
A Place You Remember

Yui and Kaede fell in love during their final year in high school. Now they have to figure out how to live out their lives as fresh new adults. But things don't go accordingly to plan...

Dubsora · Fantasy
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445 Chs

Darkness Falls

The shower feels so good, as it drowns my hair it its warmth, washing away any dirt that may of been present from my date with Kaede. I sent her a message, but I do hope she is doing okay. The presence her father gave was very dominating, even for me being quite dominant myself, I couldn't fight back against his conquering gaze.

I continue to wash myself, turning up the heat in the shower as it gently stings my skin, steam filling the room like I'm at a sauna. After some time, I finish washing myself, stepping out of the shower covered in my towel from the chest down before blow drying my hair. I admit I do miss my short hair, but seeing my hair blow elegantly as I dry my hair with the dryer is very satisfying and refreshing.

*Bzz Bzzz*

I hear my phone vibrating on the bathroom basin whilst blow drying my hair, turning it off upon noticing the notification. Putting down the hair dryer, I pick up my phone, the screen clouded from the steam in the room before wiping it to be able to see the message.

Email: Yes, tomorrow work with me. I got 10:30am and 1:30pm available. Which time would best for you?

Email sent: 1:30pm sounds perfect to me, we'll meet you there. Enjoy the rest of your night

I was a bit disappointed from seeing that the notification wasn't from Kaede, but this is still good news!

Message to: Kaede<3< p>

Just heard back from the real-estate agent, he wants to meet us tomorrow at 1:30pm to discuss some final details. I hope you're doing okay.

She didn't text back after my last text, she's probably still dealing with her parents. I do hope I can hear from her soon. I go back to drying my hair, brushing out my hair as I do so, before heading back into my room to get changed. Looking out from my window, the sunlight from this morning had disappeared, leaving in its place thick clouds blocking its way, making the environment dim, as if it was about to rain.

*Bzz Bzzz*

My phone goes off once more as I got another notification, praying to god that it's from Kaede, I take a look.

Email: Awesome, I'll see you and your partner at 1:30pm tomorrow then. Take care!

I let out a heavy sigh upon reading the email, once again disappointed it wasn't from Kaede. Thinking its best not to wait around doing nothing, I go downstairs and make me some lunch. I'm not that much of a cook, so I just make myself some simple ogura toast (sweet red bean jam on toast). The sweetness from the jam fills my mouth as it drowns my tongue in its thick, sweetly taste, giving me a sense of happiness as I await Kaede's message.

*Thud thud thud thud...*

The sound of the door knocking broke me out from my temporary state of happiness as I look to the direction of the door. Could Kaede have come by? Thinking that, I run up to the door before opening it.

?: "Hi! You're Yui right?

Yui: "Yes. How do you know my name? I don't think I recall giving it to you."

It was the person who I bumped into earlier on my way back home before. Did we know each other at some point?

?: "Ah you don't remember? We took track and field together at high school. You were our team's ace this year.

Yui: "Oh, sorry I've never really been good with names haha"

So he was in our track and field class at school? Sure he probably knew of my name as it is true that I was somewhat of a celebrity in class, but how did he know where I lived? As I thought that, I put on a smile towards him, trying to remain friendly.

Yui: "So, did you need anything in particular- err... What did you say your name was?"

?: "I don't think that is necessary"

Suddenly I could feel my stomach feeling hot, a sharp pain radiating from my abdomen. My mind raced as I struggled to comprehend what was happening, but the shock of the moment left me numb and unable to move. Looking down, I saw what appeared to be a large knife, stuck inside me where the pain was emanating from. Blood slowly gushed from the wound, soaking my clothes and staining the ground beneath me. Everything around me seemed to move at slow motion as I fought to stay conscious, knowing that my life was in grave danger.

As time slowly caught up to me, I felt myself being pushed back, falling back inside my house. I could see a blurry image of the person I was just talking to on top of me.

?: "This is what you get for taking my precious Kaede away from me!"

My strength waned as the weight of his body drove the knife deeper into my stomach, and I found myself unable to speak. The taste of iron filled my throat as I coughed up blood, the pain only getting worse with every passing moment.

?: "She was meant to be mine! How could a dyke like you steal her away from someone like me!"

Adrenaline started to kick in as I could not stand to imagine someone like this could ever be with someone as pure as Kaede. My arm finding its way to one of my mother's high heeled shoes before piercing the pointed end of the stiletto right into his right eye socket with all my strength, driving it as deep as I could.


Being hit in the eye with my mother's shoe sent him to stumble backwards, freeing me from being pinned down as I slowly get myself up with the last bit of adrenaline still pumping through my body. Like hell I'm just going to lay there like that. I look down to see the knife still inside me, before looking over towards my assailant. He seemed to be still recovering, as he rested his shoulder against the doorway. I know if I take out this knife I would bleed out faster, but if I stay like this aren't I going to die anyways?

Suddenly I notice him coming towards me, without a second to lose, I slide the knife out from my abdomen, blood now gushing out at a faster rate as I stick the knife into his chest. The knife went cleanly inside him as the momentum he carried from charging at me, made him and I crash back down, side by side to one another.

?: "Hnnnnng-"

I look to my side as he holds back the screams, letting out only a moderate grunt with heavy panting. He seemed to be more pre occupied with his eye, which is to be expected, I would be too if I had just lost an eye. I sit myself up as he lays there next to me, holding my hand on my belly to stop the bleeding, but it just wont stop.

Kaede: "Y-Yui?..."


Kaede: "YUI!!!"

I look out from my door to find Kaede. Her eyes, now blinded with tears as she hurdles her way through the door to my side, looking to the side to see the man from before, who seems to now be not moving.

Yui: "Kaede..."

Kaede: "Hang in there! I'm calling an ambulance!

Kaede takes out her phone in a hurried manner as she goes to dial the emergency services. The pain in my abdomen gradually fading away along with my consciousness.

Kaede: "NO! Yui! Stay with me!

Hearing Kaede's pleas helps root my consciousness back in place as I try my hardest to stay awake. Her face now becoming more and more blurry as she calls for help. I can feel her hand over mine as she tries to stop the bleeding further, Her touch feeling ever so warm.

Kaede: "They're on their way, just stay with me Yui!

She pulls me in to an embrace, with her hand still supporting mine to try and slow down the bleeding. Her warmth completely surrounded my body, as tears start to form in my eyes, dripping onto her pearly white cheeks, trying to reach out my other hand towards her. The blood coming from my stomach, staining her cute outfit she had worn for our date earlier this morning. I... Don't want to die...

Kaede: "Yui... Yui!!!"

The sounds of Kaede screaming my name slowly became quieter until I could no longer hear anything. My vision slowly fading to black, the pain from before slowly disappearing along with warmth from Kaede's body. I could no longer feel anything, and all I could feel, see or hear was just complete darkness. Even the weight of my body felt like as if it was nothing as my mind slowly drifted along in this empty, lonely void.

Suddenly from a distance, I could see what looked to be a small star, emanating a bright, white light, gradually growing in size as if it was coming towards me, or was I coming to it? I couldn't tell as I stared out to the light, trying as best I could to reach it, thinking that if I somehow got there, I could go back to seeing Kaede. Her platinum long hair and golden eyes still etched in my memory as the white light grew bigger and brighter, until all the darkness that was around me disappeared, leaving me surrounded by the bright light in its place. I could feel the warmth of the light encasing me when suddenly, I could hear strange sounds in the distance. I couldn't tell where they were coming from, but as they were getting louder I could make out that it was people talking, however I could not understand what they were saying.

The light surrounding starts to shine hotter before finally...