

Chance, a brilliant physics doctoral student, makes a groundbreaking discovery with black hole models, accidentally sending him back to an ancient era. Using modern physics, he introduces hydroelectric power and advanced weaponry, meeting and losing his first love amid war. Striving to escape his despair, Chance's experiments thrust him into the 1980s, where he becomes a business magnate. However, tragedy strikes again with the loss of another love, Yoyo. Determined to break this cycle, Chance discovers his mentor, Professor Ramayah, is part of the Freemasons, who aim to exploit his invention. In a desperate bid, Chance travels to the 1940s to seek help from the legendary physicist Richard Feynman. Together, they delve into the mysteries of time and dimensions, encountering beings from various planes and uncovering ancient Maya prophecies. These revelations inspire Chance to develop a plan for a dimensional prison to trap the Freemasons' dark forces. Will he succeed in his daring quest to protect humanity across time and dimensions?

Wednesday_ · Fantasy
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98 Chs

Two-faced person

Chance was jolted awake by a sudden splash of icy water. As his eyes fluttered open, he found himself in an opulent yet ominous room. The air was thick with a sense of foreboding, and an uneasy silence pervaded the space. Blinking away the water, he noticed a figure standing with his back turned—a man wearing a hat, his face partially obscured by a thick beard. From the side, he bore a striking resemblance to Alpha, the city's beloved mayor.

Chance's heart sank as recognition set in. Alpha was known for his warm, approachable demeanor on television, always portrayed as the epitome of a kind and just leader. But here, in this lavish yet chilling setting, he was anything but.

"Complete the black hole experiment," Alpha's voice cut through the silence, cold and menacing. "Or neither you nor your family will survive."

Chance's defiance flared. "I would rather die than give in to your demands."

Alpha's expression remained unchanged, a mask of ruthless determination. "So be it," he replied, motioning to his guards.

The guards grabbed Chance roughly, dragging him through the halls of what he now realized was a luxurious prison. As they moved, Chance's mind raced with the implications of Alpha's ultimatum. The man he had once seen as a pillar of the community was now revealed as a tyrant, wielding his power with merciless precision.

In the midst of this grim realization, a whisper cut through his thoughts. "If you want to live, do as I say."

Chance turned his head slightly to see Lucy, Alpha's assistant, walking alongside them. Her eyes darted around nervously, ensuring they were not overheard. "This is the only place without surveillance," she continued, her voice barely audible.

Chance nodded subtly, his heart pounding. Lucy's covert message was a glimmer of hope in an otherwise bleak situation. He had to trust her, at least for now, if he wanted any chance of survival.

As they continued through the halls, Chance took in his surroundings, noting every detail that might aid in his escape. The grandeur of the place was at odds with its true purpose—a gilded cage for those who crossed paths with Alpha's dark side.

They reached a heavy wooden door, and the guards shoved Chance inside a dimly lit room. The door slammed shut behind him, and he was left alone in the cold, damp cell. The reality of his predicament weighed heavily on him, but Lucy's words echoed in his mind, a lifeline in the darkness.

Chance sat down on the hard, stone floor, trying to piece together a plan. He had to navigate this perilous situation carefully, balancing his own survival with the safety of his family. The stakes were higher than ever, and one wrong move could mean disaster.

As the hours ticked by, Chance's thoughts kept returning to Lucy's whispered advice. He had to find a way to communicate with her again, to understand the full extent of her plan. For now, all he could do was wait and hope that the next opportunity would present itself soon.

Upon returning to his office, Alpha took off his hat and stared at himself in the mirror. The man in the mirror was a far cry from the benevolent leader the public adored. His eyes were cold, his face hardened by years of secret tyranny. His empire was built on fear and control, and he didn't want a doctor of physics ruining his plans.

Meanwhile, Lucy paced in her small, dimly lit office. She'd taken a big risk talking to Chance, but she couldn't stand idly by and watch yet another innocent fall victim to the Alpha's ruthless machinations. Her heart was in turmoil, torn between her loyalty to her adoptive father and her own moral code.

Lucy's reasons for being willing to help Chance are very personal. She is very aware of how ambitious the Alpha is. She and her brother Grace were taken in by the Alpha when they were children. The Alpha saw Lucy's potential and groomed her to be an assistant, while Grace became her handler, the root that the Alpha used to hold her back to ensure her obedience. Despite her apparent loyalty, Lucy despises Alpha's manipulative and cruel nature.

Lucy knew in her heart that chance's experiment was the only way she could break free from here and the only chance for her and her brother, so she had to find a way to save chance, and they were facing freemason which was also a powerful organization, at the moment she had a new idea.