.

Secretary Cha continued as she point on the contract. "And as you can see here. After the commerical filming is done. They will put it on Starcube as an ad, then later as a commercial on television."

"The Delight company will keep it running for about six months at most. But if the commercial goes well, they stated they are willing to extend the the contract while the payment for Cherry's appearance will also be elevated according to the products rising popularity."

Overall, the contract is favourable for their daughter and there was no reason to decline.

"Then shall we put our signatures together?" The couple look at themselves then turn to Ae-ri who is already blushing, she was so excited by her first appearance on television and can't wait for her parents to sign it.

Chae Ae-ri flail her hands in the air gesturing for her parents to sign quickly. 'Even if it's just a commercial ad. It's my first time appearing on television and StarCube ad, and that's not all. Mom's secretary said it will stay on television for 6 whole months. Imagine seeing your own face on Tv for months. A dream come true for an aspiring mega-superstar.'

Both secretaries handed out a pen to the husband and wife. They sign it side by side while leaving a space in the middle.

At this time. Theodore reveal the small heart shape gift box he was hiding in his suit. Giving it to Ae-ri. She tilted her head but untied the ribbon and look inside.

Theodore explain. "It was a customized stamp that I asked a few months ago to be made." It was indeed a square stamp made with rose gold handle. It has cherries on the upper center while it's surrounded with Cherry blossom flowers, then below it, there's a cursive writing in English that says Cherry Blossom.

"It's our daughter's first contract. I wanna make it memorable. Our Ae-ri still can't sign signatures or autographs." Theodore turn to the two secretaries. They are both already holding high-definition cameras each. Secretary Cha was taking a video while Secretary Baker taking pictures.

Chae Ae-ri grip the stamp and press it on the ink pad. Then, press it down slowly on the contract between her parents signature.

"Ah ha ha..." Ae-ri couldn't help but laugh aloud, she did a sign language thanking her father but the latter doesn't know anything about sign languages and just think it was some kind of random baby hand gestures. The couple look at their little girl bright face with loving gazes and warm smiles.

*Flashes* + *Flashes* + *[Recording•]*

The camera shutter kept flashing. On the commerical contract document. The couple's signature and baby Chae Ae-ri stamped in Cherry pink ink were captured in 8k.

That day, she didn't slept on her room and was sleeping with her parents on the master's bedroom. She felt asleep looking at the pictures and videos of her first contract with her parents.


Chae Ae-ri opened her eyes and could see the endless hall, she seemed to have fallen asleep. She always opened her eyes on the mental world as always.

'Where should I go this time?'

Chae Ae-ri crawl as she see countless colorful doors. Seeing the views on her StarCube channel. It seems that she doesn't need any magic books for the time being. What she needed is something that can restrict her magical powers to some extent.

'I will just restraint it for the time being. But I will use it if I want to. Glamour magic is fine without restrictions but the other one.'

Chae Ae-ri was glad that she uses her full powers doing a photoshoot for her mother's company and not someone else.

She remembered, there's also that room beside the ancient library. She arrive at the green door emitting powerful magic waves.

The Magic Artifacts Room

Chae Ae-ri opened the door without her usual inner explanatory monologue. Some of the artifacts were chained or some were just floating around. There was also a feather pen that was writing something on a piled of clean papers, if she remember correctly. This pen have a soul of a writer who wanted to write forever and bound it's soul to the pen he likes writing with.

'Such a weird fella...well the weirdest thing here is myself who have this kind of mental world magic.'

A flying carpet approach her and fly her around the room. 'Do you know where to find an artifact that can limit the magic one can use?' She asks mentally to the artifacts. Because it's her mental world. All things here know her thoughts well. More so, if they are soul bound artifacts like the feather pen earlier or such as this carpet taking her on a joyful ride.

The flying carpet landed her Infront of a bracelet that was inside a circular glass. She picked up the bracelet and scan it.

'Indeed. This is what I'm looking for.'

When she was about to wake herself up and exit her mental world, she ordered the flying carpet to go to the hall to pick her up whenever she enter the mental world. At her words the carpet sway with joy.