
A Place To Call Home// Akatsuki X OC // Naruto Fandom

18+ ONLY WARNING. Explicit content. A simple girl named Tila Kurama is forcefully taken from the her home located out-skirting the village hidden in the waterfall and is forced to adapt quickly if she has any chance of keeping her sanity throughout the twisted journey awaiting her. What path will she take? Will she find her purpose in this god-forsake shinobi world? What will she encounter on her long heart filled epic journey? And will she ever find a place to call home?

Gasaii · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

57. Silhouette

"You're Kakuzu?" I stammered, staring at the buff guy before me.

"Hurry up, before I change my mind." He said gruffly before turning on his heels and heading for the staircase.

"Okay, okay! Wait for me!" I exclaimed, jogging to catch up. The two of us strolled silently, side by side down the main street of the village. The sun peeked through overcasting clouds, afternoon breeze warmly rolling past.

"So, what kind of Kimono do you want?" Kakuzu asked, those piercing red and green eyes peering at me from above the cloth that covered his face. It shrouded him in sense of mystery.

"I have no idea," I replied, feeling uncomfortable about a stranger buying me clothes. Kakuzu stops in his tracks causing me to also come to a halt.

"There," He huffed, nodding in gesture over to an opulent Kimono boutique. Before I could object he strode over and walked in. Quickly I followed in behind him, only to be left in awe at the colourful assortment of Kimono display that covered the walls. As my gaze reached around I caught the strange look the two ladies behind the counter were giving Kakuzu. Ignoring them, I approached Kakuzu who'd been searching the displays also.

"I think this one would look very nice on you," He pulled a light blue fabric from a hanger and shoved it into my arms.

"Are you sure, Kakuzu? I mean, it's so beautiful but.." I stammered, the elegance of the embroider pattern beneath my fingertips as I ran it over the patterns. They danced and swirled so beautifully. Even more-so, Kakuzu didn't exactly seem like the fashionable type yet, he'd picked this of his own accord.

"I'm sure, now try it on or I'll kill you." Kakuzu threatened. Those illusive eyes bore down on me, he meant business. Without another moments hesitation I hurried over to the changing stall and pulled the curtain closed.

This guy is frightening. A shiver ran over my skin as I undress and loosely put the Kimono on, seeing as a proper fitting would take far too long. A loud bang against the wall beside the stall caused me to ducked out of reflex.

"Are you going to show me or not?" Kakuzu's deep, gruff voice demanded from behind the curtain.

I slowly pulled the curtain aside to see him standing directly in front of me, gaze travelling down as I revealed the loose fit Kimono.

"Get changed, we're taking that one." He turned and made straight for the counter. I pulled closed the curtain again, left feeling an odd confusion. As I slipped on my clothes I wondered why in the world Kakuzu would go to the trouble of purchasing me something to beautiful yet threaten to kill me.

I didn't know what kind of relationship we had prior to my memory loss, but, my curiosity only deepened. After I'd composed myself I met Kakuzu by the counter, handing over the Kimono to the attendant. She neatly packed it in a bag and handed it back.

"Let's get back, it's getting late." Kakuzu proposed. I nodded in agreement. By the time the two of us returned to the tallest building in the village, night had fallen, stars scattered overheard as I gazed up one last time before entering the building. Tiredness overcame me as we reached the top so I thanked Kakuzu and went to retire to my room.

I put my beautiful, precious new Kimono away safely in my wardrobe. Swapping it out for a pair of pyjamas to change into. A cute pink colour that'd been hiding in the back caught my eye. Upon tugging it out I realised it was a onesie, so, I put it on and crawled into bed.

As I lay there my mind swirls, thoughts of Kakuzu dance around. The familiarity in those red and green hues before walking away...

Everyone seemed to hold similar sentiments..




Perhaps even, curiosity.

Confusion fused with my swirls of thought, what was the reason behind their eyes?

What kind of person was I to them?

What kind of person was I?

Who were they, and, how did I even meet these strange people to begin with?

I'll admit, they seemed strange to begin with, but, now that I've started to see them properly, they seem to care about me.

In particular, one person truly stood out amongst the rest. Tender, mesmerizingly onyx eyes.

My mind gave in and I surrendered in a sigh. There was no way I could sleep like this. So, slowly I get up and put my slippers on. Perhaps a walk will clear my head.

After trudging down hallway and stairs I found myself standing in the middle of the lobby. For a moment I stared out the window - the bright twilight shone, clouds whisking across the midnight of the sky. The prettiness coaxed me to take a seat on the wood of the floorboards before the view.

"I had a feeling I'd find you here," a voice laced smoothly like velvet induced shivers over my skin. Daring to turn, Sasori stood behind me.

"Do you mind if I join you?" He had a calm air about him as he asked.

"Sure, I couldn't sleep. So," I half yawned, leaving me forgetting what I was about to say.

"Is that so?" He questioned, lips curving into a soft smile, "You're body's telling you differently it seems." Sasori carefully seated himself closely beside me. I hummed thoughtfully.

"You know, I get the feeling sleep has never really been my forte," I returned his smile.

"You're right, it never was.." Sasori replied.

There was a small silence between us, until Sasori turned, his question striking me as unexpected.

"How're you feeling about all of this?" He hesitated as he spoke. My full attention shifted from the pretty night sky to a sight almost as wonderous. The soothing beige of his irises, so soft that it gave me light tingles. Unable to endure it I turned back to look out the window as I gave my answer.

"I guess I feel like a silhouette. Half here, but, translucent." I felt his presence beside me, the warmth of his body radiating from the small space between us, like a heater on a cold winter night.

"I know that feeling. As though broken, or, not completely there. I used to feel that way." The strained emotion he spoke with tugged at my heart, his gaze averts back the twilight beyond the window. I held my silence, unsure of what to say.

"But then, I met this girl. She gave me a newfound hope. Showed me that there was more to life than pain and loneliness." The way he spoke of her was gentle and tender.

"Where is she?" I asked, fiddling with my palms to distract me from the sadness seeping into my heart.

"I lost her a long time ago. But, I'm going to keep looking for her, everyday.. Just like I have since she left."

I didn't dare look up, uncertainty at what I may see.

"She's a lucky girl to have someone who loves her so much. I truly hope you find her, Sasori." Well wishes leave me in a whisper. Finally, courage builds and I peek up at Sasori. The smile that graced his lips almost ethereal on his flawless features. He lay back on the ground so did too. Eyes closing as a warm silence blanketed us. After a while sleepiness washed over.

"Tila, you should head to bed. I'll walk you to your room," Sasori's voice pulled my eyes to slowly open. Carefully I sat up, Sasori knelt before me, hand reaching for me. I took it and he helped me stand. The two of us walked together to my room.

"Goodnight Tila, I'll see tomorrow at the festival" Sasori said as he stood by my door.

"Goodnight, okay. thanks for talking to me by the way.. I feel a bit better than before" I admitted. Sasori gave a delicate close-eyed smile before leaving. It was.. adorable.

__________Sasori POV_______

As I walked away from Tila's room I feel something I hadn't in a long time.

A painful mixture of emotions, ones that I shouldn't be feeling. Hope. Hadn't it been lost?

Perhaps not.

Perhaps she would remember who I was to her. For all my hope, something surely had to come of it, right? Even if I'd have to wait until the ends of time, I didn't mind. Just as long as she remembers in the end.

_________Tila POV___________

As I awoke someone was yelling and my bed was moving up and down. I quickly sat up in my half asleep state and tried to blink lots so I could see properly.

"Tila! Morning, un!" Deidara wiggles his eyebrows as he bounced up and down on the side of my bed whilst sitting.

"Oh, I'm still sleeping though! Why are you jumping up and down for?" I groaned as I lay back down and pulled the blanket over my head. Deidara quickly yanked it off me and started to tickle me and laugh!

"Hey! Stop! Please! Ahh!" I squealed and squirmed under his random tickle attack.

"Wait! wait, please no!" I giggles as I tried to turn over and tickle him back but he had me locked in as he tickled my sides.

"You going to get up, Til? We have a big day ahead of us, yeah." Deidara said cheekily before stopping. I was left panting, trying to regain my breath, slowly rolling over to face him, only to be met with the most cheesiest smirk I'd ever seen.

"Okay, I surrender. Please don't tickle me ever again."

Deidara stood up and walked over to the door, obviously pleased with my answer.

"I'm giving you 10 minutes to get ready, if you're not in the kitchen by then. You know what the consequences will be, yeah?" He threatened. I slowly nodded, watching as he closed the door behind him.

Oh yeah, that festival was later today.

I quickly got up and ready, brushed out my long hair, leaving it down. I put some cute clips on the sides, pinning my fringe back. Then, I went down the the kitchen, knowing full well if I didn't, I'd have to deal with Deidara's tickling wrath.

I'm sure anyone who had the misfortune of experiencing that would know that it was pretty bad and a few more hours of sleep surely wasn't worth enduring it for.

As soon as I walked into the kitchen I saw an extremely tall man who resembled a fish. Deidara stood up from where he'd been seated at the table and pulled the chair out beside him, gesturing for me to join him.

"Kid, glad to see your feeling better," the fishy man said, grin directed my way as he sat down too.

"Thanks, who are you again exactly?" I quickly asked, feeling silly that I didn't know his name.

"Kisame, although I'm sure you already knew that" he joked adding a wink to top it off.

"Kisa, you know she doesn't remember, what the fuck?" Deidara pushed his plate of food in front of me.

"It was a joke, calm down Deidara" Kisame jeered, seeming annoyed that Deidara had killed his joke.

"Hm, yeah I knew that! Anyways. I was thinking, after we eat, we should see if Tila can use any of her Jutsu" Deidara suggested. Nudging my arm playfully from beside me, causing me to drop the piece of egg roll I'd just picked up to fall out of my hand and back onto the plate.

"You made me drop it..." I frowned. He looked at me then down at the egg roll on the table.

"Just put it in your mouth, un." Deidara picked it up and shoved it into my mouth causing me to splutter and accidentally swallow the whole thing whole!

"Deidara!" I spluttered in annoyance, he sort of just gave me a sympathetic look as though I didn't know how to eat properly before popped an egg roll into his own mouth.

"Deidara, you should be more careful with the lady or she'll die from suffocation before she even remembers who you are," Kisame deadpanned.

"She's fine alright! Hm." Deidara argued, mouth half stuffed with food.

"What kind of Justu did I know how to do?" I asked curiously, changing the awkward subject off dying.

"You were quite skilled if I do say so myself. You possess quite a unique style. Storm and Dark Release Techniques, If I remember correctly," Kisame informed.

"Wow, sounds.." I contemplated for a minute, all I could come up with was "hard."

"Well, no one expects you to magically snap back into shape straight away, un. The least we can do is give it a go, yeah?" Deidara suggested.

"I suppose you're right, let's go then." I took a deep breath and stood up.

Deidara and Kisame followed, I took one last egg roll before the three of us shuffled out into the lobby.

"Here?" I asked, feeling a little confused at how we could train in such a small space. For some reason it just didn't feel right.

"Unless you want to walk all the way out of the village, then, here is the only space available unfortunately" Kisame reasoned.

"Oh, I guess here's fine then. I have a feeling I won't be able to do much" I admitted.

"Snap out of it Tila! We're going to reteach your Jutsu, Hm!" Deidara confidently smirked. I couldn't help but to smile at his determination. It was truly uplifting, so, I listened carefully to what he said next.

"Okay, I think the first thing you should do is focus on your Chakra, yeah? See if you can feel it inside yourself." Deidara prompted from beside Kisame, both of them attentively looking at me. I closed my eyes and focused on what I could feel inside but, to my dismay, what I felt was next to nothing.


Hello~ How is everyone? ( ´ ˘ `)/♡

I just wanted to say, um, I appreciate everyone who's reading this story.

And, if you ever feel like letting me know stuff don't be shy and just drop a comment (/•-•)/

Honestly, it just really makes me happy to hear from you ~

Or, if you don't feel like it that's okie too! Maybe consider leaving a vote instead, it's only a click of a button and it would mean a lot to me in terms of support (✿˵•́ᴗ•̀˵)

I'm working hard to write and post as much as I can so, even though I do it because I love writing and I want to share it with you and hopefully make your day a bit better if I can ~

OK that's all from me! TAKE MY LOVE (✿•̀‿•́)シ☆゚♡

See you in a few days,