
A Place You Remember

Yui and Kaede fell in love during their final year in high school. Now they have to figure out how to live out their lives as fresh new adults. But things don't go accordingly to plan...

Dubsora · Fantasy
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445 Chs


-----Fabian's POV

Ilfa never returned after exiting earlier today. I still can't get that look on her face when she left. What did it mean? Are we still good? What's our relationship now? Those thoughts circle through my head as I spend my time with Rina. But what's arguably even more important is the fact that humans are coming to attack this place, going to war with the monsters here, with Ilfa. To be honest, I'm a little conflicted. Sure I'd love to see my family again, but I also don't want Ilfa to be killed because of it, and the same goes with my family, of course I don't want them to die either.

Fabian: "What now?"

Rina: "Still worried about the matriarch?"

Fabian: "That's a part of it, but I'm more concerned about the war she mentioned."

Rina: "Humans, right?"

Fabian: "Mm. I'm afraid my family is among them."

Ellen is a capable fighter, placing third in the academy's tournament. She can be quite cocky at times too, so I find it very likely that at least she'll be somewhere in that army. As for mom, I'm aware she has a history with being skilled in magic, but I'm not sure if she'd go to war herself. Alice on the other hand would be there instead. Still though, Ellen will be there, and the thought of her being killed by these monsters scares me. I mean, she left that note behind saying that she hopes to meet me again. But with this war...

Fabian: "Hahh~"

I end up collapsing back on the bed, trying to soak all my worries into the bed.

Rina: "...I'm also worried about mine."

Rina joins me as we both lay our backs on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Having her next to me like this does alleviate some stress, but I wonder if it's the same for her?

Fabian: "Mm. I'd hate for you or your mom to be caught up in this war."

Rina: "I feel the same way for your family... Why does war even need to happen?..."

The old Fabian would strongly disagree with her words, but the current me can't help but agree whole-heartedly. Sure the beginning of my stay here was a nightmare, but after learning more from Ilfa and Rina, I can't say the same thing. I don't think there needs to be war between humans and monsters. And Rina and I are a perfect example. Hell, we're even in this sort of relationship. I end up holding onto her hand while we still stare off into the ceiling.

Fabian: "...What would happen to us though?"

Just then, a thought entered my mind. Let's say the humans win, what happens? Will they see Rina, her mother and the other elves and kill them? I'd do my best to stop them of course, but there's no way in knowing what will happen. Same goes if the humans lose. Will they end up killing Ellen? I'd hate that as well.

Rina: "Makes me want to run away."

Fabian: "Where to?"

Rina: "Back home, before any of this happened."

I guess that's also an option, but would we even succeed? And even if we do, that'll leave a whole lot of uncertainty. Like how would I know if Ellen died or not in this war? A part of me wants to stay here because of that.

Rina: "I know. It's stupid."

Fabian: "No, I was actually considering it. But I can't just leave Ellen to go and die on her own."

Rina: "Ellen?"

Fabian: "My younger sister."

Rina: "Younger? Wait she'll be in the war?"

Fabian: "I'm not sure, but I feel like she will."

Rina: "Your sister sounds interesting."

Fabian: "Yeah. She's great... I just wish we could've spent more time together growing up. I was so rude to her when we were younger. I still regret it. Hah... Sometimes I feel like all of this happened to me because of what I done."

Rina: "Mmm."

Fabian: "Sorry, haha."

Rina: "No, it's fine."

We end up turning our heads to face one another as we continue to lay on our backs.

Rina: "You can't change the past. What matters now is what you do now."

Fabian: "Quite the words for someone who has just learnt the language."

Rina: "Hehe. But it's true. Sometimes I even wish that my family and I remained back home, so I understand how you feel."

Fabian: "Hmm. But then we would've never met."

Rina: "Yeah..."

We smile at one another as we try and look at the bright side of this situation. But I know we can't just sit around like this forever, especially after hearing about this war. But what are we suppose to do? We'd likely die if we run and maybe even die if we stay. I'd like to protect Rina and her mother and the other elves if I can, but I'm not sure how I'm meant to do that in my current-

Suddenly, the bed began to shake, causing Rina and I to both sit up as we glance around the room. I've felt this before as I immediately think that a battle might be taking place somewhere close to the castle. Rina however seems a bit more startled than me, even gripping my hand a bit tighter which I thought was cute.

Fabian: "Did that scare you?"

Rina: "Huh? N-no."

It was then that another shake happened, a bit stronger than the one before which caused Rina to cling to my side, seeking some comfort through it. I just wrap my arms around her as I can feel a smile steadily grow on my face.

Fabian: "Cute."

Rina: "Mmm."

We remained like this until the shaking had stopped as she slowly pulled away from me.

Rina: "I'd like to check what happened with mother."

Fabian: "I'll come with you then."

Rina: "Thank you."

We hold hands once more before leaving the room. When it came to the small sets of stairs, Rina again slowed down to match my pace, supporting my weight with every step down the stairs, doing the same thing going up the stairs. It wasn't as bad as before as we easily made it to the kitchen's door.

Walking in, I noticed a lot more elves were gathered, all of which were gossiping with one another, however I couldn't catch what they were saying at all. My only guess is it's probably about what's happening outside the castle.

Alenia: "Rina."

Rina: "Mom."

We soon spot her mother along with a couple of the elves I met last time.

Rina: "Do you know what's going on?"

Alenia: "From what I just heard, apparently one of the prisoners down in the dungeon is trying to break free."

Rina: "What?"

Just then, another shake happened, but it was nothing too crazy as I managed to keep my footing. Rina immediately turned to me to check which caused my heart to flutter a bit. She's too kind.

Alenia: "We should be fine. But we're making preparations just in case. I was actually going to find you before you arrived."

Rina: "Preparations?"

Alenia: "Yes. If the castle falls, then I don't want everyone here to go down with it."

Rina's mother is sounding much like a leader right now, but I'm still unsure. But preparations to leave? I take a look around at the elves as I do see them stuffing some things into their bags, with the male elves arming themselves with weapons. This area might be a kitchen, but I find it funny that the elves also use it to store their weapons and belongings. There're other room connecting to the kitchen, which makes me think that the elves stay here?

Rina: "I'll go get my things then."

She turns to face me before grabbing my hand, pulling me along with her. I'm a little flustered by her as we haven't told anyone about us, so I'm afraid the other elves may catch on. But I guess right now everyone here is focused on getting ready. We stop by at a far corner of the room as Rina quickly began to stuff some things into a bag.

Fabian: "I can carry it if you want."

Rina: "Thank you, but I don't want you to strain yourself. Your ankles still need time to recover."

I should've expected much. She's been looking after me for a while now, but seeing her give a smile back does make me happy knowing that my feelings did come across to her.

-----Leon's POV

Leon: "Finally..."

After slaughtering the monsters in my way, I'm finally free from this damn prison. I feel like I've used up way too much energy, but almost instantly, I feel my body being reinvigorated, as if I can cast these spells for as long as I want. And that sense of power makes my body grow hotter. It's been far too long now, I'll find Fabian and get the hell out of here. I just hope he's alive.

?: "Don't forget your task."

Leon: "Yes yes, I know."

I sense the presence of quite a powerful being coming around the corner, but the moment I see those horns, I cast out a swarm of light blades, Immediately dicing the monster up into hundreds of pieces as the blades explode into the wall.

Leon: "Hah.....ahaha."

This feels great. My mana just instantly replenishes no matter what I throw. I might even be able to take on that black haired demon... Just imagining it's face is already pissing me off. I end up running in the direction of that last monster, hoping to find some kind of way out, but I'm just met with more corridors filled with more and more cells. Only this time, I see that a few of the cells actually have monsters in them. I watch as they tremble for a moment before breaking through the cell door with ease; of course killing them in the process.

Leon: "So these monsters trap their own kind? Disgusting."