

Chance, a brilliant physics doctoral student, makes a groundbreaking discovery with black hole models, accidentally sending him back to an ancient era. Using modern physics, he introduces hydroelectric power and advanced weaponry, meeting and losing his first love amid war. Striving to escape his despair, Chance's experiments thrust him into the 1980s, where he becomes a business magnate. However, tragedy strikes again with the loss of another love, Yoyo. Determined to break this cycle, Chance discovers his mentor, Professor Ramayah, is part of the Freemasons, who aim to exploit his invention. In a desperate bid, Chance travels to the 1940s to seek help from the legendary physicist Richard Feynman. Together, they delve into the mysteries of time and dimensions, encountering beings from various planes and uncovering ancient Maya prophecies. These revelations inspire Chance to develop a plan for a dimensional prison to trap the Freemasons' dark forces. Will he succeed in his daring quest to protect humanity across time and dimensions?

Wednesday_ · Fantasy
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98 Chs

The Royal Banquet

Every year in the fall, the Western Regions would visit the Daming Dynasty to hold a celebration, a practice to preserve the unity of the tribes, and in fact, a time to showcase their respective military and cultural prowess.

On this day, the great hall was filled with laughter and clinking of glasses as the Emperor received the emissaries from the Western Regions. Still reeling from the indignation of his failed plot, the Prince watched with contempt as Chance entered the great hall.

While the banquet was in progress, a Western emissary stood up, a tall man with a serious demeanor. He said to the emperor, "Your Majesty, we have heard of the wisdom and strength of your princes. We would like to see how they display their talents."

The Emperor nodded in agreement. "Very well. My son is skilled in many arts. What kind of demonstration would you like?"

The messenger sneered, "We have brought a unique challenge, a device to measure the power of arrows, and we want to see which prince can achieve the highest score."

Semon stepped forward confidently, "I'll go first." He took the bow and arrow handed to him by the messenger and took aim at the target. The arrow flew straight and accurate, hitting the bull's-eye high in the center of the target.

The hall erupted in applause as Semon basked in admiration.

The messenger continued "Let's see who can top him," he said triumphantly.

Chance stepped forward. "I accept the challenge," he said calmly. He picked up his bow and arrow, but instead of shooting immediately, he studied the device. He recognized the mechanics of the device and quickly formulated a plan.

"I'll take a different approach," Chance announced. He turned to his servants and whispered instructions. A few minutes later, they returned with a small, strange-looking device that Chance had designed using his knowledge of modern physics.

The device was a miniature catapult, precisely calibrated for maximum power and accuracy.Chance placed the arrow in the catapult and made careful adjustments.

"What is that?" The Prince sneered, "Are you still afraid of shooting your own arrows?"

Chance ignored the mockery and shot an arrow. The arrow flew towards the target with amazing speed and precision, hitting it right in the center, breaking the previous score.

There was a moment of silence in the great hall, followed by an outburst of awe-inspiring applause. The emissaries of the Western Regions looked at each other in disbelief, unable to comprehend how such a device could be created.

"This device utilizes the principles of leverage and elasticity," Chance explains. "Through precise calculations, it can achieve greater power and accuracy than an ordinary bow."

The Emperor's eyes glittered with pride. "Chance, you always amaze me with your ingenuity. This is one of my finest sons. "

Clearly impressed, the Western emissary bowed and curtsied to Chance. "Your knowledge and skills are truly remarkable. We are honored to witness such a performance."

The Crown Prince's face was filled with anger and jealousy, but there was nothing he could do about it, for Chance's cleverness was well known. The victory cemented Chance's reputation and allowed him to show his strength in the Western tribes.

With that, the first banquet ended in a victory for the Damien dynasty.

In the evening, Chance returns to his mansion and reflects on the events that have occurred since he crossed over. He realized that his modern knowledge was a powerful tool to shape his future in this ancient world. His arrival brought technology and change to this era.

At the second banquet a few days later, the Western emissaries presented another challenge, this time a test of mental and physical strength. They produced an intricate stone-throwing machine, a medieval siege weapon, and asked the princes to improve its design to increase its accuracy and range.

Semon and the others eagerly accepted the challenge, confident in their mechanical skills. He spent hours tweaking the catapult, increasing its counterweight, and adjusting the catapult arm for maximum range. When he finally tested it, the pitcher flew far and true, to the appreciation of onlookers.

Next it was Chance's turn. He approached the stone thrower and scrutinized its design. Using his knowledge of modern physics and engineering, he made precise calculations and modifications. He adjusted the angle of the pitcher arm, optimized the counterweight, and introduced a new tension mechanism to increase the launching force of the pitcher.

When Chance tested his improved stone thrower, it flew through the air at an astonishing speed and distance, far surpassing the Crown Prince's attempts. Once again, the audience marveled at his ingenuity.

The western emissaries were amazed, "Your Highness, your improvements are revolutionary. This stone thrower is now more powerful and accurate than any we have ever seen."

The Emperor was filled with pride, "Chance, your talent shines once again. Your innovations will undoubtedly strengthen our kingdom."

Defeated and humiliated, the Crown Prince can only watch as Chance receives his coveted honor.

Simon watched Chance's jealousy grow with each outstanding performance. He was secretly angry in his heart and cursed in a low voice:

"That fourth brother, arrogant and bossy, still thinks he's great? Wait for the next competition, when you fail, I will definitely expose you in front of Pops, make you lose face and disgrace the royal family, just wait."

The second match demonstrated the force of the Daming Dynasty and established authority in the various tribes.

This time there is an important character inside the western mission, she is a pass to come to the Western Princess, legend has it that she is the most beautiful girl of the western tribes, those who have seen her will be deeply enamored for her, she is the myth and symbol of the tribes, with her the tribes feel at peace she grows long eyelashes, a head of blonde hair, a pair of deep eyes reveals a noble temperament. She was in the team, wearing a veil, not revealing her real face ...