

My body was in darkness and I was hovering above it, all I could see was my body... Nothing else, I was scared and I wasn't sure what was happening to me, I saw how beat up I was and all that my soul could do was look, my black hair, my blue green eyes still open I couldn't even close them to make me rest in piece, my small pointy nose, my full pink lips going purple, once porcelain skin like ivory going gray and parts beaten already black and blue, cuts slicing my arms my body my back, pieces of glass still impaled in me, I could hear noises but I saw nothing and no one. Just the silence.

Out of nowhere lights started moving around me, it was like a dream, my biggest wish was to see the northern lights up close and that was exactly what was transpiring around me I could feel the energy surge throughy body asif I stuck my fingers directly into a power plant I felt revived, and before my very own eyes my body was healing itself the glass that was lodged in me started to disintegrate, the cuts and bruises started to disappear, my body's colour started to regenerate, my lips where the colour of strawberries again, my skin back to its ivory porcelain colour and my eyes closed themselves.

Gravity was pulling me back into my body I couldn't believe what I was feeling, I felt strong and fast I felt new in all aspects of my entire being, inches away from my body, Aphrodite, the Goddess of love was looking down at me, "It is not your time child, I have given you new life, use it to destroy them, for they are destroying love, and so they are deatroying me." I couldn't hear her voice through my ears, but rather in my head. I was shocked at what she said, 'THEM' There was more than just him? How could I beat him, none the less, THEM? before I could ask she vanished into the lights and my body sucked in my regenerated soul,

I gasped in what felt like my first breath I felt sparks in my body, my eyes flew open and HE was still here i vould feel him, my hands where currently like golden orbs pushing up into my veins, pulsing with my heart, I had no idea what was happening to my body but I knew I had a mission that had to be completed, for everyone to know the real meaning of love, THEY where stealing peoples affection by being narcissistic, and breaking and also killing people who refuse to stop loving,

I stood up, my whole body was ready, no ounce of fear left in me, I sensed that he was on his was up to Daine's room, I moved and it felt like a split second and I appeared behind him. "I will not give up or give in to you, Giado, you will beg me to stop," I said before I grabbed his shoulder and as my touch, came into contact with his skin I could feel that he was in pain, as he turned his head towards where I was, holding his eyes widening pain flashed from his eyes, agony filling his face." What are you doing you bitch! Let go of me, aaagh! It burns" Giado screemed, my golden hands where pulsating and I felt how I was devouring his energy into mine, he turned to face me, as i grabbed his throat, Diane came rushing out of his room with a worried look on his face, "What the fuck is going on here!?, Alexis, are you.... Whats... Why are...." Diane couldn't complete any of his sentences when he saw my hands nor the man I was busy devouring through the glow of my hands, Giados screams became silent as he com busted into thin air, Diane came running towards me, " Alexis, what just fucking happened?" Daine was worried confused and panicking, "That was him, I cannot tell you what happened without being sent to the loony bin... Er" I scratched my head "I will replace the window that was shattered in the fight, and any other things, I am so sorry about what happened to your place, he was on his way to kill you, I couldn't let that happen" I said with great regret, "oh my fuck, Alexis do you think I give a shit about my place, are you alright? Did he hurt you, where the fuck... What just happened? I am so fucking confused right now," he said inspecting every part of me then pulled me into his arms.

"I'm okay Dai, Giado can't hurt me anymore, I cannot explain what happened, but I can tell you that I will be safe from now on" I whispered in his embrace. "Trust me", he then grabbed me by the waist and picked me up my legs around his waist again, "you better be safe" he smiled and took me back to his bed, and put me down gently kissing every part of my body that he thought was in pain, yes every inch he thought, none the less I was enjoying the attention the touches, the kisses the licks the nibbles, he looked at my plump breast and grabbed one in his palm and bit down softly on the other shirt still over my body but the feeling I was getting I could feel my pussy getting wet from all the excitement and I heard that same voice, 'enjoy' repeating itself in my head, and I could only let out a soft moan as his hands slipped into my hot pants and started rubbing my clit in soft circular motions grazing my pleasure spot every 360 degrees, "hmmnn" My moans were intensifying and he slipped one finger in, slipping it in and out of me teasing me, I could feel my juices dripping out as my body started to burn with desire, his lips taking in mine, "You look so hot right now Alexis," he spoke with a voice full of lust biting my lower lip and he slipped in another finger,

My mouth couldn't hold onto the moans that i was keeping in and the slipped out resulting in my face turning in to one of absolute pleasure filled, " aaah, hmmmnnnooooh, yeeeeaaaaah" my voice soft and seductive his fingers slamming into me and I could feel that I was closing in on a very, very big orgasm, everything started getting wet, I could hear his fingers in a sloosh sloosh sounds and I couldn't keep in my pleasureful screams so load the neighborhood could hear, his hands where soaked in my juices as I squirted for the first time an orgasm so great my body started going numb I could only feel my pussy tightening around his fingers which was currently pulsing inside me, he removed them slowly letting all my juices spraying out onto his bed and he stared straight into my eyes, looking even more horny then a few minutes ago, "Oh my gaawd did you just squirt? Please do that on my dick! " he seemed pleased at what just happened and his dick was erect and the pre-cum was oozing out of his jockeys,

Hay famz

A little treat for you to apologize for not being able to update the story! It was one crazy weekend!

Loads of love



harley1121creators' thoughts