
A Powerfull Assassin on Parallel World become Demon Lord?!

Ryuga Kiyotaka is an ordinary boy that you can find anywhere. But he has a big secret that he hides from anyone. Ryuga works as Professional Hitman or Assassin. He doing that to continue Kiyotaka's Family tradition and to repay their kindness. He is an Orphan, but he has a lot of talents to make him recruited as an Assassin. He never failed to do his mission and have a 100% success ratio. On a certain day, he was teleported into a Parallel World after he finished his mission by a wicked Goddess to become Demon Lord!! This is story about the adventure of the Strongest Hitman with powerful gadgets to find a way to return on Earth.

Shameless_Author · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Each Memories

Aoi is finally able to breathe a sigh of relief after Ryuga leaves them. She never thought Ryuga will spare them after they want to kill him. Even Ryuga is leaving them alive, he doesn't hold back. Aoi feels a few of her bones were cracked when she knocked by Ryuga's shield.


Aoi healing herself before treating her friends. She tried to stand up, but her leg is staggering. She decides to give up standing and crawling on fours to reach Amanda first because she was closer than Ryuji and Jennifer. She drags her body slowly but she can feel a stinging pain from her abdomen where she got a clean hit from Ryuga.

Ryuga is holding back to Aoi yet she still feels painful, so what about her friend?

Ryuga only attacking once and they are blown away like a pebble.No matter what kind of trick they use, their attack never hurt Ryuga. Even Aoi has already evolved her class to [Holy Sword Saints], her attack can't reach Ryuga. Aoi doesn't know why her class suddenly evolved. She only knows that her class evolved a few minutes ago.

The truth is Alicia using her last fragment of Divine Power to evolve Aoi Class instantly before she died. She doesn't want Ryuga to take all her fragments of Divine Power, so she decided to place her hopes to Aoi. She was hoping that Aoi will revenge for her. She doesn't choose Ryuji, Jennifer or Amanda because they're weaker than Aoi. Alicia won't ever give up until Ryuga dead even in her last moments.

She is finally able to reach Amanda. Her conditions are very bad. Her head is bleeding but luckily her wound doesn't too deep.


Aoi casting healing magic to Amanda, but she showing no reaction to wake up. She cast multiple Healing magic just for healing Amanda. Slowly Amanda opens her eyes and spotted Aoi on her vision.

"Are we on Heaven Aoi-chan?"

"No, we are going to die yet."

Amanda who hears that slowly scans her surrounding.No Ryuga spotted within her [Detection].Amanda immediately broke into tears because she was still alive.

"Uwaaaaaa Aoi-chan, I scared.....!!!! I thought we will die today...!!!!"

"It's okay Amanda-chan, he spares our lives because we are worthless and weak."

Aoi lying to her friends, since she can't reveal her relationship with Ryuga.Even he is a stranger, Aoi can't tell Amanda about what he said to her.

"What kind of monster is he?!! He just throws me to the ground and I feel my head spinning and lost consciousness in just one second!!!

"Amanda-chan, I need to heal Ryuji and Jennifer too. So please help me..."

"Okay, Aoi-chan."

But before Amanda standing, she was collapsed, because of her body unable to support her weight.

"Uhhhh...Aoi-chan, it seems some of my bones are broken. I can't walk from here."

Amanda is laying on the ground helplessly and Aoi once again forced to crawling until reaching her friend. Amanda only got one hit from Ryuga and she can't even move her body?!!

Then how about Jennifer and Ryuji who get some attacks from Ryuga?!!!

Jennifer was laying unmoving several meters from her, but Aoi doesn't have the strength to move her body anymore. What will happen to us now???

Luckily, the guards seeing a big explosion from Amanda's [Rain Arrow], so they asking adventurers to check it. When the adventures found in Ryuji's party were dying, they begin to evacuate them into the city.

Since they are Heroes, the adventurers bring them to Alicia's temples to heals them. On the temple, usually, the head of the priestess can use High-grade recovery magic [Holy Light]. Finally Aoi able to standing on her own, and she helps the priestess to heal her comrades.

Jennifer has the same condition as Amanda with some broken bone on her abdomen. Since her body is quite sturdy, Jennifer able to survive from Ryuga's attack.

The one who has the worst conditions among them is Ryuji. His arms bone is broken when Ryuga kicks him. His shoulder blade also dislocated due to his impact. Most of his bone is broken and IF Ryuji got this injury on Earth, he won't able to survive. His mouth spewing a little blood too. Aoi using her Gift [Ultra Recovery] to healing Ryuji. She still able to use her Gift because she can't use her Gift when healing Alicia, so her Gift doesn't count as being used.

Ryuga is definitely a monster. Ryuga is sparing their lives, but he makes them dying. If the adventurers don't come to find them, Aoi probably will die. She was frustrated because of their different strength.

Meanwhile, on Divine Realms, several Gods and Goddesses discussing Alicia's disappearance.

"I can't contact Alicia anymore."

"Me too."

"Do you know anything about this?"

"She is killed by a human."

"How can a mortal able to kill Divine being?"

"Alicia underestimated him and she falls into Laverio because of her carelessness. She was killed during the Celebration of herself."

"Oh my..."

"What should we do about Laverio?"

The God and Goddess discussing how to maintain world balance. Since Alicia's has died, no one will control Laverio.IF the world was abandoned by God, that world will collapse soon.

"I will become a new Goddess who watching Laverio."

"You are Alicia twins?!!"

"Yes. I am Alice. From now I will take Laverio replacing my sister."

Alicia is well-known to have a twin sister. But her sister is temperamental and has a dark side like an Evil. But the truth is Alicia imprisoned her twin sister and act like benevolent God.

Alicia ever watching over a world, but she destroys that world by summoning a lot of Hero and giving a lot of Cheat to them. The original inhabitants of that world can't do anything because they're weaker than the Hero.

The Hero begins to cocky and abusing their power. They take over the throne by force. They rape the beautiful girls that they see without hesitation. Their lover, husband can't do anything because the Hero can kill them or their girls easily. They make absurd laws just to justify their actions. That world falls into chaos and begin to crumbles after 100 years. The degeneration of human makes the human race come to extinct.

Other races also suffering the same. Elves and Beastman were abused by the Hero. Demon Race also uses this chance to destroy the Human Race completely. In the end the Demon Race able to become the last race in that world. But they also extinct because their birth ratio is slower than humans. They lost their ambition (Fighting with other races) and bored with their life. With nothing left to pursue, Demon Race slowly lose their power and become weaker until they are no different than a human. They don't good at adaptation, unlike Human Race. Their population rapidly decreasing until they are extinct.

Alicia blaming her twin and managed to make Alice to be sealed into Divine Realms. But now Alicia is dead, so Alice able to escape from her seal.

"How can you escape?!!"

"Seal her once again!!"

The other Gods panic because of Alice was able to break her seal. But Alice calmly responded to them.

"You seals the wrong Goddess, Alicia was the one who destroys that world not me. You can check Laverio to find the answer."

After The Gods make an investigation about Laverio, they found that Alice wasn't lying to them. They agree for letting Alice watch over Laverio.

Currently, Alice watching a certain boy on the [Divine Mirror]. His figure is so gallant, his soul is pure without greed, he also had kindness and even forgives someone who trying to kill him.

He is so brave and straightforward person. If he decided something, he will do that and no one able to change his mind. He doesn't afraid against Goddess and managed to kill Alicia.

Alice was trapped for a thousand years because of something she never did. Alice can't do anything because no one will be believing her. She realizes that she can't escape from this seal if Alicia is still alive. She was a goddess at yet she praying for her freedom. She swears to give her life to anyone who can release her from this seal.

Then that day comes for Alice's salvation. The seals were broken and that means Alicia can't binding her anymore. She immediately goes to God's Quarter to find out what happen to Alicia. After she found out Alicia was killed by a human, she was very happy because someone helps her and answer her praying. Since that day, Alice spent her day to monitor Ryuga and decided to help him on the secret.

"I love you Ryuga..."

Even she was a Goddess, she is hopeless when she sealed by her sister. Not even God can save her, so she nearly gives up of her life and accepts the reality that she will spend her day inside this seal forever.

But Ryuga saves her and even killing Alicia. Her revenge for Alicia was completed by Ryuga. Alice is completely has fallen in love with Ryuga.

Alice and Alicia are considered into the most beautiful Goddess in Divine Realms so most of God tries to get closer to her. But none of them trying to help her when she was sealed. Alice's heart and body belong to Ryuga, but Ryuga doesn't know anything about this.

Ryuga flying to Gobstar's territory with super-sonic speed. He reaches his destination in just 2 hours since he doesn't have to carry useless garbage.

"I don't have a map of this world huh..."

For Ryuga, the map is very important. He can decide from where he would begin his investigation. Then Ryuga using his micro drone with size as eyeballs to record the world geographic and send it back to him. He has 100 drones but he keeps 1 for himself because maybe he will need that.

The drones can do recording function, flying without sound and have strong resistance against any hazard. They can record even under the storm and won't be shaken by the wind.

He releases his drone to the atmosphere and his AI calculated that he will get the result after 3 days.

Ryuga enters the castle and welcomed by his Androids army. They are his assets to fight with other Demon Lord or Hero. But what Ryuga needs right now is a daily dose of his imouto.

He chooses the best room in the castle and shut the door. He takes off his suit and he opens his phone. He manipulating any secret code,fingerprint, security pattern, and face unlock just to open a single folder.

That folder was his treasure-filled by images of his little sister. He have several thousand photos of Kosaki, he even makes subfolders based on Kosaki's age when he takes the photo. Just by seeing her smile thorough the photo is able to heal his soul.

Beside photos, he even records her voice for a special occasions. He played the recorder to hearing her voice.

"Thank you oni-chan~"

"I love you oni-chan~"

He repeatedly plays that sounds, because he really loves her sister. Of course, his love is just sibling-love, nothing more. But sometimes Ryuga is overprotective about Kosaki. When his sister meeting with boys, he will follow her like a stalker. He doesn't want her sister deceived by a playboy. He just wants her sister to get the best man on Earth.

One day he found that several men tried to harassing Kosaki. Luckily he was following her, he can't imagine what will happen to her if he left her alone. That time Ryuga still a child, but he already learn martial arts even just a little.

Ryuga facing against 6 adults and he managed to win with several injuries on his face and body. Kosaki who seeing her brother was apologizing to him. She wishes that Ryuga won't be involved in a dangerous situation like this again. Kosaki also promised to Ryuga that she will bring him wherever she goes. She always mocked by her friend as "brocon" for bringing her brother everywhere she goes, but Kosaki never minds their insults since she knows that Ryuga is worrying about her.

That made Ryuga feel guilty to Kosaki since he hides the fact that he was Assassin. If she knows, will she hate him?

'I hate you oni-chan!!!!'


His imagination about her little sister saying that she hates him is too realistic and Ryuga receives critical damage. His body can take several bullets and he still can survive, but he won't able to living after his little sister hate him!!!

Another mass release~

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