
Tender Lies - Kaede

Waking up, it was decided that Lillian would watch over Mell at the inn, while Sicily and I take Jacob back home in Pontia. He said it wasn't too far, so I'd imagine I'd be back with daylight to spare.

Mell: "Don't go! Take me with you!~"

Mell was not happy as I try to leave the inn without her, she wouldn't let go of the hem of my dress, but I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. Pontia is unknown to me, plus with demons on my tail I don't want her to be mixed up in my business. Lillian now holding onto her trying to calm her down.

Lillian: "It's okay. They'll be back soon I promise."

Kaede: "Mhmm, We'll be back. I won't be long, promise."

She still looked upset, but eventually let go of my dress reluctantly, allowing me to exit the room with Sicily and Jacob. I kneel down to her level before giving her head a gentle pat, ruffling her hair in between my fingers with a smile on my face.

Kaede: "Look after Lillian for me okay?"

Mell: "Mmm!"

Her golden auburn eyes glittering at me with determination as I go to stand back up, giving her a smile once more before turning to face Sicily and Jacob.

Sicily: "See ya sis!"

Lillian: "Take care~"

Since we were at an inn at the south side of Inasdale, it was a short walk before getting to to southern gate. However like I thought, there's more guards than usually, some even more armored as they stop us before we could exit.

Guard1: "Reason for leaving?"

Strange question to ask. Every other town had never told me a reason for leaving.

Kaede: "My friend here recently wanted to sightsee and see what the city is like. However they getting home sick now, so I'm just escorting them back home to Pontia."

I show him my guild card, taking it out from my bag as his face appears to be shocked at how much of my arm fit inside the bag.

Guard1: "B rank adventurer?! You're so young!"

Kaede: "I get that a lot."

Guard1: "My apologies. There has been a murder recently so we're all on edge. But I am sorry. Until the investigation is completed, no one in the city is allowed to leave."

Figures. It would make sense to try and keep everyone bottled up inside while they figure out who did it, but to be denied like this is annoying. I didn't want to look after even more people.

Kaede: "How about I leave my- sister here as collateral?"

Sicily: "Eh?"

Guard1: "That would be fine, but there's still the issue with him. If he is not returning then I cannot let him leave."

So close... Come on think!

Jacob: "Please sir. I need to see if my mother is okay!"

He plummets to the ground on his knees as he begs to the guard.

Guard1: "Well... there has been a lot of monster activity there recently. I can see your concern but-"

Jacob: "Please!"

I'm not sure if this was acting or not but Jacob had now started to tear up on the spot, desperately pleading to the guard.

Guard1: "Ah fine! But you'll be having a guard come with you to make sure your story checks out. Oh and your sister can come with you. No need for collateral if a guard will come with you."

Kaede: "That can work!"

Nodding his head, he calls out to one of the guards as he comes to approach us.

Guard1: "Be sure this guy gets home to his mother and that these 2 ladies come back before dark."

Guard2: "Understood."

We're now on our way to Pontia, with the guard escorting us with his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Sicily: "How dare you sis for trying to leave me behind!~"

Sicily out of nowhere seems to put on an act as she releases a volley of attacks to my arm as we walk side by side, her voice sounding much more child-like.

Kaede: "Sorry. It was all I could think of-"

Sicily: "But you promised that we'd stay together from now on!"

I made no such promise, but I'll play along with this act to make it seem like we're genuine sisters.

Kaede: "Yes yes, I'm sorry okay? I promise I won't try to abandon you like that again."

Sicily: "Hmph!"

This is quite fun, It makes me think of what it would be like to have a younger sister. In my previous life, my parents tried to have another child but it all ended before I could ever see if that would come true. It's one of my regrets of leaving that world behind, not being able to see the birth of my baby sister if she ever did come into the world. I find myself smiling while playing along with Sicily, in someway accepting that she could be my sister. I ruffle her hair the same way I did back with Mell at the inn as she desperately tries to keep her hair in check, trying to keep her ears covered. Seeing her panicked expression was fun to watch but I be careful to not actually expose her elf ears.

Sicily: "So mean~"

Kaede: "I know"

Sicily: "Huh?!"

This is too much fun, but I stop with the teasing and go to grab hold of her hand as we walk with Jacob and the guard.

Guard: "We're here. Where's your mother's place."

Jacob: "Ah she owns the farm to the south east side of town."

Guard: "Let us go then. We don't have all too much time."

After walking for a couple hours it felt, we had arrived in Pontia. I think I could make it here in 30 minutes if I was by myself, but with everyone slowing me down, it was quite a boring walk. Thankfully Sicily made it enjoyable with our little sisterly act.

We continue walking with Jacob now leading the way along with the guard close behind him, looking back every so often to make sure Sicily and I are still there. After some time walking, we make to the south east part of town as I could make out what appeared to be a large farm outside, with crops flourishing out in the open. Suddenly Jacob started to sprint towards the farm.

Guard: "H-hey!"

The guard running close behind him as Sicily and I remain walking at our normal walking pace. A door in the distance opened up to reveal a lady. She looks over to us to seeing Jacob running towards her before she also ends up jogging her way towards him before finally, they enter a warm embrace. Moments pass until finally Sicily and I approach the two, with the guard already there.

Mother: "I thought you were dead-"

Jacob: "I thought so too at first... Until I found myself stuck in-"

Mother: "What's this?"

She must of felt that shackle around his neck during there hug as she goes to inspect it.

Jacob: "Some people put that around me when I got abducted"

The guard now becoming interested now walks up to Jacob to also inspect the shackle around his neck.

Guard: "This... This is a magic sealing crest. We use these for criminals at the prison to stop them from using magic. But this metal... We don't use crude iron like this."

Jacob: "I couldn't see any of the people's faces that put this on me, but it's true I can't use magic right now."

Mother: "What does all this mean?"

I was under the impression that the guard must've known what was going on, but he had a look on his face like he was hard at thinking what this could be. I wanted to raise my voice but what would I say? If I say he was sold off as a slave the guard would ask further questions which may lead to the murder we did. reaffirming myself, I choose to hold myself back from speaking.

Jacob: "I... Was sold to someone. These two ladies saved me before it could be finalized."

Shit. He didn't say the whole story and ended up changing it but still, seeing the guard turn to face Sicily and I fills me with nerves.

Guard: "You rescued him?"

Kaede: "Yes. The slavers wore hoods over their heads so I couldn't get a good look, and after rescuing Jacob I tried to remove that shackle but it sends shocks through my body instead."

Guard: "Where did all this take place?"

Kaede: "I was coming from Maemont to Inasdale when it happened. It was a little ways off the road during one of my guild jobs that I found them. They did have a carriage though."

Once again, I found myself lying away like it was nothing. It made perfect sense since they could check the record of me leaving Maemont to heading towards Inasdale. Plus I'm an adventurer so that story checks out. I should be in the clear.

Guard: "Thank you for the information. I'll report this to my captain. Back on the topic of that collar. We do have mages at the castle who excel at creating those particular crests. Perhaps they could take a look at removing them for you."

Jacob: "Please! Thank you very much!"

Guard: "We'll be on our way then. I can take you back here once we're done."

Jacob: "Sorry mom. I'll be back soon okay?"

Mother: "Mmm. I'm just happy your safe. I'll be here waiting for you~"

I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that my chore is done. I had resolved the issue with Jacob and even got him help at maybe removing that collar around his neck. We go to leave before I felt something grab my arm.

Mother: "Thank you for saving him."

Kaede: "Ah. It was nothing really-"

Mother: "Please stop by sometime. I'll treat you to something."

Kaede: "Thank you. I'll be sure to remember."

We both smile at each other before she lets go of my arm, letting me join back with the others. Sicily looking back towards me, waiting for me to catch up before walking back together side by side. Our hands back to holding each other's as we head back to Inasdale.