
A Polymath’s journey to a new world

There is an old man on his deathbed, after living a full and successful life due to his eidetic memory passes away. Just as he thinks he has arrived at the afterlife, he finds himself in a new strange world. As he discovers that this new world works differently than Earth, he is determined to learn everything he can about this world and apply his knowledge from his past life to his new life.

Letmeexplainguy · Eastern
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127 Chs

Somewhere I Belong

Zeng Meirong floated in the middle of a large chamber underneath the island. For the last few days, merfolk and the construction crews of the island cooperated to create living spaces for the refugees. After the meeting with the commanders, Meirong decided to bring everyone together to discuss the future of the merfolk. Merfolk were taking a few hours off from their current work to attend this important conference. Meirong watched as they entered the room, and found a space to wait for the beginning of the assembly to start.

Meirong swam up to an artifact provided to her by Huoran and activated it, "My fellow countrymen, I am Zeng Meirong, daughter of Zeng Long, and I come before you today to meet and discuss the future of everyone here."

The audience quieted down, and began to listen as she continued, "I have thought about the best way to approach this, and I believe you all should know the truth. Once you hear the series of events, I will let you decide how you want to move forward, because I have already made my choice."

The audience reacted in a confused fashion, and loud discussion erupted throughout the chamber. Living under a monarchy their whole life, they had never experienced the freedom to make their own decisions as they were conditioned to follow the orders of sovereign.

"My father and brothers were murdered by the previous king, my uncle, in a power struggle between the two", Meirong explained, "Due to terrible decision making, we were attacked by the Draco Serpentus empire, and to prevent the extinction or enslavement of our race, he evacuated everyone here, and sacrificed himself and our homeland to stop the enemy."

A wide range of reactions were observed from her perspective as she witnessed anger, fear, despair, and grief.

"I'm sure many of you are wondering how I am here", Meirong, "Maybe it was luck on my part, or bad planning on their part, but I escaped during the assassination attempt and hid amounts the humans. I was able to meet the overseer of this island and the experience I had have here has been eye opening."

Meirong took out a projector, and activated the holographic camera, as a scene of a huge crater spewing magma appeared in the image.

"This is now our homeland, the result of our spiritual vein being destroyed to keep it from being taken by the Draco empire", Meirong said to the crowd, "We no longer can return to live there and so we are left with a choice of what to do in the future. There are rumors of other merfolk kingdoms in far away places that we could attempt to locate and join, but the issue of this is first, locating it, second, avoiding other kingdoms, and third, hoping this new kingdom treats us as citizens. Another option would be to search the area in the seas here to find an isolated location we could use to rebuild. But there is no way to find a new spiritual veins that can support everyone here, and once again we would have to leave this sea to search for a vein that's not claimed. We would also be exposed to hostile factions both in this sea, and in the surrounding seas as well. The last option I can think of, and the option I will consider the most is to cast off my title and join the citizens of this island permanently."

Everyone in the room gasped at her statement and discussions broke out again among the people. The five commanders made their presence known to quiet the chamber before turning to Meirong, "Are you sure about this, you highness?"

"Yes, I must tell all of you that this island is a paradise for those who work hard", Meirong replied, "The residents of this island started as beggars, abandoned courtesans, prostitutes, wrongly jailed victims, slaves, or the poor. If you see them now and what they have built with their own hands, you can see why I wish to stay here. Most of these people were mortals and now they are breaking through to Foundation Establishment stage. Cultivators and beastkin of the land and sea are allowed to enter without prejudice and they don't hide their methods and ways from us. So from now on, I am not Princess or Queen Zeng Meirong anymore and will stay here. Each of you will have to make your own decision, but if you choose like I did, you will have to work with your own ability to advance."

She deactivated the artifact and swept the room with her eyes before she left the room. Everyone was silent as they mulled over all the information presented to them.

Tan Xinyue was writing in his notes when there was a knock at his door.

"Come in", he answered.

"We have arrived at home port, my lord", a servant announced.

"Thank you, return to your station for now", Xinyue replied.

Xinyue stood up as the servant left, and exited his room. He made his way to the deck, greeting crew members on the way until he was standing next to helmsman.

"Lord Tan, welcome back home", Xinyue heard behind him.

"Captain Feng, it was a wonderful trip", Xinyue replied.

"I hope to carry you and your cargo again in the future then", Captain Feng laughed, "especially if we stop by Sun & Moon island again. It was such a pleasure to stay there, though they should really add a place to hear the singing of the birds."

Xinyue considered the words of the captain, "Who knows the fate of the future, captain, maybe one day."

The flying ship landed outside the city, and Xinyue exited the ship meeting a large welcoming crowd.

A herald loudly announced, "Welcome back Lord Merchant Tan Xinyue. The Golden Peony Great company salutes you!"

Xinyue bowed to three men in front of him, "Grand Lord Merchants Kang, Shen, and Gong, I'm humble by your presence to see this insignificant shop owner."

"Welcome back Merchant Tan, we were nervous when the loss of your ship was reported to us", an older man said.

"Grand Lord Kang, it was a harrowing experience", Xinyue responded, "Shall we retire to the pavilion. I'm sure your more interested in the other news I sent in my message."

Wei Huoran stood on a far reaching plain, observing all the details around him. He picked a seeded dandelion and with one breathe, white seeds flew in the air and danced on the air currents. One second later, everything moved in reversed and the dandelion was whole again and Huoran was gone.

Taking his helmet off, Huoran exited from a his personal pod, "This new product is almost ready, I should be able to release this by the next season."

Quanliyuan replied, 'This is such a novel concept, I wonder where you get your ideas from.'

'Who knows', Huoran teasingly replied as he picked up a folder of papers, 'Maybe I have hidden memories from a past life.'

Quanliyuan stayed quiet for a few moments, 'That makes some sense, but should be impossible.'

Huoran quickly asked, 'Why?"

Quanliyuan explained, 'All souls go through a cycle of life and rebirth, as they pass through the six paths. Each time it moves from one path to the next, all memories of their previous life are erased.'

Huoran shrugged as he picked up his tablet, 'I was just joking.'

After reading through his messages, he put his tablet away, 'Looks like the merfolk made their decision, they are asking for a meeting.'

'They aren't the only ones', Quanliyuan said, 'a small group of beastkin of the sea are approaching the island.'

Prince Zikos and his retinue had broken the surface of the sea and started traveling towards Sun & Moon island. After half a day, they were five hundred kilometers away from the island when the audible welcome message played, "Welcome to Sun & Moon island, home of Market Square. Come experience the food, sights, and fun that the island can offer. To ensure a safe environment, this area is under constant observation and any hostile conditions will be met with extreme force."

The group went to arm themselves when Zikos yelled out, "You idiots, didn't you hear the message! Get your hands away from your weapons. Father said we must make a good impression."

An hour later, the group arrived at the Welcome Center of the island when they met a young man at the gate.

"May I ask why a group of eels, snakes, and a flood dragon have traveled here?", the man asked.

"Are you Daoist Wei Huoran?", Prince Zikos replied with a question.

"You seem to know me", Huoran replied, "I wonder how I should address you?"

"I am Prince Zikos, third prince of the Draco Serpentus empire", Zikos introduced himself, "Should we find a place to discuss things?"

Huoran narrowed his eyes, "It depends on your purpose, I think you need to declare why you are here or I will have to ask you to leave."

"How dare you be so presumptuous! I will…", a guard began to berate Huoran before the later pointed at him and the guard's aura reduced to nothing.

"Seeing how that this is my island to oversee at the request of my master, I dare to be as presumptuous as I want!", Huoran firmly held his ground.

Prince Zikos quickly intervened, "Please excuse my guard, Doaist Wei. His concern has overridden his reason."

"When you take him outside the array formation, his suppression will disappear. Until then, his quick hostile nature is noted, and he will have to walk as a mortal until your visit is finished", Huoran stated.

"I understand", Zikos replied.

"So, I'll only ask once more, are you here as guests or do you have a different purpose?", Huoran inquired.

"We are here to negotiate with you in regards to the merfolk that have been seen in your area", Zikos responded.

"That's an easy answer, I am protecting the merfolk citizens and reject your negotiation", Huoran quickly replied.

"Then, with that business completed, we would like to be guests of your island", Zikos requested.

"Of course, please proceed through the welcome center, and enjoy your time on the island. Should you fail to respect to rules, you will suffer the same fate as your guard and removed from the island", Huoran instructed them.

Prince Zikos nodded, and looked at his guards as they walked towards the doors of the Welcome Center.

Huoran made his way under the island to the current underwater city of the merfolk. He was met by Zeng Meirong and the five commanders at the entrance.

"You have requested my presence, princess", Huoran said.

Zeng Meirong smiled, "We have decided, there is no more merfolk kingdom, we wish to join Sun & Moon island."

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