
A Place To Call Home// Akatsuki X OC // Naruto Fandom

18+ ONLY WARNING. Explicit content. A simple girl named Tila Kurama is forcefully taken from the her home located out-skirting the village hidden in the waterfall and is forced to adapt quickly if she has any chance of keeping her sanity throughout the twisted journey awaiting her. What path will she take? Will she find her purpose in this god-forsake shinobi world? What will she encounter on her long heart filled epic journey? And will she ever find a place to call home?

Gasaii · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

2: Grasping My Bearings

The first thing that hit me as I began to stir was that darn throbbing pain in my head. All of the previous events began to slowly slip back into my conscious mind, making my heart throb deeply a they did.

I could feel my arms bound behind my back, my wrists felt raw from the rubbing of a rope. I opened my eyes to see myself lying on a small untidy single bed in a cell that resembled a prison. I sat up slowly making sure not to get up too quickly in case I fainted again or accidentally fell off the bed.

I hadn't eaten or drank anything since the morning of those horrific events and I felt very dizzy. I took in my surrounding and it was mostly concrete walls and floors with a large double wooden door straight ahead.

No windows, only light from multiple candles that hung from the walls. This place had a dark and creepy aura and it was far from what I was used too back at home. The image of my mother flashed through my head once more. An ache in my chest arose accompanied by a lump in my throat, tears were about to fall from my eyes..

'Creeeek' The door opened and a mans figure appeared at the door, the reflection of the candle light glinting off his glades for just a split second. "Tila, I'm glad to see your awake" An unfamiliar voice said nonchalantly.

I didn't say anything and tried to loosen my restraints in hope that this unknown guy would maybe notice my discomfort and loosen them for me slightly. He pulled out a key and opened the cell and casually walked in placing a tray of food onto the table. "I'm Kabuto" He said slyly eyeing me from behind those round framed glasses as I wiggled around uncomfortably.

"Wher.." I was cut off before I could squeeze out my words..

"You will be staying down here for a while so I did you the favour of collecting some of your clothes" Kabuto then said.

I looked to the left towards where he had gestured then up at him with an emotionless look on my face .. I don't know who this guy is but I don't want to give anything away. I felt much too weak to argue. Kabuto went on "You were subdued with a poison when Lord Orochimaru collected you, I've given you the antidote but you need to rest so we can have you healthier".

I squinted a bit, racking my scattered mind as to what his motives might be.." Why do I need to be healthier? Why am I here kabuto?" I asked curiously, mustering the little strength I had. "Well for now you don't have to worry about that" he continued.. "Just eat this and rest for now, I'll explain when your not fatigued and can properly comprehend what I'm saying".

There was a moments silence between us and the. Kabuto gestured for me to turn around so I slowly turned my body to the side, his hand glowed blue and he cut the ropes that had restrained my hands. As soon as the grip from the ropes had released it felt so good to let them loose. I rubbed my wrists and looked down to see the skin surrounding my wrists were red and blistered.

I tried to focus my Chakra in one hand and did for a moment, I put it up to my opposite wrist and I felt the redness disappearing as a cooling sensation radiated into my sore skin.

Before I could finish my palm stung with a quick sharp pain and my Chakra flow stopped. "You are too weak to heal yourself right now" Kabuto then chuckled condescendingly. "Just eat" Kabuto then demanded and turned on his heels, locked the cell and left as nonchalantly as he had come in.

I sighed a really long sigh, what is happening right now if I had the mental energy id be freaking out! But I just don't so I'll save the deep thought for later. I wasn't in any immediate danger from what I could tell so I started nibbling at the piece of bread that was on the tray and then started to sip the soup.

It tasted like pumpkin but looked like mashed peas. I don't know what this is but I need to get my strength up otherwise I'll wither away in this god-forsaken cell. My life has barely begun, I'm only 15 I think to myself worriedly. I finish off what was left on the tray and lie down flat onto my back, this bed has got to be the most uncomfortable thing ever. My eyes shut again and my mind remained empty as I fell into a deep sleep.


I had stirred about 20 minutes ago. I didn't know how long I was out for or what time of day it was. I felt a bit better but my head was spinning with uncertainty. So many questions and no answers, what was to become of my life? Is this now my home? What did these strange Shinobi want from me? The reality of my situation started to dawn on me.

This was really happening.

The sound of that door creaking open interrupted my train of thought as the now familiar figure of Kabuto edged into the doorway and strode towards my cell, unlocking it he opened it wide "Get some clothes I'm taking you for a bath". Now that I think about it I was still wearing my white tank, which looks as if I'd been rolling in dirt accompanied by my long black skinny jeans.

I stayed silent but got up and went over to my pile of clothes and pulled out my nice floral long dress. My floral dress reminded me of home, that's why I chose it. "Follow me" Kabuto said and headed for the door. I did as I was told, we exited the room and entered a long corridor which was a dark maroon beige colour lit dimly with candles along the walls.

A long hallway..

I studied every detail as we walked trying to become as familiar with my surrounding as possible. I needed to escape, I don't know how long I can stay here without loosing my mentality. We stopped at a door to the side at the end of the corridor, Kabuto opened it with his key and stepped aside gesturing for me to walk in first. I stepped in taking in the sight of the beautiful lush white bathroom, this is so out of place I thought.

I made my way to the already made bubble bath in front of me and set down my clothes onto the bench nearby. I turned around and noticed Kabuto walking towards me, looking at me a way that I've never seen before. "Why're you looking at me like that?" I said bluntly. "Unfortunately I have to supervise you whenever your not in your room" Kabuto smirked. "What!!" I said a little louder than I should have out of utter shock.

"Your kidding? I don't even know you! I can't take my clothes off In front of you!" I exclaimed in the same rushed unbelieving manner. "Well I don't have all day, you can have a bath or I can take you back to your room. Your choice" Kabuto said gruffly. "You can't even turn around while I get in!?" I pleaded. "Fine, Hurry up then" He argued and then turned around and faced the wall.

I quickly threw my clothes off and hopped into the bath, the water was just the right temperature. 'Oh wow I can't believe that pervert is serious!' He turned back around and his eyes fell onto me instantly. I felt very uncomfortable as I reached for the soap and started to wash myself in every nook and crevice. I can't explain how dirty I feel right now.

I eventually forgot he was there leaning against the wall watching me intently, as I finished I stood up and got out and looked around for the towel. "Looking for this" Kabuto's voice echoed off the white porcelain walls. "Ah, yeah" I started to walk towards him and then I realised I was completely naked! I stopped and went completely red in the face.

Kabuto looked straight into my face as he grinned menacingly. "Here" Kabuto then said as shoved the towel into my hands. I quickly grabbed it and wrapped it around myself and turned around.

'What was wrong with me!? How could I be so stupid! Your naked Tila!!! Ahhh wow, my mind is so scattered from that poison still' I thought to myself.

I hurriedly dried myself and got dresses as quickly as I could with my back turned to kabuto, I could feel his pervy eyes all over my body from behind me. I just wanted to get out of this super awkward situation. "You sure took your time, Lord Orochimaru will now see you" Kabuto then told me as I turned around fully dressed and my long ash blonde hair towel dried.

I felt a little better now that I was clean and dressed. "Okay" I replied hesitantly. I grabbed my dirty clothes and followed him out of the bathroom back into the long dimly lit hallway. "Here I'll take care of those for you" Kabuto said as he gestured for me to hand over my clothes, I complied and he went into the next room and came out again.

His eyes fell onto me again in that weird pervy way.. "I must say Tila you look quite beautiful. Lord Orochimaru will be pleased you dresses up for him" He turned and started walking before I could say anything. I hurried to catch up to him so I could retort.

"I didn't dress up for the man who slaughtered the only person in my life that I cared about" I spat begrudgingly. "Oh so you do have some fight in you, good" Kabuto shot back. I bit my tongue and held my smart mouth back.

That attitude wasn't going to do me any favours I thought, play it cool Tila. We went through a few more doors and down another couple halls and we reached a massive archway, the room ahead had a large rectangular table in the middle and I could see the dark figure of Orochimaru sitting at the end of it. My heart skipped a beat as Kabuto and I approached closer.

Finally I could ask some questions and get some answers. Truth was, I had a feeling that none of them would be what I wanted to hear.