
A Powerfull Assassin on Parallel World become Demon Lord?!

Ryuga Kiyotaka is an ordinary boy that you can find anywhere. But he has a big secret that he hides from anyone. Ryuga works as Professional Hitman or Assassin. He doing that to continue Kiyotaka's Family tradition and to repay their kindness. He is an Orphan, but he has a lot of talents to make him recruited as an Assassin. He never failed to do his mission and have a 100% success ratio. On a certain day, he was teleported into a Parallel World after he finished his mission by a wicked Goddess to become Demon Lord!! This is story about the adventure of the Strongest Hitman with powerful gadgets to find a way to return on Earth.

Shameless_Author · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Parallel World?

Ryuga found himself on the vast plains alone. He surveyed the surroundings and found several limbs near the jet's debris. Their body wasn't intact anymore because of the explosion.

"Oh my God...Forgive me..."

Ryuga never imagines this situation could happen to him even on his dream. Suddenly teleported and kill innocent people by accident.

Suddenly he hears a woman's voice, but he doesn't find her. He uses his lens to searching her but got no result.

'Hello new Challenger, Welcome to my world, Laverio.'

"Who are you?"

He tried to analyze the voice with his AI but the result is vague.

[Analysis Complete]

[The voice is come from your mind, similar to telepathy according to my data.]

[You not under hypothesis or delusion, I deduce that the voice real by analyzing your brain activity]

'Ryuga Kiyotaka, you are selected to become a new challenger and your Role is Demon Lord.'

The voice doesn't answer his question and gives a weird respond.

'Quit this nonsense and return me to Japan.'

He was talking to the voice inside his head, but IF someone sees this scene, they probably think that Ryuga is crazy because he talks alone.

'Nyahahaha, I can't do that. I only able to summon you from Earth to Laverio.'

Ryuga still treats her word as a joke and repeats his request once again with the strong tune.

"Stop this joke and RETURN ME TO JAPAN NOW!!"

'I can't do that~'

His expressionless face is slightly changing. His eyes are narrowed and his looks like a predator aiming its prey.

"Don't mess with me, I won't give you second chance after this."

His voice is low but very frightening. Ryuga lost his patience because of this nonsense.

'If you don't believe me, you can check it by yourself~'

Ryuga immediately takes his phone on his suit. His phone doesn't have a signal. He tries to call his family but he never able to make a call. But he still thought he was in the deserted area so he won't get the signal.

He flying to the sky to find the signal with his Nano-suit, but he never finds it even after flying around 1 kilometer from the ground. He confused about this and try to use his AI once again.

"Analyze the signal and environment."

[Analysis is Complete]

[I don't detect the electromagnetic wave around this area]

[The Atmosphere composition is different from Earth]


Ryuga couldn't help but shocked by the fact that he now in a different world. He feels like he was drowning in despair. He descends to the ground with a broken spirit.

'Nyahahaha, don't be upset boy~'

'In this world, you can do anything, you also can use magic. This world has much freedom and fun to explore you know~'

Ryuga is shaking because endure his anger because of this annoying voice. He really wants to give her a few 'lessons' because of her arrogance. She doesn't know anything about Ryuga yet she makes him separated from his family. He can't forgive her.

Ryuga thinks carefully to figure out how to leave this world. Only her voice is his last hope. He remembering her word before.

-He is on Laverio (New World)

-He is new challengers

-His role Demon Lord


So he teleported into a different world with magic stuff. He is a new challenger, then it means someone has come before him. This Demon Lord stuff is very disturbing.

'I think you already accept your situation. Then I will tell you about this world. This world is..."

According to her, this world is a Parallel World of Earth with the same geographic but the atmosphere is different because of the mana and spirits. Laverio is 4 times larger than Earth inhabited by various races other than humans.

She said there are a lot of people from Earth transported here before. They have certain roles like Hero, Sage, Magician, Demon Lord, Monster, etc. There is a level system too like in video games.

In short, this situation is similar to Isekai Novel in Japan.

But why must him??!!!!

Ryuga still alive and his suit was the proof. Yet why he selected to come here?!

She summoned them to entertain herself because she was bored when watching the world. Ryuga curses her and said she has a few screw loose on her brain. But she ignores him.

'You are a naughty child Ryuga. You need a punishment from me to fix your attitude~'

"Shut up!!!"

'Another minus point~'

'Here your punishment~'

Suddenly Ryuga feels his right eye being stabbed by a pointed object. Even his Nano Suit is covering his whole body, he still receives the damage. He feels his eye is throbbing and painful.

Ryuga couldn't help but screaming to endure the pain, but it's useless. He opens his Nano-suit on the face and crouching while holding his right eye with his hand to subdue the pain.

'Nyahahaha, do you feel my punishments?~'

He even can't answer her because of the intense pain. He loses his body strength and laying on the ground.

'That's my punishment Ryuga Kiyotaka, now your lens is merged with your eye. You don't want your sister to see you like that isn't it?~'


Ryuga has never been annoyed like this when he on Earth. He meets a lot of scums, but he never meets someone like her, who enjoy torments, other people, plus playing with his life. He was helpless against the Divine being.

After enduring the pain for 5 minutes, finally, he can open his right eye. He tried to take off the lens, but as she said, the lens was gone. He has the vision and his AI still working too. He now really like has heterochromatic issues.

'Your role has been determined by me~'

'Alright please open your status Ryuga.'


He just repeats her word, but suddenly a transparent monitor popped out in front of me.


[Name: Ryuga Kiyotaka]

[Role: Demon Lord]

[Lvl: 1]


'Let's decided your gift now~'

'Touch the gift section'

Ryuga doesn't have a choice but to follow her instructions. He taps the Gift and various Word appears on his monitor. There's a Big [Start] button too.



[Gravity Attribute]






'Now tap Start to begin to choose your gift randomly~'

Ryuga tapped the start and a light border appear and begin to move randomly. After waiting for 10 seconds, the result appears.


[Can summon anything based on the user level.]

[Limit use: 1 per month]

'Oh my~'

'You got something good huh...'

'As my apology, I will disable the restrictions just for once. You can use your Gift to summon anything now.'

Eh really?!!!

Ryuga has already had someone on his mind right now. He feels grateful because of his luck.

"I will summon you!!!!"

Ryuga is screaming for his first time and finally, his expressionless face crumbles because a glimmer of hope to return on to Japan is possible to happen.



Her voice is clearly shaking and disappeared. Then a magic circle appeared beside him with a bright light. When the light fades, Ryuga can see the culprit who sends him into this world.

She is very beautiful and has a transcendence aura surrounding her with white attire covering her body. She looks like a divine being yet she is a mortal being like him. Her long silver hairs looked silky smooth.

"Finally you show up in front of me."

Ryuga wastes no time and materializes his gun from his suit. Even she is a goddess, he doesn't afraid because he was the victim of her nonsensical joke.

"Return me to Japan now."

"I can't do that!!!!"

"Stop your joke. You are Goddess, then you should able to send me back!!"

"I am a Goddess when I am on Divine Realms, but I fall on Mortal Realms and I don't have my power as Goddess!!!"

"Stop screwing around, you bitch!!!"

Ryuga uses a bad word for the first time to a stranger. Even he never uses it when he fights with his enemy on Earth. Ryuga is very angry with her attitude until making him lost his composure.

"I am serious!!!! IF I have my power, I will blast you until you vanish completely!!!! How dare you drag me down into mortal Realms!!!!!"

The Goddess is throwing a tantrum at Ryuga while shaking because he points his gun into her head. What she says was make a sense.IF she has a power, she won't let herself to be threatened by him.

"IF I kill you, maybe I will get your power isn't it?"

Ryuga has a wicked thought about killing Goddess just to vent his frustration. He forgets the fact that he was against a goddess. He doesn't care about Divine Punishment or something like that. He just wants to return to Japan.

"No, you can't do it. I am your last hope to get back to Earth."

The Goddess toying with his life and he couldn't forgive her.

"I don't care, as long as you die!!!"

"Nooo, you can't do that!!!!! I hate a rude man!!!!"

Before he pulled the trigger, Ryuga stops himself and froze for a moment. That because The Goddess says something similar to Kosaki, his little sister.

His little sister is the one who influences him to become calm and hide his identity as Assassin. Because Kosaki doesn't like him to become a rude person. Since he is an Assassin, he needs to kill someone in the process of completing his mission.

His heart was swaying slightly because he remembers his little sister. He couldn't help but hesitant to kill the Goddess because Ryuga seeing her little sister reflection on the Goddess's face. Ryuga doesn't know that even the Goddess lost most of her power, she still able to read his memory. She attacks him with his weakness. The Goddess is certain that she can control him.

But Ryuga is supported by powerful AI.His AI has a function as a lie detector by analyzing the heartbeat, expression, gesture, and brain wave. The Goddess isn't different from humans now, and his AI can analyze her perfectly. He immediately knows that she trying to mess around with him.

Ryuga will follow her for now, since she is his last hope. When he can return to Japan, he will beat the crap of her until she becomes a new leaf.

"You piece of trash, what should I do now?"

Ryuga asking the Goddess like he was a bad guy threatening innocent people.

"You, how dare you use your mouth to insult me!!!"

The Goddess throwing a tantrum once again, but he ignored her and point his gun to her head. By the way, his weapon is Nano-Pistol. With a design like Dessert Eagle, it has unlimited ammo since Nano-Pistol using energy from his suits.

Weapon from his suit is made by Nano-Particles. In other words, Ryuga can make a weapon from his suits by manipulating Nano-Particles with his chip on his brain.

His suit is powered by the sun and in this world, he can charge his suits during the day. It can convert Sun energy and Ultraviolet Ray to become Nano-Energy and use it as the battery of his suits. He is unbeatable on Earth, and he is stronger than the Goddess in front of him.

He pulls his trigger but not aiming at the Goddess. He wasn't missing his shot, but he aims the giant boulder behind the Goddess. With a loud bang, the boulder was exploded like the boulder was hit by a rocket launcher. With small power, Ryuga able to destroy a giant boulder into several pieces.

The Goddess who seeing Ryuga doesn't hesitate to pull the trigger beside her ear was trembling. She was aware that he clearly mad at her. But even she already use his weakness to manipulate Ryuga, she was shocked by his boldness.

"I don't have time to waste.IF you don't want to help me, then you choose to die."

"Nooo, please spare my life!!! I am not different from Mortal being now!!!"

"It depends on your answer."

"Fine...Try to open your status once again."


[Name: Ryuga Kiyotaka

[Role: Demon Lord]

[Lvl: 1]

[Gift: Summoning]

[Power: 500.000]


Another information appears on Ryuga's status window. He tried to ask the Goddess.

"Power means your strength. It also can be raised by making your army, strengthen your base, or defeat another Demon Lord or Hero."

"Rank 108 means that you're the 108th Demon Lord or the youngest Demon Lord."


He never imagines that he will be summoned to the world that has more than 1 Demon Lord. He just hopes he can kill the Hero and get back to Japan. (Since he was Demon Lord).But to think there are 108 Demon Lords, Ryuga can't imagine how many heroes that he needs to kill. While he was shocked by this fact, the Goddess herself also shocked by Ryuga's Power Value. She summons countless people from Earth, but she never finds a big value like this from the start. The biggest value she ever has seen is 10.000 when she summoned the Strongest Hero and The Strongest Demon Lord.

Power Value determined by assessing Individual talents like wisdom, skill, ability, adaptation, and strength. Ryuga was trained to become an Elite Assassin, so he received a lot of hellish training to build his body and strengthen his muscle. He also learns various self-defense techniques and martial arts like Aikido, Kungfu, Muay-Thai. He also learns about weapon-mastery so he able to use many weapons like spear, swords, dagger and he even can use anything to kill someone. He learns Gun-mastery too, and he even can use Gun Kata in the battle.

Ryuga's IQ is 300 and makes him able to memorize everything clearly like he watching a record inside his brain. He able to use up to 10 languages when he was 8 years old. He can memorize 100 hundred books content after reading it once. He is like a walking Wikipedia. Besides that crazy memory capacity, Ryuga also a fast learner. His calm attitude plus his talents make him able to climb to the highest place on the Assassin Organization. Ryuga is already perfect human-being plus assisted by powerful AI to choose the best decision after calculating some factor make him become more flawless human.

His suit is top-notch too. His suit made by Unknown material from a meteorite. The material from meteorites only able to make one suit and that's still a prototype. The scientist who worked for making Spyware has an idea after watching Transformer Series and begin the project of Nano-Particles. They finally succeed to make a High-Tech Nano suit even though it still prototypes.

Ryuga's Nano Suit can't be activated by anyone except himself, because there is a security Lock to prevent anyone to steal his suit. His suit record Ryuga's DNA and analyze it before someone wears it. If someone tries to steal his suit with force, his suit will eliminate them with full power. His suit has a lot of functions to help him during the mission.

1. His suit is boosting his physical strength and gives powerful protection against any attack like a gunshot, radiation, acid, not affected by gravitation, nuke, thunderbolt, a laser beam and even can withstand with a nuclear bomb (Tsar Bomba). His suit can produce Nano-Shield to cover him from any harm.

2. His suit has a Stealth function. He can cloak himself and become invisible to hide from his enemies or sneaking into their base. He can make anything he touches become invisible too, but it has a limitation of size and volume.

3. His suit can produce a magnetic field and he can control any metal within his range like telekinesis. He also can make a strong Electromagnetic wave to knock off his enemies.

4. His suit is can make any weapon by Nano-Particles. He never runs out of energy since his suit is powered by Sun energy. He can fire countless times with his gun by using his suit's energy. He also can shoot an energy beam from his finger and energy blast from his palm like Iron-man. He also can create a powerful wind compression after absorbs the air. He can make water jet cutter and make the water become a deadly weapon.

5. His suit also can fly with an altitude of 20 km, with a maximum speed of 600 kilometers/hour. His suit prevents the air pressure and keeps him to stay comfortable in a harsh environment. His suits are also able to adapt to every temperature.

With his perfect human traits and his powerful gadget, he is like a walking cheat on this World. That's why the value of his power is broken. The Goddess is sweating due to his abnormal strength and she is marked as an enemy by Ryuga.In this world, a Goddess won't get along with Demon Lord, so her bet is siding with the Hero.

Thus the story of Ryuga Kiyotaka has begun!!