
A preternatural existence

I’ve always been outside of the norm; such was always spoken to me by my ‘father’. .. Magic. Such an important existence in this world. An overused phenomenon commonly only seen in nobility. Regular citizens have magic too, everyone and everything has it yet citizens haven’t enough magic inside of them to be used so it just rests inside of them, ever present and unusable. Yet how have I, a regular person of this world, gotten a hold of useable magic? I’m no noble, just a citizen. So why? Why have I been granted the use of magic? (The MC will only have romance with women. Additional tags include: Ability steal, Abusive characters, Academy, Adopted protagonist, Antihero protagonist, Apathetic protagonist, Child abuse, Cold protagonist, Contracts, Elemental magic, Magic beasts, Strong to stronger, Summoning magic, Sword and magic. There are also the obvious tags of Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Girls love, Historical, Martial arts, Mature, Romance. There will be sexual content but I’ll put a warning for that. There will also be some slight gore and I’ve decided to not put warnings for that. Each chapter will stay around 2,000 words. Update schedule will be a bit random but there is at least 1 chapter guaranteed per week. I’ll try and keep it to maybe 3-4 chapters per week? I’m not sure yet since if I’m not in the mood to write then I seriously can’t focus. I also posted this on Scribble Hub so check it out on there as well! If I post anywhere else then I’ll add it in here but if you see it elsewhere then I’d appreciate being notified. This story is purely mine and no one else’s so please do not post this without my permission.)

Lovin_life · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Chapter 5

I reach Hollowmaw after roughly half an hour of walking, I must've been going faster than I thought I was. The streets are bustling and it's no surprise since it's already 15:00. Most towns have a clock tower or two so they're aware of the time. Every hour a bell will chime with the exceptions of the times between and including 22:00 to 05:00 as that's when most are asleep.

People can buy their own clocks to put in their homes but they go for at least 15 silvers. 200 coppers are equal to 1 sliver and 150 silvers are equal to 1 gold, 100 gold is equal to 1 platinum. Magic stones and magic cores are also used as currency but only between those able to use magic, they're worth around 10 gold if they're in perfect quality and if they're in terrible quality then they'll be worth 120 silvers. Of course prices can always change depending on how useful it is for someone. The price of magic stones depends on their size, how much mana is contained inside it, what element the magic stone is and it's quality. The price for magic cores depend on their size, how much mana is contained inside, which beast the magic core came from and the quality of it. Magic stones and magic cores can be used for pretty much the same thing but magic stones are easier to craft with. For example, a regular fridge will have an ice magic stone inside that will keep it cool as long as there is mana inside of it, you can regulate the temperature by adjusting the output of mana. Such things wouldn't be possible with magic cores; magic cores, if you decide to craft with them, are mainly used for weaponry to increase quality, durability and sharpness. Sometimes if you're lucky and find a good blacksmith they can imbue your weapon with a element which further increases all qualities of it.

The bell chimes, making everyone aware that it's a new hour of their day. I begin walking through the pathed streets and towards a certain shop I always go to for meat. I've known him for over 40 years now and the meat he sells is always in excellent quality. No other shops are quite like his, it's a shame he picked such a hidden area to set up his shop. If he was at the main market then there's no doubt that he'd be making lots of money, much more than he is now at least.

I approach his shop labelled 'Volker's bloody butcher'. From outward appearances you'd think this place was rundown but when you enter you'd get the opposite impression. I enter through his partially broken wooden door and a small bell chimes.

"Ah, a customer." A tall wolf kin man comes out from behind the counter. He's wearing combat trousers and boots with his chest showing. He's got a muscular build which he loves to show off. Pointy red wolf ears come from his head and his scruffy short red hair. A wolf tail comes through a hole cut in his combat trousers, "oh, it's you again, Faylen. What can I do for you today?" He smiles warmly at me, his sharp yellow eyes looking me up and down.

"I'm here for some boar meat and maybe some chicken as well if you don't mind."

"Sure, how much are you looking for?"

"I'd hope for it to last me a week or two so quite a bit. I'd like more meat then the regular amount I get." He nods as he goes off to grab some meat in the room behind the counter before coming back and putting it on the counter.

"Are you sure? Your regular lasts you a month but now your getting more to last you a shorter time, this isn't like you." He leans slightly forwards and rests his elbows on the counter.

"I've got a child in my home at the moment so I'm buying more than normal to feed her for the time being."

"A child? Is she yours? I'd assume not." He chuckles to himself, "this'll be a total of 127 copper."

"Why so much? Oh, never mind, I have an idea why. And no, the girl isn't mine, I found her half dead in the forest so I'm taking care of her for the time being."

"Figured it out already? Well I shouldn't be surprised since you live in the forest. Boar meat is much harder to find nearby from over hunting them. This is actually the last boar meat left in stock."

"That's a shame, here." I hand over 127 coppers and pick up the meats, "thanks, Volker."

"Always a pleasure. Say hi to the girl for me, I hope she heals fast." He waves goodbye as I exit his shop and make my way back home.

'He'd be stunned if he found out how quickly she healed. I still am. Oh, actually that reminds me, I should buy her some clothes.'

I notice a small corner shop with clothes on display through glass windows so I enter and look amongst the selection of clothes they have.

'There's no clothes that will fit Mei in the girls section so I might have to buy her some from the male section.. I'm sure that's fine.'

I pick up some black combat trousers and a white short sleeved shirt and head over to the counter. I place them down in front of the woman who looks up at me.

"That'll be 2 silver and 177 copper." She says in a shocked tone of voice but I'm not really paying attention so I hand over the money and walk out with the clothes, "Are you really an elf?!" I hear her call after me so I turn around.

"Yes, I am."

'I'm the only elf in this area so I can't blame her for being in disbelief.'

Most elves stay in their continent but I didn't. I decided to move away when I could. Many were jealous of my healing abilities and I couldn't be bothered to deal with them so I left to the human continent.

She looks a little flustered as I answered and just nods so I turn back around and head home to Mei.




(Mei POV)

It's been about an hour and a half since Faylen left to go buy meat in town. I know she told me to rest but it's hard to when I can sense what's going on around me. It's never been like this before, this is all new. I've never sensed what's going on around me and now all of a sudden I can.

'Is this something to do with that voice I heard? They said something about it being soon and it coming back overtime but what does that even mean?'

I sigh and sit up in bed.

'All of my injuries suddenly healed and Faylen seemed just as surprised as I was so I know it wasn't her doing. This is all so confusing but it's better to make the most of my situation, I want to try that arena but I don't think I'm skilled enough.' I know a bit on how to use a sword from when I trained in the back garden of the orphanage and read lots of books but it's confusing when no one is teaching me and there's no pictures or demonstrations so I've just got to assume. My strength has been growing overtime as I use those wooden training swords but I've never actually fought someone before.

I notice a slight shift in the atmosphere again as I hear the door open. It must be Faylen. I don't hear her say anything but for some reason I can feel her presence downstairs. It feels weird knowing this but it could be very useful in the future. I try and focus on Faylen downstairs and despite not seeing her in person I can see her in my mind if I close my eyes. I watch as she places food down on the kitchen table and as she takes a sharp knife out of her draws.

'This all feels so strange but somehow it feels slightly familiar… like it's something I've done before but I don't remember anything like this.'

I feel myself slowly drifting off to sleep, still feeling these weird yet familiar fluctuations and shifts in the atmosphere around me before slipping off into a deep sleep.

I wake up to the feeling of someone approaching me so I open my eyes. It's Faylen.

She smiles as she noticed me awaken, "Did you sleep well?" She asks softly, setting down a bowl on the bedside table. I don't know what's inside the bowl, I've never seen it before but it smells nice.

"I did." I nod and smile slightly. The more I'm with her the more comfortable I get. I feel safe around her which puts me at ease.

"That's good, I've made you something to eat, would you like some?"

I nod again as I pick up the bowl and a fork which was placed next to it. I can see the steam coming off of the food as I stab what looks to be a circular piece of meat. I blow lightly on it before putting it in my mouth and chewing on it. Despite blowing on it, it's still hot and burns the roof of my mouth. It didn't really hurt, maybe because I've burnt my mouth before or maybe I'm just used to being injured some way or another.

"You should blow on it more, you're going to get injured if you aren't careful."

I finish my mouthful of food and reply, "I already burnt my mouth."

She sighs and chuckles, holding her hand over my heart again and healing my mouth.

'Why can I feel something moving around me? Is that her magic? I didn't feel this before.'

"Is that your magic I feel moving inside of me?" I ask and Faylen looks up at me.

"You can feel my magic circulating around your body?" I nod and she looks a little surprised, "did you feel it before?" I shake my head, "hmm.."

"Is that bad?" I ask.

"No, not at all," she shakes her head and I feel her magic coming out of my body as she moves her hands away, "it's quite the opposite really, you'll learn more about this later." She smiles, "now finish your food."

I nod and do as I'm told. After finishing about half of what she gave me I feel full, "I'm sorry."

"Hm? Why're you sorry?"

"I can't finish it all."

"Oh thats fine." Faylen smiles and pats my head, "as long as you've eaten some of it then it's alright."


"It's really alright, Mei. Seeing how you apologised for not finishing your food I'd guess it's something to do with the orphanage. Did they beat you if you couldn't finish your food?" She asks and I nod slightly, "I'm nothing like them, you don't need to worry."

It feels so weird someone not hurting me when I've done something wrong. I didn't eat and I'm lucky I've been fed, I should eat it all or be punished. I don't understand why she isn't punishing me. 'The orphanage said that every child is beaten if they don't finish their food or follow the rules.. I don't understand.'

"You don't need to be scared Mei, you're safe with me." I don't know why but I feel like crying and I can't stop myself from doing exactly that. Faylen leans towards me and I flinch but instead of hurting me for crying she wraps her arms around me and hugs me. It's warm. It's safe. "It's alright Mei, cry as much as you need to, be as childish as you want, you don't need to act strong around me." I lean into her body and wrap my arms around her.

'She's kind.'

"Thank you." I mutter through tears.

(2011 words)

Please check out my account on Scribble hub, it’s under the same username and has more chapters posted then on here! xx

Lovin_lifecreators' thoughts