
A Place You Remember

Yui and Kaede fell in love during their final year in high school. Now they have to figure out how to live out their lives as fresh new adults. But things don't go accordingly to plan...

Dubsora · Fantasy
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445 Chs


-----Fabian's POV

I have no idea how long we've been like this, but the longer this goes on the more euphoric I start to feel. A part of me is still disgusted that I'm feeling this way, but the overwhelming majority of me has become infatuated by the monster on me. Her body enveloping me dearly, smothering me with warmth and kindness that I most desperately needed. I found myself wrapping my arms around her waist as we continue to kiss on the bed.

Ilfa: "Did I say you could lay your hands on me?"

Fabian: "Sorry."

I say that, but my body refuses to let go of her.

Ilfa: "I take it that you've accepted me now?"

Fabian: "Fuck off. You've done something with me."

Ilfa: "Fufu~ Your mouth says that, but I know you don't mean it. I can feel your excitement even now."

She's right, but it's also my true desperate attempt at regaining my sanity. I figured she'd stop like the other times, but it doesn't look like that'll be the case this time as she grinds her body against me, causing what felt like electricity shoot up my body.

Ilfa: "So? What do you want?"

Countless voices echo in my head while I continue to be assaulted by every little movement she makes on top of me. The voices scream at me, pleading for me to say no, but they get drowned out the the pleasure that's radiating throughout my body, making me unable to give a clear answer. But as if she's satisfied with the answer, she smiles at me before gently gliding her fingers over my body, but I fail to realized fast enough that what she's doing is actually taking off my clothes.

Ilfa: "Then I'll just keep going until you say no."

Is this really happening right now? I refuse to believe it, but as I watch her glide down my body, I'm reminded that this is indeed real. Although I do remember Ilfa mentioning something about dreams, but this would have to be some kind of dream for everything to feel this real.

Ilfa: "Now then-"

Just then, the black parts covering her skin slowly faded, revealing everything to me, but I quickly avert my eyes, as I can't bear to watch what's about to unfold. I try to voice out my complaints, but they stop in my throat the moment I feel her grind against me. In a desperate attempt to drive her off, I try to use fire magic while she's distracted now that she's exposed, but my flames quickly fizzled out before they could even get close to her, almost as if I have barely any mana left.

Ilfa: "Thank you for the meal~"

In the next moment, I feel my member become enveloped in an unreal amount of warmth and comfort. I know what has happened, but I refuse to look, trying to convince myself that this is just a dream and that hopefully I'll wake up soon. But every movement she makes causes my body to jolt as I absentmindedly look up at her. It only took that single moment for her to seize the opportunity to seal my lips with hers once again as she continues to have her way with me.

I felt my body grow hotter and hotter with every passing second as our kiss became more desperate as time went on. With her body pressed against me like this, I've completely lost myself in pleasure as I leave myself in her hands. At the very least, I know she won't kill me as I'm some kind of insurance to her, which leaves me only to think about the pleasure she's giving me. But my consciousness soon begins to fade as I feel like something is being sucked out of me, but before I could comprehend what was happening, my vision went dark.

The darkness was a bit different than the other times when I felt a strange sense of comfort. This darkness felt like I was constantly at the edge, grasping for life. The only thing I could hear was my heart beating faster and faster with each passing moment. The darkness was hot and suffocating as I try to pull away whatever force is gripping my neck, trying to catch even a single breath. Eventually, I manage to claw my way out as I finally get one breath in. Just then, my vision slowly grew brighter as I found myself back to where I was. The sensations of the darkness soon matched what was happening as Ilfa was still having her way with me.

Ilfa: "Oh? I thought you would stay asleep. You're quite strong."

Fabian: "Get, o-"

I finally managed to bring myself to say words, but I soon found myself approaching climax, causing me to eat my words. And without saying anything more, a massive wave of pleasure shoots through my body as I end up being drained from her insides.

Ilfa: "Ah~ Finally... You did great for holding out, Fabian."

She soon lifts herself up from me as the tight, warm, comforting sensation leaves as Ilfa lays herself on her side next to me. My brain is still in a daze at what just happened as I just end up staring at the ceiling, wondering what just happened. My hands still feeling around my neck while I desperately try to catch my breath.

Ilfa: "I can't remember the last time I had a meal like this."

So I'm just a meal towards her, huh. What kind of monster has sex and calls it a meal? That's just gross. It definitely reminds me that I'm just her pawn in her little game. 

Fabian: "So you had other humans to "feed" off of in the past I assume?"

Ilfa: "Hmm? Aww~ Is someone jealous?"

Fabian: "..."

I was about to talk back to her, dismissing that stupid remark, but again, my words fall short and ends up stuck in my throat.

Ilfa: "Well yes. My race is predatory in nature, so yes, I've had other humans to feast off of. But they typically die when we do feed off them."

So then that darkness I experienced before, that was me actually dying? It's kind of scary to think about it now.

Fabian: "So you were trying to kill me?"

Ilfa: "Of course not, I need you alive. But I felt like you were strong enough, so I took that risk. And hah~ I'm glad I did~ I feel full."

Fabian: "Is that why you had only been kissing me until now?"

Ilfa: "Correct. I needed to properly gauge you to see if you can handle it. But I must say, it was getting hard for me to hold myself back, so thank you, Fabian."

It honestly feels weird to be thanked in this context. What am I supposed to be? A free unlimited source of food for her? I can't believe my first time was taken by a fucking monster of all things.

Ilfa: "You didn't enjoy it?"

Fabian: "Of course I didn't. I was on the verge of death."

Ilfa: "I'm sorry."

I didn't think this could go any weirder, but to hear her now apologize to me felt like something incomprehensible. To think a monster would say sorry to a human, it's-

Ilfa: "This is just how I am. I'm sorry that I caused you pain."

Yeah, this is really strange to hear right now. And as I turn my head to face her, her face looks very apologetic. Her brows were angled down, and that uncomfortable smile of hers was nowhere to be seen. For a split second, I started to see her as not a monster.

Fabian: "...It's okay. I'm sorry for lashing out."

Ilfa: "Well, you are justified to think that. You shouldn't have to apologize."

Fabian: "I do. To you, you were just doing what you needed to do. I get it. It's the same thing when I feel hungry and you go out to find me some food, isn't it?"

Ilfa: "Yes, but-"

Fabian: "Then don't worry about it. We may be different, but we both have our needs to survive. It was scary of course, but you can't control it. Just like how I cant control my hunger."

What the fuck is going on? I'm actually having a conversation with her while we're naked? I did not expect myself to be saying all of this to a monster, but when I see her actually feeling sorry about for what she did, I can't help myself but to comfort her. And when I turn to face her again, a single tear pooled up in her eye before dripping onto the pillow.

Ilfa: "Thank you... Fufu~ You're surprisingly sweet for a human."

Fabian: "I've never tasted myself, so I wouldn't know."

Ilfa: "Pfft! Not like that."

She moves in closer to me, as she moves an arm over my chest. Her warmth is unbelievably comforting as I let her do as she pleases.

Ilfa: "I think I'll stay like this for a while."

Fabian: "Aren't you busy?"

Ilfa: "Yes, but that can wait"

She moves her head up onto my shoulder as more of her warmth spreads over my body. It's the first time where I take notice of her smell as it reminds me of back home. It really all went to shit, huh. My family is god knows where and I'm stuck with this monster. I end up sighing out loud at the thought of where my family is at.

Ilfa: "What's wrong? Am I too heavy?"

Fabian: "No, I'm just thinking about my family."

Ilfa: "Fufu~ So I can stay like this?"

Fabian: "...Do what you want."

I was stumped at how to respond to her question as most of the time, she just gives out orders. This was the first time where she actually "asked" for something. I wonder what would've happened if I said no, but to be honest, it's quite nice with her staying like this.

Ilfa: "What's your family like?"

She could be asking this to maybe get info and maybe hurt my family in the future, but I somehow get the feeling that isn't the case just judging from her tone. She sounded distant as she said that, almost sad in a way.

Fabian: "You of course know about my sister, Ellen-"

Ilfa: "Ellen?"

Fabian: "Yui, sorry. Ellen's her actual name."

Ilfa: "Ah~ I see."

Fabian: "Well, my sister is quite stoic, always wanting to do things her way, even it it means getting herself in trouble."

I recall the time when she attacked that teacher. That sure was a sight to see...

Fabian: "My father was always helping me with magic growing up. It was tough sometimes, but he always wanted the best for me, so I continued to follow him."

Ilfa: "So you look up to your father?"

Fabian: "I did, but maybe I was wrong to do so. I'm still uncertain, but I think because of my father, I've lost my connection to the rest of my family. Even now I have no idea where my sister and mother are."

Ilfa: "Interesting."

Fabian: "Why do you ask?"

I only really brought this all up because of how distant she sounded, but I am curious as to the reason.

Ilfa: "I don't remember having parents, so I'm a bit envious."

Fabian: "Yet you have a sister?"

Ilfa: "...It's complicated."

I see. I won't push her to say anything more, but it makes sense now why she sounded a bit sad before. Not knowing your parents, or not knowing if they even exist. I'm not exactly sure what race Ilfa is, but as she said, it must be complicated.