
A Place in Time

A young woman goes to the mall to find a unique clock for a good friend. She finds a shop with several different kinds of clocks. She thinks she has finally found the perfect one. It has a big wolf howling at the moon. The moon has the clock in it. She instantly buys it and takes it to her good friend. When they both wind it up, poof they find themselves in another realm. They are in a big forest. Meanwhile Jacob Greystone the Alpha of the Blue moon pack is in a meeting with his Beta and best friend Brian Jade. When all of a sudden they both smell such a wonderful smell coming from out of nowhere. What do you think will happen with our two ladies and the Alpha and Beta of Blue moon pack?

Camille49Lamoure · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

Chapter 9 Rescue

Aiden's POV

I'm so pi**ed right now! I've ordered my best soldiers to get ready for war. They are training really hard. I've also sent my best trackers to find where Melany might be. When I find out who's done this, I'm going to make sure that they don't live to see another day!!!

Melany's POV

I wake up to see that I'm in some sort of holding cell. I'm really worried what's going to happen to me. Also I know that Aiden is going to be really mad. Oh please find me soon Aiden.

I suddenly hear someone coming into where I'm being held. A man walks in with a scar on his face. He says "How are you liking your accommodation?" I look back at him with a death stare. Oh if only looks could truly kill, I know he'd be dead now. He then says" You have nothing to say? Well let me tell you what's going to happen. W

When your mate comes, I'm going to kill you in front of him. Just like what happened to my mate."

I'm really worried now, because I'm pregnant. I haven't been able to tell Aiden yet. I really, really hope he can rescue me.


Ryan's POV (the tracker)

I've been searching for a little while now. All of a sudden I pick up our Luna's scent. It's coming from the rogues' territory. I make sure to mask my scent so they won't know that I'm here. I'm glad that it's night time for it makes it harder to see my wolf. I carefully make my way to where her scent is coming from. They have put her in a holding cell in their prison. When Alpha finds out, I know he's going to tear these mutts apart limb by limb.

I make my way back to the pack house so I can give my report to Alpha. I knock on his office door. I hear him say come in. I went in and closed the door.

Alpha Aiden's POV

Ryan has just returned from his tracking. I tell him to report to me where she's at. He responds that they have her in a holding cell in their prison. My wolf immediately came forward. I have to give it my all to not have him come all the way out. I then ask Ryan to tell me the exact location so we can hit them by surprise. Oh the plans I have for the one who is responsible. 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈

Due to unresponsive this next chapter is going to be my last. I appreciate all who have read it, if any.

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