
Do You Know How Malicious Maverick Is?

Maverick answered the phone after getting on the car.

The driver was driving in the front, so he raised the soundproof glass.

The car seemed to be a little more depressing. Maverick was listening to the report on the phone.

But the investigator was a little hesitant.

Maverick suspected that it had something to do with Elenore.

The investigator stammered. Maverick was more confused. He said in a low voice, "Everyone knows that I don't like those who can't say clearly. Just tell me what you find. I want evidence."

The investigator kept silent for a moment. He sounded reluctant but still told Maverick everything.

"I can be sure that everything I have found is true. So it is very strange. But I hope that you can believe me. It's related to Miss Everly herself."

Maverick frowned and said, "Tell me the details."