
A Powerfull Assassin on Parallel World become Demon Lord?!

Ryuga Kiyotaka is an ordinary boy that you can find anywhere. But he has a big secret that he hides from anyone. Ryuga works as Professional Hitman or Assassin. He doing that to continue Kiyotaka's Family tradition and to repay their kindness. He is an Orphan, but he has a lot of talents to make him recruited as an Assassin. He never failed to do his mission and have a 100% success ratio. On a certain day, he was teleported into a Parallel World after he finished his mission by a wicked Goddess to become Demon Lord!! This is story about the adventure of the Strongest Hitman with powerful gadgets to find a way to return on Earth.

Shameless_Author · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Deadly Battle

Only Ryuga and Arcadia standing on the battlefield. The androids were struggling to escape from the spikes but they're futile. The spikes seem to have restriction magic to prevent them from escape.

'How to defeat this dragon?'

The size of the dragon is one hundred meters in length, which means he can aim pretty easily because Arcadia's body is huge. Ryuga materializes 50 Nano-Swords and controls it using an electromagnetic field. The sword is ridiculously bigger that has a 5-meter length of each of them.

'I hope can use this sword to pierce his armor.'

He using the electromagnetic reaction to make these swords as projectiles of the railgun. The lightning surrounding Ryuga as the center and the swords begin to rotate.

"Take this!!!"

Twenty swords come flying to Arcadia with speed fastest than sound's speed. The sword's projectiles leaving a trail marker on the ground and create powerful gusts that blowing the surroundings.

Arcadia stomping the ground to make giant earth walls to block the swords but that's useless. The earth wall easily pierced and nothing to protect Arcadia. Since Ryuga has been spreading his Electromagnetic field, he can control the projectile within the radius of the Electromagnetic field. The swords won't be affected by the obstacle and not losing their power.

Arcadia determine Ryuga's attack is useless against his armor and let the sword reaching him.

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang*

The swords can't pierce Arcadia's armor and dropped to the ground. Even a swords projectile can destroy 5 tanks instantly, but they can't pierce the armor of the Dragon.

"Your power is not bad human, IF you fought another dragon, you can kill them with that sword easily. But you choose a wrong opponent."

Arcadia then using several magic to attack Ryuga. Fifty magic circle appeared around him with various color. Red magic circles release Fire magic that similar to a meteor. Blue Magic circles release a barrage of Ice Thorns. Green Magic circles release concentrated Gales that can rip the ground easily and Brown Magic circles release 4 meters Golem on the ground. Arcadia intends to finish Ryuga right now.

The Magics aiming to Ryuga with precise accuracy and their speed is quite fast. Ryuga using his Nano-Suit to avoid them but there is too much magic that he needs to avoid. He increases his speed and distances himself from Arcadia.

The meteor comes from the sky and raining on him. Their size is quite big and they are slow. Ryuga avoids them easily as he was dancing in the sky. The meteors create gigantic craters with a diameter of 40 meters on the ground and a big explosion when they make a contact.

The Ice thorns freezing everything its touch within a radius of 10 meters.The Ice thorn aiming at Ryuga like a bullet. Of course, Ryuga can dodge this attack easily because they were slower than him. The ground and the trees were frozen due to the impact. The forest looked like a place from Iced Age but most of the forest area was Hell with the scorched ground and giant crater with sea flames.

The Gale was also very powerful. This magic aiming at Ryuga when he dodges the Ice thorn. The gales were the fastest elements that chasing him. It tore the trees and splitting the ground easily.

The Earth Golem is waiting for Ryuga on the ground. They will be beating him when he exhausted. However, Ryuga never descending to the ground and increases his speed even further while talking to his AI.

"Please analyst my attack."

Ryuga skillfully avoids Arcadia's magic without taking any damage. He needs to create a decent plan to defeat this fellow.

[Analysis Complete]

[I found several dents on the Dragon's armor when Master using Sword Projectiles]

[Solution: Using the same attack, but aiming to one spot only to maximize the damage]

"I see..."

Ryuga keeps flying while using the information from his AI. He doesn't have many swords to attack Arcadia. His first attempt was failed even he attack Arcadia with several swords. He needs more weapons to increase his power.

He can retrieve his Nano-Swords but it will take his Nano-Suit energy. This energy is very essential for him, so he can't wasting his energy just to recover his sword. He needs a 100% percent success plan IF he wants to use this energy.

He glances at his Androids army. They were still struggling to escape from the Earth Spike. Some of them were hit by the explosion of the meteor magic and there are several androids frozen because of the Ice thorns.

Maybe I can use them to become Nano-Particles and create more weapons. Since they are looks similar to his suits, there is a chance that they will able to turn their body as Nano-Particles.

"Can you connect me with their AI?"

[Searching for the answer]

[I can connect with their AI]

"Good...Please do that, so I can command them efficiently."

[Building Host-Link]

[Connecting the Android's AI to Host]

[Register the Android's AI into Host Terminal]

[The Connection is Complete]

[Androids ready to accept your command]

"Yosh...Let's begin the counter-attack!!"

Ryuga thrust his right palm to the Androids Army and shouted.

"Follow my order, Become Nano-Particles and come to me!!!"

The Androids begin to change their shape as Ryuga commands.

[Received a Command from Master]

[Body Shifting on Progress]

[Shape: Nano-particles]

They slowly become Nano-Particles and escape from the Earth Spike. The destroyed Android and the frozen Android also begin to change their bodies and come to Ryuga.

The Nano-particles are swirling around him with an intimidating atmosphere. Ryuga snaps his finger and one hundred swords with 10 meters in length appear behind him and ready to aim for Arcadia.

The swords begin to rotating with a high speed as Ryuga controls them with Electromagnetic manipulation. The sparks of lightning surrounding each sword and they were looks so dreadful. The swords are more powerful than railgun projectiles.

"Take this!!!!"

The swords come flying to Arcadia with incredible speed and exceeded sound's speed. The swords leaving trails of lightning on their path and causing powerful gust as they were marching to Arcadia.

Realizing the swords might be fatal for him, Arcadia aiming his magic to intercept the sword but he was failed.

First, his magic is slower than the swords. Before they make contact with the swords, the sword already passes through his magic.

Second, the sword is avoiding his magic as if they are alive. The truth is Ryuga already using Target-Lock function, thanks to Arcadia, that he let Ryuga's first attack hit him, so his Nano-Suit able to lock Arcadia perfectly.

Arcadia begins to flapping his wings and flying to the sky to avoid being showered by the swords. This is the first time that he feels fear of swords. Back in the past, Hero's sword can't make a scratch on his armor but his instinct was screaming to avoid the swords.

Even his body is so big, Arcadia able to move like usual. He narrowly escapes from the deadly swords. When the sword almost hit the ground, they suddenly turned around and chasing Arcadia once again.


The swords are right behind him and Arcadia using his magic to intercept the swords. Countless magic circles appear behind him and aiming at the swords. His magic successfully slows down the swords and change their trajectory, unlike his previous attempts.

When Arcadia stayed at the ground, he doesn't have many places to escape. Moreover, he will be showered with his magic and remnants of the sword even Arcadia able to intercept Ryuga's attack because his position was on the ground.

But now he was flying in the sky and he can move freely. But Ryuga doesn't give him a chance to escape. He launched another wave of swords to block Arcadia from the front.

Arcadia using his heaven flame breath to destroy the swords, but there are lots of them and several swords able to stab his body.


Arcadia flying slower because of the impact and the sword that chasing him from behind managed to hit his wings perfectly.


His wing is one of his weaknesses because the armor around this area is thinner than his body. If his wing using heavy armor, then Arcadia can't be flying properly.

Arcadia loses his balance and falls into the ground and causing a giant tremor because of his Giant body.

Ryuga releases all of his swords and aiming at Arcadia when he was still recovering.

"This is the end." , Ryuga thrusting his right palm to command the swords and killing Arcadia.

Ryuga using his Nano-Suit energy to recover the broken Nano-sword and intended to end this battle.A hundred swords filled with powerful lightning sparks raining over Arcadia.


Arcadia let out another roar to knock off the swords but that's useless. The swords easily pierced the Golden Armor and causing a lot of cracks. Finally, the Golden armor was crumbled into pieces and revealing jet black scales Dragon.

"How dare you humiliating me!!!!"

Arcadia was unscathed because Ryuga's attack only destroying his armor. Arcadia releases a thick cloud of grey miasma. That miasma spread easily and cover the whole area until the sky. The one who looking at this spectacle for far will thinking this place is sort of cursed place.

Within one hundred kilometer square, miasma covering all areas. Ryuga tried to distance himself from the miasma but he finds a transparent wall that blocking him. There are Barrier to prevent his escape from Arcadia.

"I will kill you!!!!"

Arcadia is able to use his miasma as his territory.No one ever survives inside this miasma because not only this miasma block the vision of his enemy, it also strengthening Arcadia.

Arcadia makes 3 clones to attack Ryuga from all directions. Inside this miasma, he can locate his enemy and he begins his revenge.

He can hear Arcadia's voice echoed inside his mind. Miasma hindering his vision and he almost can't see anything in front of him.

"Activate Thermal sight"

[I think that ineffective because this miasma is emitted powerful heat, so Thermal sight will be useless]

[Solution: Activate X-Ray]

His vision changed to X-Ray and he was able to see the surroundings even just a bit. Suddenly Arcadia comes to him with insane speed while opening his jaw. He wants to swallow Ryuga, but luckily Ryuga able to dodge his attack with a small margin.

"You insect, How can you able to dodge me?!!!"

Ryuga feels several presences but his X-ray only seeing one Dragon. His hearts were throbbing loudly because of this unpleasant feeling.

The clones of Arcadia begin to using Dragon's breath to attack Ryuga. Ryuga leaps out of harm's way with his instinct. His AI can find the Real Arcadia, but It can't see the clones.

The only choice for Ryuga is to use a full attack on real Arcadia. He flying higher to the sky to avoid Arcadia, but the clones continue to attack him with many elements magic from the ground.

"Use Nano-Energy from this suit to recover all the Nano-Swords. We need to kill this guy."

[Receiving Order]

[Using Nano-Energy to Recover Nano-Sword]

[Nano-Energy: 50%]

The Nano-swords materializes around him once again and begins to spin with high speed.

"Add more power from Nano-Energy to increase the damage."

[Are you sure master?]


[Access Granted]

[Increase the output of Nano-Energy]

[Nano-Energy: 30%]

The swords glowing with red sparks and carried powerful power as a nuclear bomb.


The swords immediately aiming for their target, Arcadia. While Arcadia was shocked when he was attacked by a stronger power than before. The swords stabbing his giant body easily and explode in the process.No matter how fast he runs, the sword easily catching him. His giant body is hindering his movement and gives plenty of spots to attack. Ryuga doesn't miss this chance so he using a lot of Sword to kill the Dragon.

*Stab* *Stab* *Stab*

One by one the swords begin to pierce his scales. The sword also exploded to destroying his diamond-like scales. There were loud explosions and Arcadia's body was severely injured. Blood was dropped from his body and his mouth.


Arcadia doesn't let himself be killed easily and he using his last strength to activate his trump card. Arcadia absorbs the miasma completely to recover his mana.

"Divine Beast Authority: Heaven Judgement!!!"

After using his skill, gigantic magic circles appear in the sky. The magic circle covering one hundred kilometers square and begins to shine brightly.

[Threat: 100%]

[Unknown phenomenon similar to anti-matter, will erasing your existence completely.]

[Leave this place immediately Master]

His AI analyzes the light but unfortunately Ryuga still trapped inside the Barrier. Divine wrath descended from the heavens. A massive pillar of light shot down from the sky.No room for escape because the light size is the same as the area covered by the barriers.

The light obliterating all in its path. The forest was vanished in the blink of an eye and the light finally reaching Ryuga.

New Chapter~

I will release once more today, IF I got reviews to make better story ^^

Shameless_Authorcreators' thoughts