
A Privileged Tragedy

TommySlick · Teen
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Chapter 2

It takes 4 hours to get from my parent's mansion to my townhouse, 4 freaking hours! Once I finally get home I angrily pack my suitcase full of mostly sweatpants, hoodies, and oversized shirts all of the darkest shades, of course. Angrily spouting curses I zipped up my suitcase and jumped onto my bed. I roll around laying on my back staring at the ceiling which was covered in glow-in-the-dark stars. As the sun slowly but surely set and the room grew darker the glow from the stars grew, my eyelids got heavier and heavier.

In the morning the maid came and woke me leaving me in a groggy state. "Just leave me to rot. " I grumble throwing myself off the bed and onto the floor. The maid watches me holding back chuckles smirking.

"I see you're not quite fond of your relocation, Mistress," she says clearing the bed of old sheets glancing at me as her forehead creases at the action. "Of course not! You know I don't like them, plus I have another 4-hour ride to look forward to." I emphasized rolling a few times making my way towards the bathroom. "Wendy..." I say wailing "...I don't wanna go!" I latch onto her leg as she tries to walk by with the sheets in hand. "Well, if it were up to me I would want you leaving either, but it isn't so let me finish cleaning up," she said pulling her leg from my clasp. Her auburn hair bouncing as she quickly steps away. Before leaving she pokes her head back into the room before giving me a small smile. "We'll miss you, Res. All of us...and as much as you don't think so your delight to have around."Wendy ensures shutting the door as she leaves. "Tell that to my so-called mother," I grumble rising to my feet. I drag my feet to the entrance of the bathroom. Shielding my eyes as the motion sensor lights cut on. I let out another invasive sigh before getting ready. After getting out of the shower I dress in my t-shirt and my boxer briefs and jogging pants and hoodie, and without jump back onto my bed. "See you never." I sigh into my pillow.

A disapproving sigh filled the air and I turn my head toward the door. There he was standing shaking his head, my bodyguard...Chase. "Now this is just sad, what did you do this time, Res?" Chase said swiftly walking to stand in front of my bed. "I don't even know, fucking breath... but it probably didn't help that I yelled multiple times throughout the so-called conversation," I said pulling myself to sit up. "It's not all bad. Give it a chance, maybe something good will come out of it." He says patting my curly head of curls. I push his hand. "Yeah, I doubt it." I snort hopping off my bed swiftly walking into the hallway after grabbing my suitcase, Chase follows slowly. I snatch a mango off the kitchen counter on my way out. "Yay a much-needed 4-hour ride to hell!" I yell with much sarcasm before walking to the car and opening the trunk. I look down... I forgot this was even here. I take out a skull-shaped pillow and a black and white blanket, leaving my suitcase to be lifted by Chase who was well suited for the labor. I plop into the back seat and buckle up taking a bite out of my forgotten mango.

During the ride, I was super sleepy and my eyes wouldn't focus. I pull up my blanket as I began to nod off. What the- I have woken to my head hitting the window as the car drove onto a poorly paved road. The pain in my head started to throb a bit. "What the fuck!" I grumble rubbing the side of my head. I decided to stay awake to avoid any further injuries. I rub my eyes glancing up at the review mirror to see Chase's eyes looking back worriedly. "You alright back there?" he says gripping the wheel. I huffed and nodded my head still rubbing it. "Well, you still got roughly 2 more hours so you better be." I sink lower into my seat turning my head to stare out the window. We had been on a highway with grasslands on both sides of it. Every once in a while there would be a small farm with a few cows or horses to look at. Sometimes I wish I lived on a farm with a few horses,a pig, and maybe some bunnies.

Chase who was usually very comfortable with silence had turned on the radio to which I told him to turn it back off.

"What am I going to do Chase, you know I hate them," I said lowly still looking out the window. "I know..." he says sadly I feel him looking back at me.

"At least I'll be there to help." I move my eyes to the mirror watching him as he talked. "So...it can't be that bad." I can tell he's smiling from the way his eyes rounds to make this crescent shape. I roll my eyes, "Oh, what an honor." I muttered dramatically. He chuckles his eyes moving back to the road.

Eventually the inevitable happened... we arrived at the gates of the mansion. I sighed deeply and continued to slouch in my seat trying to convey with my posture just how much I didn't want to be here. "Come on, get up!" Chase huffs pulling into the driveway passing the now opened gates. I huffed and sat up as we continued down the driveway that wrapped around the fountain. Chase parks the car and walks around to open my door but I quickly get out before he makes it over. He pops open the trunk handing my suitcase to the mansion's staff who were now coming outside. Chase tosses the keys to one of the staff. I dragged my feet, once I'm in front of the door a servant opens the door. "I could have done it myself ya know? " I complain.

The servant doesn't reply as I passed him. Once I'm inside I look for my father who apparently has more important things to do than to at least greet his daughter who he and his wife verbally dragged back into this freaking mansion.

Typical. Typical parenting on his part.