
A Place without Heaven(Remake)

“God is nothing but a mere belief…” Those are the thoughts of a young adult named Hakuya Soraki, who has burden a thought of doubting God’s existence. One day, he was hit by a truck, as he woke up he saw an unfamiliar ceiling. At the same time, he saw a fragile woman and a maid. As conversation piled up, he learned that fragile woman was his mother. What does await Hakuya who was reincarnated in another world? Is it the God whose existence he doubted for his entire life or is it the Demon that might have brainwashed him?

Yuuki_Toshima · Fantasy
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140 Chs

Chapter 140: I-I'll die..?

The sky was dawn, the city was bustling and I, will be staying here until the end of my days…

                                                                                                                                                          "Ed..! Hey, Ed!! Wake up, hey!!" whilst shaking my body, the plain boy kept on waking me up with such words.

                                                                                                                                                                So this is the so-called angel's call, huh?

                                                                                                                                                            "Hey! Seriously… If you don't wake up any minute now, you will be dead!!" so he added, making me gasp and open my heavy eye lids up in a rush.