
A Place You Remember

Yui and Kaede fell in love during their final year in high school. Now they have to figure out how to live out their lives as fresh new adults. But things don't go accordingly to plan...

Dubsora · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
445 Chs


-----Yui's POV

Morning quickly arrived as I quickly got ready in order to meet Kaede at the train tracks. I send her a message just in case she forgot but I've still yet to get a response. Maybe's she's still getting ready? And after double checking myself in the mirror, making sure I look presentable enough, I say goodbye to my parents before making my way to the train tracks.

But upon arriving at the train tracks, Kaede was nowhere to be seen. I guess I am quite early since I was hoping we could talk for a bit before heading inside of school, but maybe that was too much? I look behind myself, down the street where Kaede's house is, but still no sign of her.

Yui: "Hmmm."

My feet ended up moving on it's own as I now find myself outside Kaede's place. But right as I was about to approach the door, the door suddenly opened. I was expecting Kaede, but instead it seemed to be her parents.

Kaede's Dad: "You really didn't need to worry about it. Now we're running late."

Kaede's Mom: "I needed to make sure to leave that letter for her. Plus I needed to re-bandage your- oh?"

It was then that they both took notice of me standing outside their house on the footpath.

Yui: "Sorry!"

Kaede's Dad: "Did you need something? We're late so if you'd excuse us."

Yui: "I was just wondering if Kaede has already left."

My question seemed to have worked as her mom stopped moving and turned to face me.

Kaede's Mom: "Sh-she's still in bed. I tried knocking on her door, but she never answered... Hun, I really don't feel comfortable leaving her locked up in her room."

Kaede's Dad: "Leave her. Let her atone for what she has done."

Kaede's Mom: "But last night-"

Kaede's Dad: "Come on, we don't want to be anymore late than we already are."

And just like that, the both of them leave as they soon drive off in their car. I was honestly left speechless from hearing their conversation just now. Her mom seems to be worrying about Kaede, but her dad seems to not care in the slightest. But at least I got some info, that she hasn't left the house.

So after making sure no one sees me, I gently open the door before making my way inside, closing the door behind me. I know I shouldn't be doing this, but after seeing her mom clearly worrying over her, my body just moved on it's own. Making my way into the dining room, I could see what looks to be a stuffed omelet with ketchup on top. The plastic film covering it also has a note on it.

Note: "I'm sorry about last night, Kaede. I'm sure your father only acted like he did out of care. But if I knew that it would've come to this, I should've stepped in. I'll try and finish my work early so we can talk, just the two of us, okay? I love you, always. <3"< p>

Such a sweet mom. I know I probably shouldn't have read that, but at least I know that something definitely happened last night.


Moving upstairs, I make my way to the door to Kaede's room. It was then that I noticed the mask that Kaede wore yesterday on the floor outside her door. I pick it up, not wanting it to get too dirty, and after taking a deep breath, I knock on the door.

Yui: "Kaede... It's Yui."

But no response. I couldn't even hear any sounds from inside. I even put my ear on the door to see if I can hear anything, but again, nothing. I try to open the door, but surprisingly, the doorknob rotated fine as the door opened. I thought it was locked?

Yui: "Uhm, I'm coming in~"

I slowly open the door, hoping that I'm not disturbing anything, but once the door was fully opened, my eyes widen in surprise.

Yui: "What?"

She's not here? I quickly step into her room as I scan around the room, but there still seems to be no sign of her. But I can't help but notice that the bed has been perfectly made and the window wide open with the curtains blowing gracefully in the wind, bringing in light from outside, illuminating the room. I quickly check my phone once more, but again, no messages.

Yui: "Where are you?"

-----Kaede's POV

I know I put myself in this situation myself, but I have to say. This is so fucking boring!~ I would've thought that the man that kidnapped me would've came down here by now to talk or something, but I've just been laying down on this concrete all this time. I wouldn't be surprised if it's morning by now.

Kaede: "Hmmm."

It could be that maybe my kidnapper isn't awake? Or maybe they just don't feel the need to check up on me? Maybe if I scream or something, then maybe something will happen...

Kaede: "Help!~ Please! Save me!~"

I yell out at the top of my lungs, screaming in a higher pitch, hoping that maybe something will-

And right on que, I could hear the sound of footsteps coming up to the door to this concreate room. In the next moment, I could hear the sound of chains and key's rattling before finally, the door opened, as a wave of light soon floods inside the room, making my skin seem to look as though it's glowing in the process. I put on the frail, weak girl act as I cower in the corner at the back of the room, pretending to want to be as far away from the person at the door way.

Kaede: "W-who are you!"

?: "Shut up."

He then threw what looked to be toasted bread my way. I could've easily dodged or even grabbed it, but in this situation I let it smack me in the face as I flinch in pain, letting the bread fall onto the dirty concrete.

Kaede: "W-why are you doing this to me?!"

?: "Quiet. I'll be back with you shortly."

He then closed the door, shrouding me in darkness once more as a smile quickly grew on my face.

Kaede: "Help!~ I've been kidnapped! Is anyone out there?!~"

And almost immediately, the door flung open as the man rushed down the staircase before making his way towards me. The closer he gets, the more I feel my body growing hotter, and in the next instant, he clutches my face in his as I feel his fingers dig deep into both my cheeks, as if he's trying to shut me up. I quickly shut my eyes as my body begins to tremble, playing the helpless little girl act.

?: "If I hear one more word out of your mouth, you'll soon regret it."

Actually, maybe I could make this more fun. And so, with his fingers in the perfect spot, I quickly move my head before biting his fingers, making sure to use as little of force as possible as I would've want to bite his fingers off. But it seemed to be perfect as he recoiled from my sudden bite as I use this opportunity to fake my escape, running up the staircase towards the now open door, making sure I'm not too fast.

?: "Woah woah woah! Not so fast."

And just as planned, he manages to catch me right as I reached the staircase as I flail in his grasp.

Kaede: "L-let go of me!"

?: "Fine!"

True to his word, he did let go of me, but in the process, he threw me down to the concrete floor as I purposefully let the side of my face collide with the concrete. I raise my hand to the side of my face, flinching in pain, but that only allowed him for the opportunity to pin me down to the ground, forcing my wrists down above my head. His grip is honestly weak which only fills me with more confidence, knowing that I can turn the tables in an instant. Wait, haven't I done this before?

Kaede: "Stop it! Let me go!"

I kick and squirm in his grasp, but that only made him come closer to me. It's honestly so tempting right now to just harvest his blood right here and now. No one would have a problem if this person ceased to exist. But suddenly, with one of his hands still keeping my wrists held down, he uses his other hand to tightly squeeze one of my breasts. It was in no way pleasurable as it seemed like he was trying to pierce my skin with his nails with how much force he was gripping me, causing me to flinch in pain once more. I even let some tears slip through the cracks of my eyes, letting them glide down my face.

?: "Now that I'm taking a closer look, maybe I'll just keep you to myself."

Huh? Wait, was he originally trying to sell me off or something? That would explain why my body was left mostly untouched until now. I was planning on killing him just now, but maybe I can get some information out of him instead.

Kaede: "W-what?"

?: "Heh. Girls like yourself tend to sell quite nicely, which is why I picked you up."

Picked me up? Is that what they call kidnapping?

?: "But now I'm having second thoughts-"

It was then that his grasp on my breasts loosen up as he begins to fondle them in his palm.

Kaede: "S-stop it!"

Of course he ignores my plea as his body inches closer, pressing up against me while keeping my wrists in place above my head. It was then that I felt his tongue glide up from my collarbone to the side of my neck. Ahh~ His neck is right there! It's like he's just giving himself to me. My heart begins beating uncontrollably as I feel my fangs begin to take form.

?: "I'm sure you don't want to be taken in by some pompous prick. So why don't you just stay here?"

He again, licks and kisses my neck, but I'm slowly losing my sense of self as all I can think about is his blooding pumping through his veins. I can't take my eyes away from his neck... But suddenly, I could feel something hard press up against my crotch, snapping me back to what's happening.

?: "I'll make you feel-"

In an instant, I roll him over onto his back as now I'm the one on top, pinning his arms just like how he did to me. I may be playing an act, but I'm not just going to let him do as he pleases.

?: "What?!"

Kaede: "Sorry, but I've been holding myself back for far too long."

?: "Huh?! What do you-"

And in the next moment, I sink my fangs into his neck, keeping his arms pinned with my hands. He tries to squirm, trying to break free, but it's futile. With every gulp I take of his blood, the more stronger I feel. I grow out my nail on my free hand, getting ready to end his life when a sudden thought crosses my mind. If I kill him now, then wouldn't this blood go to waste? I'm not in that world, so it'll be beyond difficult to find another human to drink from. And with that thought, I retract my nail as I continue to drink my fill of his blood.

?: "L-let me... go..."

He soon loses consciousness as I quickly take my fangs out from his neck. He still has a pulse, but maybe I went too far. Well, at least with this I can put him to good use.

Kaede: "Ah!"

Wait, wasn't I meant to be meeting up with Yui today?!