
Acolyte of Celyn

I step into the room, expecting bare brick walls, a single small desk, and two rickety chairs. What I saw was not too far off from my expectations. There are black walls, a single wooden desk, and two chairs, though they look sturdier than my imagination. I walk further into the room and stand behind the chair closest to me. The other chair is on the opposite side of the desk, and it is already occupied by a blank-faced Acolyte. They motion to the chair in front of me. I believe they mean for me to sit, and I gladly lower myself onto the chair. I sit with a ridged posture, waiting for whatever it is to come. I was told nothing about what was to happen here, so I am quite anxious.

A few minutes pass in silence as we stare at each other. This gives me ample time to study them. From what I have seen, they have short black hair and a dark purple cloak on that masks their face and body. That is all I can find about them in those few short minutes before they suddenly stand. Their face as blank as always, but I detect a hint of worry. They stride across the room to another desk I had not seen when I walked. Two teacups and a kettle are sitting on a plate, and they pick up the plate and stride back to the table, gently placing the teacups and kettle on there.

They return the plate to the other desk, and then sit back in their chair. They stare at me for a few seconds, then in the sweetest voice I have ever heard told me to drink some tea, not forgetting to add that it has been poisoned.

I stare blankly at the teacup in front of me, wondering if they're stating a fact or if they're messing with me. I watch as they pour the kettle into their own teacup then pour tea into mine. They place the kettle back down gently and pick up their teacup, drinking tea in an elegant way. I sit there patiently for a second, waiting for any effects to take place that might indicate them being truthful about the apparent poisoning.

Either they have been acclimated to this particular poison and are not showing any reaction to it, or they lied, and the tea has not in fact been poisoned.

I hesitantly reach for the cup in front of me, bringing it up to my lips. I tip it up at bit, letting the liquid touch my lips. Nothing happens for a bit, and I muster up the courage to open my lips and intake some liquid. I take a small sip, then place the cup back down immediately.

I begin to feel nauseous, and the room begins spinning. A sharp pain shoots through me as I try to stand up, stumbling in the process. That was a bad mistake. Why would I trust an Acolyte of Celyn? They are known as the most devious group in the entire world! I stare at the cup of tea, for a few minutes as the world starts spinning slower and slower, and the pain gets duller and duller.

After what seems like eternity, the world is still again, and I feel no more pain. Lifting my head to look at the Acolyte, I notice a small smile adorning their face. I have no time to wonder what that means before someone walks into the room. I turn to face them and notice that it's another Acolyte, this one with a pitch-black cloak. They turn to face me and, with a wide smile, say "Welcome to hell."

What'd you think of this one? It's a little dark, and I do admit that there is little reason for the MC to drink poison, but I quite like this one!

Please tell me how I can improve my work, or even suggest a story template!

RoyalZulucreators' thoughts