
A player in Jujutsu Kaisen

I am a player in the world of jujutsu Kaisen watch my journey to the top of the world and put my name into the heavens.

ThePpp_Pppp · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

The nightmare (54)

Time skip

Kenzo's smile held a mysterious quality as he extended his hands, cupping Maki's cheek gently. His touch was surprisingly tender, a stark contrast to the usual playful banter. With an enigmatic glint in his eyes, he leaned in slightly, and in a soft voice, he uttered, "See you tomorrow at the training grounds."

There was a subtle warmth in the air as he withdrew his hand, leaving Maki standing there, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected shift in demeanor. As Kenzo walked away, his figure seemed to blend with the shadows of the evening, leaving an air of intrigue lingering around the encounter.

Maki stood there, her cheek tingling from the touch, watching Kenzo walk away. A mix of confusion and curiosity played on her face. The usual teasing Kenzo was replaced by a moment of unexpected sincerity. As she processed the encounter, there was a faint smile on her lips, a hint of appreciation for the rare glimpse of a different side to the normally playful sorcerer.

There is still some time left before its night time so i can probably work on my domain "Kenzo said as he walk away. "Before that though, "Kenzo said as from his shadow a demonic creature was seen behind Kenzo.

The demonic creature emerged from Kenzo's shadow, its menacing form casting an eerie presence. Kenzo, with a stern expression, issued his command to the creature. "Look after her and make sure she stays safe."

The creature, though devoid of facial expressions, seemed to acknowledge the order. With a nod from Kenzo, it melted back into the shadows, leaving a lingering sense of protection in the air.

Kenzo teleported to a secluded spot in the forest, where he reached into his pocket and pulled out a dungeon key. With a swift motion, he unlocked the dungeon, revealing a mysterious portal that beckoned him to step through.

Upon entering the dungeon, a sudden message materialized before Kenzo, presenting a singular and ominous quest:

{Survive the Strongest}

The words echoed in the dimly lit expanse, leaving an unsettling feeling as if the very air in the dungeon carried a foreboding weight.

As Kenzo's gaze fell upon the figure before him, a palpable sense of terror gripped his being. What stood in his path was not just a formidable opponent, but a manifestation of his deepest fears and anxieties, personified in a single, foreboding entity.

{User has died}

{User may try to beat this dungeon later on}

Kenzo found himself back in the real world, the haunting experience of the dungeon fading away. It was a new day, and the events within the dungeon were now just a lingering memory.

Kenzo felt a sense of unease as he realized that the shadow he had left with Maki was still lingering, an indication that his experience in the dungeon might not have been a mere dream. The supernatural realm held mysteries that extended beyond his understanding, and the encounter with the dungeon had left its mark on the fabric of reality. He pondered the implications of this as he prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.

Kenzo let out a deep sigh, the weight of the recent events still lingering on his mind. Determined to face the challenges of the day, he squared his shoulders and took a moment to focus his thoughts. The air around him seemed to ripple with an unspoken intensity as he mentally prepared for whatever lay ahead.

The surroundings, bathed in the warm glow of the morning sun, became the backdrop for Kenzo's silent contemplation. He adjusted the straps of his jujutsu uniform, the fabric a familiar comfort against his skin.

Kenzo strode purposefully toward the training ground, his determined steps echoing with each footfall. The morning sun cast a warm glow over the campus, painting the surroundings in hues of gold and amber. The rhythmic sounds of leaves crunching beneath his shoes harmonized with the distant hum of students engaged in their daily activities.

As he approached the training ground, the familiar sight of Maki already engrossed in her training greeted him. Her figure, a silhouette against the backdrop of the training area, exuded an aura of focused intensity.

"You came early,nice"Kenzo said with a smile on his face.

"Well, unlike you, i cant afford to relax "Maki said looking at Kenzo to which Kenzo said "Then its my goal to teach you that but first let get strarted but this time instead of fighting me,you will be fighting my shadow soldier so you dont need to hold back because you dont want to hurt me"Kenzo said with a smile on his face.

"As if"Maki retorted to which Kenzo just said "That's just precious, anyway have fun"

Kenzo watched as his shadow started to fight against Maki, it was a pretty fair fight, the shadow soldier was like a grade one sorcerer in stats so it was stronger than Maki but not that much stronger.

Maki seemed to be around grade 2 or semi-grade one sorcerer, the staff was doing its handy job it was boosting her stats by a bit.

His early judgment of grade one was wrong they were quite strong.....not his fault his view of their strength was so low...his only examples were Gojo and Sukuna himself.