
A Place You Remember

Yui and Kaede fell in love during their final year in high school. Now they have to figure out how to live out their lives as fresh new adults. But things don't go accordingly to plan...

Dubsora · Fantasy
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445 Chs

Left Behind

-----Yui's POV

Emi/Maria: "What?!"

It was the next day as school came back around in full swing, but if I'm honest, I would've preferred to stay home or even stay at the hospital rather than spending my time leisurely at school. That said... I felt like I need to tell her friends about this in case they didn't know. And judging from their reaction just now, I suppose it was right of me to come.

Emi: "Wait, wait, you're serious? She's in the hospital?"

Yui: "Y-yeah..."

Shin: "Is that your friend that I saw the other day?"

Yui: "Mm. Kaede."

I didn't realize, but Shin must've followed me to the table and overheard. Not that I care too much though since I trust him.

Maria: "Could it be because of her ribs?"

Emi: "But she ran so fast the other day! There's no way. What happened?"

Aki: "Oh my~ Yui, you eating here?"

Yui: "Oh, I er-"

I was originally planning on just giving the news and heading back to the table. In all honestly, even though I felt like I can get along with Emi and Maria, it almost feels wrong of me to hang out with them knowing that Kaede isn't around.

Ken: "Mind if we join you guys?"

Emi: "Uh, n-not at all!"

And just like that, whether I liked it or not, we all moved to eat our lunch at this table. Although there isn't any more space left for the other club members.

Aki: "So? I heard from Yui that you two are interested in our club?"

Emi: "Uh, yes! But..."

Aki: "Oh? But where's Kaede?"

Maria: "She's..."

Yui: "At the hospital..."

Ken/Aki/: "What?!"


I ended up explaining exactly what had happened to everyone at the table. Ken seemed to be the most composed out of everyone, whereas Aki almost broke down in tears right then and there. Despite not being friends yet, from the little time I've known her, she's quite an empath. But it's one of the qualities that drew me in to join her club in the first place... Of course it being a sports club was the main attraction.

Aki: "Sh-shall we all head over there after school?"

Emi: "Yeah! My thoughts exactly."

Yui: "..."

Maria: "Hmm? Yui?"

I recall the time when I rushed back into the room. All the nurses and the doctor rushing over to help her, but the only thing my eyes latched on to was her frantically squirming in pain in the hospital bed. Would she really be okay now?

Yui: "S-sure..."

Even though I'm frightened about going, I really do need to see her. Not knowing her condition at the moment is the most nerve wracking thing right now.

Shin: "W-would it be alright if I come? Won't I just be in the way?"

Yui: "You met her before, right? I'm sure it'll be fine."

That's right... Kaede somehow knew Shin's mother apparently owning a bakery. When I first heard, I thought she was just misinformed. I did know about her working at a bakery, but that was all. But when Shin said that his mother was actually going to take over the bakery soon, I was honestly shocked. For a second, it felt like Kaede knew more about Shin than me despite only having just met.

Shin: "Hmmm. Well, okay."

Maria: "Uh-uhmmm. Will Kaede still be allowed to join the club with us?"

Ken: "Well, I've already discussed the matter of you three joining with the club's advisor. But it's true that this does complicate things."

Ah~ Is this what they call karma? I wanted to see Kaede run more, and shine more, yet I said something stupid and ended up ruining her chances... I feel my skin growing cold upon realizing that I might never see Kaede like that again... I really did just extinguish a star that day...

Aki: "Yui? You okay?"

Yui: "Uh, yeah..."

Crap, I can't let the others worry about me.

Yui: "Just still a bit worried about her."

Emi: "I swear... Whoever was the one that hit her with their truck or whatever, I'll fucking kill them..."

Maria: "E-Emi! I know how you feel, but language!"

Emi: "Ah! Who cares?! Yui, do you know what happened to them?"

Aki: "Oh? You didn't hear the news?"

Everyone looked at Aki, including me.

Aki: "It talked about the accident this morning. Apparently the driver is going under trial or something."

Maria: "Mhmm! But it never told us that Kaede was the one that got hit..."

Wouldn't that be strange? Normally when news stories like that pop up, they cover the the whole thing. Maybe Kaede's parents wanted to keep her involvement a secret? If that's the case, then maybe it was bad of me to spread it to everyone here? No... That'd be cruel to Emi and Maria... I'd feel even more guilty having to hide what happened to Kaede from them.

Ken: "Well, regarding her joining the club, I suppose we'll just have to wait and see. All we can do now is visit her."

Emi: "Y-yeah..."

Aki: "Then shall we meet by the school gate after school?"

Everyone: "Mm!"


And so, once school finish, I made my way out to the school gate. From the looks of it, I was the first one, but then again I did practically run here.

Yui: "..."

I dig through my pocket before pulling out two small dome shaped objects that had a golden color in the center. She just ran off that day, leaving these behind... I'm honestly unsure why I've been holding onto them all this time. I'm aware that Kaede's keeping her eyes a secret, but what will happen when she wakes up? Won't everyone see? Thinking that, I guess it would make sense to visit everyday in case she wakes up, that way I can just give her the contacts before anyone can realize. But I doubt I'd succeed in keeping her secret.

Emi: "Ah? You're first?"

Yui: "Yeah."

Maria: "We thought we came out quite quick though~"

Aki: "Fufu. That's our ace for you."

And following behind them was Aki and Ken. Although Shin is still nowhere to be seen. That guy always seems to float around like this, I swear.

Ken: "This is everyone?"

Yui: "...Yeah."

Sorry Shin, but I really don't want to waste anymore-

Shin: "W-Wait up!~"

Ah, speak of the devil.

Shin ended up charging outside the school gate at full speed, nearly crashing straight into me in the process. I swear... But I guess this is part of his charm, I suppose. I couldn't help but smile as he ends up shooting a smile back; albeit somewhat cheekily.

Aki: "Then, shall we?"


We all moved as a group, but it didn't take long for us to walk quite briskly. I guess everyone here wants to hurry up and get to the hospital as soon as possible.

And with Ken leading the way, after a roughly thirty minute walk, we finally arrived outside the hospital as we slowly made our way through to reception, making to sure to disinfect our hands. But right as I was about to speak to the receptionist, Emi barged her way through in a hurried fashion.

Emi: "Hey, hey! We're here to see Kaede!"

Receptionist: "Ah, yes. One moment."

While the lady behind the desk was checking the computer, I felt the chills in my body continue to escalate. Is it bad? Has she gotten worse? Has she passed away? Thoughts like that continued to rampage through my head until finally, the lady began to speak.

Receptionist: "Yes, the doctor has allowed visitors. I'm assuming you're all friends from the same school?"

We all nod our heads at the lady's question. I guess this time around, we're all still in our uniforms, unlike last time when I visited. It was then that she began to count all of us.

Receptionist: "Mmm. Are you all going in?"

Emi: "Yes."

Receptionist: "I'm sorry, but the six of you is a bit too much."

Maria: "Please? We're all worried."

Aki: "Mm. And a few of us won't be long."

Receptionist: "Hah~ Alright, but do be careful. She's not quite in stable condition, so do be mindful."

Originally, I felt relieved knowing that they'll allow us to visit, as it pretty much confirmed she's still alive, but now hearing about her condition not being the best is quite alarming.

Yui: "D-do you know what happened?"

I decide to speak up. I witnessed whatever that was, so it just made me all the more curious.

Receptionist: "It appears her brain has a few abnormalities that the doctor is concerned about. So do be mindful, okay?"

Emi: "Alright, thank you~"

The receptionist gave all of us our visitor cards before we made our way up the elevator.

Since I knew the way, I ended up leading the group from inside the hospital as we slowly found our way outside of Kaede's room. I paused for a brief moment as I could hear the familiar beeping sound as it immediately calmed my nerves. And in the next moment, I opened the door to find the sleeping Kaede on the same hospital bed. Only this time, more wires were attached to her and she even had an electrical head device on her head which is what's probably monitoring her brain somehow.

Aki: "!"

And almost instantly, Aki began to tear up at the sight of Kaede. It hurt to look at her like this as well, but the guilt that's come back to bite me refuses to go.

Emi: "Kaede..."

Emi is the first one to approach Kaede's side as she grasped Kaede's hand that was off to the side; the one that's in the cast. Of course there was no reaction from Kaede as she continued to sleep with the assistance of the oxygen mask. 

Ken: "Oi oi, Aki. Here."

Ken quickly managed to find some tissues before handing some over to Aki who seemed to be getting more and more emotional by the second.

Aki: "Th-thank you..."

Maria: "Brain damage... That's quite dangerous, right?"

Ken: "Mm. It's no laughing matter."

Maria: "...I hope she's okay."

Seeing the thing on her head is quite alarming, yeah... Before, seeing her in a cast and the bandages, I figured that was bad, but a part of me was relived knowing that it could've been worse. And here we are... I guess karma really is out to get me, huh.

Yui: "I'm sorry, Kaede."

I end up moving over to the other side of the hospital bed before grasping hold of her other hand; the one in the cast. Her cold hand quickly sent shivers through my body as I now felt like it was my duty to warm this hand up.

Emi: "Eh? Why are you sorry?"

Yui: "I... I could've prevented this from happening."

Maria: "I think we all feel the same..."

Ah, I suppose they would feel that way, yeah. But I guess they didn't fully grasp my words... Maybe it's for the better. I wouldn't want Emi or Maria to get mad at me.

Suddenly, I felt my hand being squeezed ever so slightly, but it was enough to make my heart stop for a brief moment as I stared down at Kaede's hand. She... She just moved, right? And almost as if to confirm my suspicions, I feel Kaede squeeze my hand a little more, this time with enough force that it might actually prove difficult to let go. But I felt my heart begin to race as I quickly look over at Kaede's face.

Maria: "Huh? Yui?"

Her expressionless face is as dead as ever, but I can't help the bubbling feeling welling up inside me.

Yui: "She's alive."

Emi: "W-well yeah... She better be, or else I'll kill her."

Maria: "Pfft."

With the mood somewhat becoming lighter, I gently squeeze Kaede's hand in response as her grip on my hand refuses to wane, if anything, her grip feels more like a vice grip, not wanting to let go... Not that I really care. Holding hands like this... Reminds me of the times where we just casually held hands and... Ahhh! Don't think about that, Yui!

Yui: "Pfft haha. Yeah."

Shin: "Hmm?"