
A Powerfull Assassin on Parallel World become Demon Lord?!

Ryuga Kiyotaka is an ordinary boy that you can find anywhere. But he has a big secret that he hides from anyone. Ryuga works as Professional Hitman or Assassin. He doing that to continue Kiyotaka's Family tradition and to repay their kindness. He is an Orphan, but he has a lot of talents to make him recruited as an Assassin. He never failed to do his mission and have a 100% success ratio. On a certain day, he was teleported into a Parallel World after he finished his mission by a wicked Goddess to become Demon Lord!! This is story about the adventure of the Strongest Hitman with powerful gadgets to find a way to return on Earth.

Shameless_Author · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs


Ryuga was immediately startled as he found someone sleeping beside him. He chooses the third floor because he thinks no one sleeping there. The light was switched off and yet why there's someone here?!!

The bed was big enough to fit several adults on it, while still offering the greatest level of comfort possible. Despite the unexpected turn of event that occurred yesterday, Ryuga had still been able to sense IF someone comes closer to him like a sensor.

'I need to go before I get caught.', Ryuga thought sleepily and trying to get up but his body won't listen to him.

[Your body was in danger]

[100 blood veins was broken]

[The burn mark on your hand slowly spreading and destroying your skin]

[This was the after-effects of the battle with Dragon as your body slowly dying]

Ryuga never knows that his body was almost reaching its limit. Not to mention his blood veins were broken too, that's why he unable to move his body huh...

He also notices that his arm was fully covered by a burn mark that looks like his skin was burned with hot lava. The wound was glowing with a red color similar to lava.

"What should I do?", Ryuga using telepathy to talk with his AI.

[If Master let the wound without taking any treatment, 100% Master will dead]

[The blood veins will continue to break as the burn mark spreading into your body]

[Your skin will be destroyed completely until your inner organ exposed]

[In the end, Master will lose everything as Human and died with the horrible state]

[Solutions: Fusing with Nano-suits]

[Explanation: Nano suits will merging with your skin to avoid the burn mark spreading. Nanoparticles also will be covering the inner organ to prevent them from being destroyed."

[Risk: 40%]

[Explaination: Master don't have completed Nano-Suit yet, so we have a limit to cover your body. Your body probably can't withstand the pain when Nanotechnology fusing with your skin and enter your body]

His AI was quickly analyzed his condition, but Ryuga doesn't want to die yet. He still needs to return to Earth and meet with Kosaki and his family.

"I don't care, please just do what you need to do to make me survive."

[Checking the anesthetic]

[Result : 0]

[Finding another solution]

[Result: 1]

[Master are you ready to accept the change of your body?]

"I just want to stay alive and meet with my family. As long as I survive, I think my family will accept me no matter what happens to my body. So please do this without worry."

[Receiving Master Permission]

[Begin the procedure]

[Disable the sensory nerve]

[Forced the Master to unconscious]

[Take the control of Master's body and begin the operation]

When his AI started his work, Ryuga felt as if an electric current ran through the back of his head and lost consciousness completely.

Because Nano-Energy was low, the AI can't use that to search for a suitable place other than this room. He just covering the bed with a Sound-proof barrier made by Nanoparticles and start the fusion.

Nano-suit on the Ryuga's feet begin to transform into Nanoparticles and entering his skin forcefully. Each time the Nanoparticles made contact, the skin will bleed. Even Ryuga was lost consciousness and his sensory nerve was disabled, somehow his face was quite tense like he experienced a nightmare.


Ryuga unconsciously screaming but his eyes were closed. Suddenly his right eye was opened and revealing golden pupil that glowing ominously. That was his AI and he controls Ryuga's body for now.

From his mouth, Ryuga begins to coughing up the blood and staining the bedsheets. Luckily the blood was not so much and don't turn the bedsheets into a mess.

[This is too risky]

[Master's body was severely injured and If I continue this, he will die faster than the expected time]

Meanwhile, Ryuga was struggling to survive, Aoi was sleeping peacefully but Ryuga's scream was made her startled.

'What is it?', Aoi opens her sleepy eyes and squinting to get a clear image in the middle of Darkness.


This time, Aoi thinks she heard a voice inside her room, but she unable to see who was that. Aoi slowly raised her body and shocked when she saw Ryuga was inside her room.

"You...you...you...What are you doing in my room?!!!!" , Aoi was yelled loudly and try to escape from the bed but unfortunately, she was blocked by the barrier of Nanoparticles.

"Hey what the meaning of this!!!!", Aoi doesn't bring her weapon and she can't use magic to destroy her room so she just needs to drive away Ryuga without using magic. But that was easier to said than done.

Ryuga staring at Aoi with his golden pupil and that makes Aoi shivering. His eyes were glowing eerily as if Aoi feels that she was sucked into that eye. His left eye was closed yet why he only using his right eye?

She knows that Ryuga has heterochromatic but she doesn't know why Ryuga did that. Suddenly Ryuga speaks with the stiff voice to her.

"I remember you. You are the Hero and your name was Aoi. You come from Japanese the same with Ryuga, your chest size was E-Cup and your ability was healing and light magic. You also trying to take advantage of Ryuga because your goal was the same.", the AI immediately recognize Aoi and confirmed her by using his analysis.

[If I can make her healing Ryuga until the fusion complete, Ryuga will survive]

"Why do you know about that? Am I easy to read like an open book? Wait...why you know about my chest size?!!!!!"

"Why...That because I always watching you from the start.", the AI always monitors whoever meets Ryuga.The AI also read the facial expressions, body language, words, and the heart's beat to deduce the intention of Aoi.

"Eh....", Aoi was blushed because Ryuga saying that without hesitation that almost like he was confessed her. His face was handsome and suits her preferences. Getting straight respond like this from Handsome boy, most of the girls will be blushing too.

The truth was Ryuga (the AI) saying that without emotion and somehow Aoi perceived that Ryuga was trying to act cool. Aoi shakes her head to the left and right side to clear her mind. She needs to wary of Ryuga.

"Why do you come to my room? Why my friend never come even though I was yelled loudly before?"

"I will answer that later but for now...", Ryuga come closer to Aoi and that makes Aoi was slowly retreated from Ryuga. Sadly the barrier prevented her from escape and Ryuga already in front of her. She noticed there was blood in Ryuga's lips, there were also a lot of burn marks on his body.

"Heal Ryuga.", Ryuga peering into her eyes and their face was very close.

"Ehhhh...don't come closer to me!!!", Aoi was slightly afraid of blood, not to mention Ryuga now looks like a zombie from the movie. She can't see clearly before, but right now she can see everything on him.

"If you don't heal Ryuga's wound, he will die. You will lose your hopes to return to Earth." , The AI was threatening her.

"Even Ryuga was dead, there were a lot of people who will help me to return to Earth.", Aoi strongly argued with the AI

"Then can you tell who are they?" , The AI asking for confirmation from Aoi.

"That...that...", Aoi was a loss of words, she never meets someone like Ryuga who willing to return to Earth.

"Even I didn't meet them now, I, I was sure we will meet in the future!!!" , Aoi was trying to convince herself that she can meet with someone who has the same goal as her.

"I see, so you are the type of people who believe in the baseless assumption. When you get a strong man like Ryuga, why must you bothered to find other people?"

"That was not a baseless assumption!! I won't heal him!!!"

"Even though you were worried about Ryuga?", the AI shamelessly asking that question to Aoi.

"Wh..wh..what do you mean to worry about Ryuga?!!" , Aoi's voice was oddly high pitched and avert her face.

"Your hearts beating faster, you never look into my eyes but somehow you take a peek at my face. You also ogling my body as if you want to know how bad was my wound. Your hands were fidgeting and sometimes you make a fist with your palm. I can smell the blood on your palm because you dug your nails into your skin.", The AI was reveals anything without a hint of shame and Aoi got tremendous damage from his word. Just how bold was this boy?!!!

"You are trying to holding back from healing Ryuga and I can clearly see that. I believe someone like you was called 'Tsundere' in Japan.", The AI inflicted critical damage and Aoi was blushed until her face red like a tomato.

"Tsu..tsu..tsundere you said?!!! I don't care about you in the slightest!!! I don't understand what are you talking about!!!"

"This was your last chance Aoi, please heals Ryuga because of his life in the danger.", the AI bowing Ryuga's heads to Aoi.

Maybe Ryuga has two personalities and this Ryuga was different from what she remembered. But Aoi still has humanity and she can't leave Ryuga dying in front of her. As a human and fellow Japanese, she willing to help Ryuga.

"Okay, I will help you, but you need to promise to tell me what happened to you and help me to return to Earth. Got it?"

"I promise to y-..." before he even finishes his word, he was staggering and almost falling, luckily Aoi catches his body.

"Geez, your wound was very terrible.", Aoi takes Ryuga's left arm and placed it on her shoulder. Then they laying on the bed and begin the process.

"[Heal]", Aoi casting low level of Healing magic just to treat the external wound, but that was enough for the AI.

After the wound from the nanoparticles vanishes, the AI continue the fusion and make another fresh wound on Ryuga's body. Aoi was staring at the unknown creature in front of her.

Is he a masochist?

He just begging to her for healing his wound and yet he makes new wounds?!!

"Hey what the meaning of this?!!!", Finally, Aoi snapped at Ryuga.

"This was a method to save Ryuga. I can't tell you the details for now because I need to concentrate."

"The method was hurting yourself?!!!" , Aoi was shocked that Ryuga can be saying something like that easily.

"Please use your healing magic every time I bleeding, Aoi."

"Not only you were a pervert but you also masochist huh...It really ruining your handsome face you know..."

"Please use your healing magic every time I bleeding, Aoi." The Ai gives the same response to her.

"Haaaahhh...Okay...Okay...", Aoi was giving up and just follow his order. She noticed that something flying around them and stabbing Ryuga's skin. That was the cause of the wounds but she can't figure out what was Ryuga trying to do.

She doesn't imagine that night she was forced to use [Heal] until the morning come. That was a hellish experience for her. Her mana was depleted, she didn't have enough time for sleep either, and most importantly her body was tired.

Her body covered by her sweats and make the nightgown was slightly visible, meanwhile, Ryuga was already sleeping peacefully. When he finish hurts himself, he said 'Please give Ryuga rest for a moment. Thank you very much, Aoi.'

"He just doing anything he wants...*pant* *pant*...and I was working to the bone for a whole night."

She was very angry with his attitude to her and she got a wicked idea. She straddles Ryuga's body and reaching her arm to strangle his neck.

The AI was completely exhausted from the fusion and can't protect his master. Ryuga was also still unconscious and no one will stop Aoi now.

Ryuga now looks healthy as his skin was recovering from the burn mark, that was because Nanoparticles mimics his skin. They will act as a substitute until new skin produced by the body.

But the door suddenly opened and Amanda stepped into Aoi's room casually. Amanda has always been waking up earlier than anyone because her family was poor, so she needs to take everything on her own.

"Yahoo, Aoi-chan, Amanda has come to wake yo-...", but Amanda was frozen when seeing her friend.

When Amanda spotted Aoi and Ryuga in a strange position in the bed, she flustered. She was standing still with her jaw hanging open, but her cheeks gradually reddening.

First clue: Aoi was straddling Ryuga. Her hands were stopped in the mid-air, but somehow Amanda perceived that as Aoi wants to caress Ryuga's cheeks.

Second clue: Aoi was sweating profusely. This was because yesterday she worked very hard to heal Ryuga

Third clue: Bloodstain in the bedsheet. This blood belongs to Ryuga, but Amanda was convinced that blood belongs to Aoi because she lost her "virginity".

Anyone who saw this scene will arrive in a single conclusion. Aoi and Ryuga were having sex last night. It was understandable because of her friend come to invite their enemy and have sex in their home while they were unaware, so from Amanda's point of view, Aoi was reached the stairs of adulthood before them, not to mention she did that with their enemy. The current situation couldn't help but give off that impression.

"W-wait, that's not it!!! Amanda-chan!!! This was a misunderstanding..."

Aoi tried to explain herself in a fluster, but she was at loss for words. Even she wanted to deny everything, but she didn't know how to explain that.

"I-I'm sorry!!! I shouldn't enter your room today...I didn't see anything!!!! B-bye now!! -Owch!!!", with great force, Amanda bowed her head, rotate her body 180 degrees, then made her immediate retreat. However, in her rush, she crashed straight into the door frame.

"Are you okay?!!", Aoi asked in a panic.

"I'm fine...Ugh...I am sorry...", Amanda staggered as her face flushing red in embarrassment. This time she successfully leaves Aoi's room. She was still shocked and couldn't think rationally. Thanks to Ryuga, Aoi was getting big trouble.

New chapter~

Phew, create a chapter with 2000 words every day was quite hard

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