
A Place without Heaven(Remake)

“God is nothing but a mere belief…” Those are the thoughts of a young adult named Hakuya Soraki, who has burden a thought of doubting God’s existence. One day, he was hit by a truck, as he woke up he saw an unfamiliar ceiling. At the same time, he saw a fragile woman and a maid. As conversation piled up, he learned that fragile woman was his mother. What does await Hakuya who was reincarnated in another world? Is it the God whose existence he doubted for his entire life or is it the Demon that might have brainwashed him?

Yuuki_Toshima · Fantasy
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140 Chs

Chapter 76: Upcoming Troubles

I woke up in the middle of the night, because I heard a faint noise. When I went outside to check it, I saw a robed man abducting Thomas.

I chased over them, but when we arrived at an alley they disappeared like thin air.


I rushed to Duke Roa's room. His room was next to his office, so it was easy to found. "Duke Roa!" I shouted, so that I can wake him up.

But, much to my delight Duke Roa was already awake, more than that Niahl was also at his room.

I mumbled, "Niahl…"

"Ed! What are you doing here, in the middle of the night?" Niahl asked. "Aren't you breathing heavily, did something happened?"

I want to ask him why he's here but that can wait.

"Thomas was abducted by a robed man!" I stated. "What did you say?" Duke Roa and Niahl exclaimed.

After telling them the scene I saw, Duke Roa ordered the Knights of the Manor to start a search for the young master.

Me and Niahl were left at Duke Roa's office.