
a prince's journey {dxd}

some long lost soul meets a bored ROB and reincarnates as son of sirzechs gremory with some wishes in dxd read as he moves his lazy butt to go on a journey in his new world. disclaimer:i own absolutely nothing of highschool dxd or any other work that you see elements of in the story i only own my MC

obero34_ · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Weird day, crazy bitches.

This is a weird situation we found ourselves in.

At first it was supposed to be a more serious meeting at a restaurant. But considering how everything went, all the miscalculations,the deceits the betrayals, everything has come down to this moment.

I will once again be the first to admit that i had underestimated these people.

I think somewhere in my mind i still haven't truly processed that these people are real. They aren't some fairy tail princesses or whatever.

Looking at the girl next to me, i realize that Strong women do in fact exist. I realise my logical conclusions don't work that great in a illogical world. I realise once again, that the people i interact with, aren't humans. Expecting human behavior and human problems from them is a foolish thing.

So how did everything get here again?


It all started when i was taking a walk.....

In Montreal. It was morning and i had zero bloody clues where to go. Yeah Kaya gave me the wrong address. I wonder why?

Well anyway, this city is actually not too bad. I never actually got the chance to visit here. Its definitely not bad at all. It would have been better if i had a direction to go towards and people here wouldn't look at me so weird, but i guess you can't have everything and i do admit some 10 year old kid taking a walk at 9 in the morning is maybe a bit.....weird?

*Sigh* okay lets try to find holy energy somewhere. putting my ass on a bench i try to search for the closest residual holy energy, only to find multiple smaller ones radiating it, monitoring a rather gigantic one, wow.

Though i can also tell that this gigantic energy is put on display intentionally. Not the work of an amateur. Either she is acting like this to get less attention, or she is doing this in hope of exposing the people watching her.

This is as good as any time to kill someone. It will also be my first. Well, not really, Scathach killed a lot of people. While i don't have her memories i do have her knowledge of events.

Tracking the smaller sources of energy, i found 7 people in separate buildings, circling around a single house.

I hid my presence, before making a crimson dagger. A simple assassination would do.

Silently entering a building through the windows, i come across 2 people having a chat. Boyfriends i assume.

"You know man, ever since we officially started this relationship she has been getting more and more closer to you than me! At first we were filling her from both holes but now? I feel like i am paying all the bills while she is blowing you! Damnit i thought this was supposed to be a healthy three_way relationship. Where did we go wrong?" said the first fallen, some purple haired man.

"Why did we even include a girl in this relationship? I think that was the mistake. I mean i really like it more when i do it with you than her." Said the second fallen, a black haired man.

"Because you said it would sound gay for 2 men to be in love. So we invited a girl, that way we could be gay without sounding gay."

Is it weird that i am more interested in this conversation than my current job?

Getting my shit together and my brain back on the mission, i make a second dagger before dashing towards them and putting the daggers through their brains. These are daggers from power of destruction, so they instantly die.

From their belongings, i found a phone in the black haired ones coat. Usually not found in the current era, but grigori can make it with their technology.

On the wallpaper is a picture of three people, the same 2 men that i killed, and a busty woman with black hair and violet eyes.

Sneaking though the street i quickly entered the next building where 3 fallen angels were stationed. The moment i enter the the hall, i am stomped by the scene in front of me.

The same woman from that guy's phone, is riding a guys cock while sucking on another one's cock.

"Is it fun? cheating on those hopeless idiots who love you so dearly they would even share you?" he man, deep throating her said.

"Ahh~ those pathetic morons ahh~ they are more interested in each other's assholes than my pussy ahhh~ they only do anal sex with me too." Responded the woman.

We won't talk about this. This WILL be forgotten.

This time not sparing more than a glance i simply kill them all by skewering their brains with spears shooting from the ground. Destroying their bodies afterwards.

Today is a weird day.

Moving on from...whatever that was.

I quickly find my last 2 targets standing on a balcony.

this time i decided not to listen to any conversations.

Getting close i simply knock them both out and throw them into a magic circle, teleporting to my home in the dragon mountains.

Alright that should be about it. Absolutely nothing worth mentioning happened today.

I think the woman had a fetish for threesomes btw.






Enough. Nothing happened today.

Finally, now that there is only one signal left. I simply made my way to my target for today.

Standing in front of a simple and humble looking white house, i ringed the bell and waited for her to come out.

And came out an absolute beauty of a girl in fact.

Wearing a V neck black shirt and jeans, was a tall, beautiful girl with long black hair, purple eyes, white creamy perfect skin with beauty marks too.

And those are GIGANTIC. Holy shit i thought i was meeting a 13 year old girl, she has personalities that countries would go to war for.


"Can i help you?" she finally asked, seeing me get lost in her universes.

Getting my shit together i finally responded.

"Oh yes indeed, i was looking for a girl named 'Stella'. I believe you are who i am looking for?"

"To whom do i have the pleasure of talking to?"

"Antares Gremory, my lady."

"Come inside." She said, coldly. Before opening the door and allowing me in.

Walking behind her i realise while i was lost in her personality i missed her hips and rear. Seeing them sway like this. Its amazing.

I think i may be in love.

Sadly this paradise was temporary, as we sat on 2 couches opposite of each other.

What was i going to say to her again? Ah i remember.

"Please go on a date with me."


Deep silence.

"So a meeting right? I am interested in what a devil can give me anyway. When do we meet?" She finally responded.

"Why not right away? I have taken care of the people monitoring you, so there is no need to worry about us being spotted."

"But he is just going to send new ones now....*sigh* fine, lets go on a walk, i will show you some interesting things in the city."

Finishing that awkward conversation, we walk right out of the door to tour the city.

Walking around the city at supernatural speeds, i can see the appeal of canada to people, it has just the right amount of nature, and technology in it.

Not like i was paying that much attention though.

Walking through the streets, we see a bunch of homeless little kittens in an alleyway. I initially didn't pay any mind, but then my girlfriend for the day decided to walk to them and pet them a little, to play with them. Seeing this and wanting to be a gentleman, i took out some small pieces of tuna that i had stored in my spacial storage.

Making an icy kitchen knife and cutting them to even smaller pieces, i finally got them ready to be eaten by the kittens.

All this time Stella was looking at me with critical look with amusement in her eyes.

"I see you like cats." I asked, to make a small conversation.

"Not really, i don't hate them, but i don't like them that much either. I pity these little kittens. So if that was your way of making an impression on me i am sorry to say it failed."

You look amused though.

"Oh i am sure i will get more chances, but why pity? Of all the emotions isn't that a bit sad?"

"They are homeless, parentless and they don't really have anyone they can call 'friend'. They are pitiful."

"I argue they are not as poor as you make them out to be. They have a nice carton to sleep in, people come here and giving them food for free and even some people adopting them should they be cute enough. Life may have been cruel, but it was still merciful enough to give them some manner of comfort. Even if this is scrapping the bottom of the barrel, its still good enough for them."

Now she was visibly impressed and amused.

See, i did make a good impression.

"You amuse me Gremory."

"Please, just Antares. I am your boyfriend for the day after all."

She chuckled, then walked out of the alleyway with me following her.

Just as we walked out, i saw a women's underwear shop across the street. Looking to the girl right next to me, my mind started working at supersonic speed.

Perhaps noticing my line of sight, she deadpanned and coldly said:

"You want to see me in a lingerie, don't you?"

"Don't you wanna see yourself in a lingerie?"

She raised an eyebrow and said: "Elaborate please."

Alright you can do this.

"I mean i think you would look fantastic and i have also heard girls like shopping pretty things. And it will be fun too."

I NEED to get her to that store. It is a man's obligation.

"That is a fine argument. Alright, we will go there but you won't get to see me in a lingerie. Certain privileges will only belong to the actual boyfriend, not the 1 day boyfriend."

"But there is no point in that if i don't get to see you at all!"

"Oh there is a point to it. I get to shop pretty things like girls do, you get to pay for the things i buy. And i do wanna see myself in a lingerie too."

How cruel!

Walking into the store with a scowl on my face, i quickly analyzed the underwears and i had to say i was impressed. All kinds of colors and all kinds of models were placed there.

A blessing in disguise was that Stella looked like an adult already. So we didn't get any weird looks from the shop owner.

Taking a black set, a white set and a crimson set with herself she went to the changing room. Not forgetting to dangle them around her body for me to see and imagine.

And also not forgetting to wear some clothes on her when she comes out.

We spent close to an entire hour there until she ended up with 7 sets of underwear.

Every single one of them was truly a masterpiece. But i didn't get to see even a single one. Who is she even buying them for?

I was victorious, but at what cost?

"It all amounts to a total of 190 C$ lady."

"Ara~ Ara~ your face is awfully twitchy, Are you okay?" She said, smiling innocently.

"Nothing to concern yourself about dear. Just a little nervousness." I answered, also smiling happily.

"Truly? I really hope you are enjoying this as much as i am dear."

The nerve of this girl.

"Oh dear, there is a restaurant just 2 streets away. Why don't we go there and relax while enjoying delicious food?" She suggested.

So you can steal even more money from me?

"Of course dear. Lets do that and have some 'pleasant' conversation while we are at it too."

I just decided that this date is going to end as soon as possible.

Reaching the restaurant, we go inside and sit on a table with 2 chairs. How convenient.

After choosing our food in silence, i decided not to play around the business anymore and get straight to the point here.

"I came looking for you, because i have a certain proposition you may be interested in."

"Well you did give me a good time, and 200$. So you have my attention dear."

"Its nothing too worrisome dear. I simply want to employ you. Work for me. And if you have any conditions i don't mind them either."

"Employing a fallen angel reject? Aren't you the heir of your family? Don't you think that would damage your reputation?" She said with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't particularly mind, no. And besides dishonor can be washed away with success. I simply have to prove your worthiness." I answered rather confidently.

"Interesting. What kind of job would i be employed in?"

"Let's say i am a part of a group that wants to do something big, and change a bunch of things in the current underworld. And i require talent to do that and you along with some other individuals are being employed for that."

"What do i gain from helping you?" She asked.

"For starters, you no longer have to worry about fallen angels watching your every move. Money and income is easily granted, i can at least ease your life a bit, but ultimately what i offer is power. As i said i want talented people with potential. I will nurture that talent, granting you power. Something that i imagine someone with your history would like to have." I said, sounding more and more like a villain advertising his ideals.

A low chuckle was my answer.

"You raise several valid points dear, i can accept this proposal. But i have certain conditions."

Nodding my head towards her i inclined her to elaborate.

"First, no other devil outside of your circle should ever be aware of my involvement with you, second, i want protection. And thirdly, i have a desire you will have to fulfill."

Nothing too unreasonable, that much was expected anyway.

"Something to do with Satanael i see. I assume you want him dead?"

"Dead? No of course not. I want him alive." She said while happily smiling and clasping her hands together.

She is scary. This crazy bitch.

"Those conditions are acceptable but getting Satanael right now isn't doable. It will lead to war, and besides he may still be useful in the long run. So you have to wait a bit to fulfill that condition."

Satanael was the one who initially established the chaos brigade. It isn't that i am unsuspecting of changes, but rather that i simply don't have enough information at the moment to deal with unexpected changes. The canon did not even point out the whereabouts of these terrorist's hideouts. I simply don't know enough to deal with sudden changes now. The more things stay the same, the more control i will have.

"That is fine with me, i wanted to deal with him myself anyway. You said you will nurture me, give me the power to do that. That is more than enough to fulfill that condition." She responded.

"Then lets sign a geas."

She chuckled once more but didn't disagree to that suggestion.

By the time we were done with that the food was coming and we found ourselves busy with those deliciousies.

I couldn't help but think about the day we had however.....

The supernatural tour, the cats, the company.....

Everything was surprisingly very fun. It was unexpected.

Hearing her background i thought i would meet some broken girl with a revenge boner that refuses to use her fallen angel powers.

But she looks like a rather calm and reasonable person.

"You are diffrent from what i originally thought." I finally said out loud.

she stops eating her food and looks at me in he eye for a few seconds, before opening up and talking a bit.

"Well then your opinion is the same as Azazel. Honestly there was a time where i was just confused with the events happening in my life, everything went so fast, i didn't really know what to do. One day i came home from school, find my mom dead with some winged creatures threatening to kill me too. And the next moment things come out from my back and i realize i am one of them too."

Too fast huh? That is most likely how she discovered her powers too. In a stressful situation, a person's brain will work in a faster rate, trying to make sense of situation and overcoming it. Combine that with the instincts to survive a deadly encounter and some trauma, and you have the perfect catalyst to unlock your supernatural side.

"But... after the events happened and things ended, i had a few years to think about everything. I realise my mother probably knew. But she tried to hide things from me. It was doomed to fail, but i appreciate the attempt. I had a nice 10 years of being a normal girl. She did what she thought was best. As for despising fallen angels, i don't think i can despise my own race. I only hate my father, if there was ever a regret, no a shame, it would be that i was capable of killing those low level fallen angels that killed my mom. But since i didn't had my powers in time, i lost my mom. That is the only shame really." Her voice broke down every once in a while, but she refused to let people see that.

I see that she is much different from Akeno. She never had the option of hating her fallen angel side. She never had the luxury of blaming that side of her for all of this, because ultimately she only survived because of her angelic powers.

You can't blame your savior, for your pain. That would just make you an ungrateful brat. In a world where her mom had died, and her dead beat father had sent his lackeys to kill her, those black wings of her came to save her.

But more importantly, in this case there is an obvious object of hatred that is Satanael. Akeno's case was confusing to her because deep down she knew its unreasonable to blame Barakiel to cope with her situation. Stella however just wants to take Satanael alive and do... satans knows what with him.

"I understand. As i said you will get your chance for a 'talk' with Satanael."


"And that is pretty much how the events worked out. So Stella, that is Kaya, Kaya, Stella." I said to the other 2 occupants of the room, as i finished recounting the abridged version of the date.

Thats how we got here.

"It is good to see you Stella."

"Pleasure to meet you too."

"So if i understand this correctly, you wish for her to stay in this manor with me, until she wishes to reveal herself correct?" Kaya asked getting right to the point.

"Thats about the gist of it, yes. Of course if it isn't too troublesome for you." I answered.

"No, not really. I have already mentality prepared myself to make this manor into some kind of a hideout for our people. In fact even as we speak, the workers are extending the underground area of the manor."

Thats very convenient.

"So have you talked to those heirs of extinct clans?" I asked.

"No, i was planning to do so today."

"Make sure they do agree to work for us by all means."

"No worries at all master."

With that, i said my goodbyes and teleported out of there, leaving Kaya and Stella alone.

Kaya looked towards her newest rival, scrutinizing her. An action that was replicated by Stella as well.

*Knock* *Knock*

The tense standoff was broken by the sound of someone knocking on the door however.

"Come in" Kaya said.

And the door opened to reveal a blue haired maid, bowing to Kaya.

"Mistress you wanted to see me?"

"Ah yes indeed, would you please show the manor around to Stella here?"

answering with a nod, the maid looked towards Stella and gave her a bow, before they both left for a tour of the house, ending in one of the bedrooms for Stella.

Kaya however, still having some business to do, walked out and into the hall where 4 people were currently seated at.

These 4 individuals were of course, Diana Abaddon, Clara Eligos, Cecilia Valefor and Sven Bune.

Entering in Kaya did a courteous bow towards them before asking:

"How do you all do, esteemed guests of mine? I hope there wasn't anything unpleasant happening while i was gone?"

The girls of the group simply nodded, while the boy glared at her.

"I imagine you all are wondering why i have taken you here? Why help you? Why care for you? Well i am here to answer all of that. We are a part of a group, working towards a better Underworld. You all are neccessary instruments in our goals. It is a simple plan in which, i help you, you help me. The ultimate goal of this is of course, regicide. Not as in a rebellion, but as in politically defeating a king."

The 4 looked serious at that. They weren't fools. Politically defeating a king? It is obvious who they are targeting. The very same family that took everything from theirs. The reactions were mixed.

Diana Abaddon, was overwhelmed. She had long since decided to give up on the idea of her house returning in any way and resigned herself to a simple life with hopefully a child to at least continue her family's legacy. Yet here is a person telling her that it may be possible to do so. It wasn't something she had ever foreseen.

Clara Eligos was not so conflicted though. It has to be known by everyone that house Eligos was not given the finest treatment. They had a clan trait that was incredibly useful, yet it didn't provide any defensive nor offensive means for them. The older devils and satan families used them like tools, they couldn't fight in war anyway, so may as well be useful in someway. She hated them all. And with this hatred she had already agreed to join this group. Even if she can do a little bit of damage to the old fools, it would still satisfy her.

Cecelia Valefor wasn't so certain. She would love to get her family mansion back. It is been dream for her ever since the civil war happened. She just didn't trust the capability of this mysterious group. She would agree so long as they prove themselves capable enough for her to risk her life in their campaign.

Sven Bune did not have the most silent reaction though.

"Hmph, i know what you are cooking here. Bunch of manipulators with some syndrome taking on the great king faction? Don't make me laugh. You just had some pretty boy's cock inside of you and thought that he is the strongest pretty boy in the world since he can fuck so good. Well reality isn't that pretty. He isn't the strongest pretty boy. This is a waste of time."

In response to all of this however, Kaya simply smiled and looked at them with blank eyes. A kind of look that would make Makima proud.

Everything went exactly as she had expected. That entire week they spent in this manor, indulging in luxuries wasn't for them to get comfortable here. It was an opportunity for Kaya to learn about their characters and then choose her method of conversation accordingly. So far everything was perfect. One is overwhelmed, one is hateful, and is in doubt and one is looking down on her and mocking her beloved.

"I assure you that we all have equal things to gain from this cooperation. It is in your best interest to think about my proposal." She said, blankly.

"Or what? You're gonna use your voice to force us into obedience?" Sven said, glaring hatefully towards her.

The rest of them of course shared the same sentiment. After all the Paimon's ability was famed in the entirely of the underworld.

With that same blank face and tone she turned to look at Sven and responded:

"I do not need to use my voice on you to convince you. Rather, you need some logical thinking to convince yourselves to join me. I am merely here to guide you. What else do you have to lose anyway? Your lives? You were being monitored all the time by the great king faction. You were always under the threat of assassination. The choice for you is simple enough really. You can either help us, regain what you have lost, become the new driving force of the underworld and make your ancestors proud. Or you could go back to the down town living a humble life under the control of the same people who took everything from you, and worry about whether or not you will even wake up tomorrow. *Chuckles* you can either stay with us, or go back and find your food in whatever garbage can you usually visit at nights."

The more she spoke, the more enraged Sven became. And with that last sentence, all of his composure was gone. He stood up, went close to her and threateningly looked at her.

However kaya's expression did not change at all. In fact it even got a bit mocking, as if she was looking at an ant. And Sven didn't act either. He knew better than to attack an opponent he has no chance against. Gritting his teeth hard, he stomped out of the room.

Kaya, completely ignoring him, turned to the rest of the people in he room.

"I hope you all think carefully and make the correct decision regarding this. It is the most important decision of your life." She said, lowkey giving them a polite death threat, not that they noticed it.

Kaya's words had shaken them just as much as it did to Sven.

Just as she had intended of course.

They simply sat in silence waiting for her to leave the room.

Outside, Kaya had a satisfied smile on her face.

Let it be known that her position as the next head of the Paimon wasn't just given to her on a silver platter. She did have 2 older siblings after all.

No this position was something that was EARNED. Earned by eliminating the opposition of her siblings. That is why people typically don't hear much about her older siblings anymore. Manipulating a bunch of lost children away from their home was nothing to her.

'Ahhhh~ i hope my prince gives me an appropriate reward for this. Oh i cannot wait.' She thought with an obsessed look in her eyes.

This crazy bitch.