

Chance, a brilliant physics doctoral student, makes a groundbreaking discovery with black hole models, accidentally sending him back to an ancient era. Using modern physics, he introduces hydroelectric power and advanced weaponry, meeting and losing his first love amid war. Striving to escape his despair, Chance's experiments thrust him into the 1980s, where he becomes a business magnate. However, tragedy strikes again with the loss of another love, Yoyo. Determined to break this cycle, Chance discovers his mentor, Professor Ramayah, is part of the Freemasons, who aim to exploit his invention. In a desperate bid, Chance travels to the 1940s to seek help from the legendary physicist Richard Feynman. Together, they delve into the mysteries of time and dimensions, encountering beings from various planes and uncovering ancient Maya prophecies. These revelations inspire Chance to develop a plan for a dimensional prison to trap the Freemasons' dark forces. Will he succeed in his daring quest to protect humanity across time and dimensions?

Wednesday_ · Fantasy
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98 Chs

The Final Challenge

This was the final match, western princess rossy was impressed with chance's two previous victories, she slowly walked to the center stage and removed the veil from her face, the entire banquet instantly became silent, everyone looked at rossy's face and felt the sensation of electrocution, the world could have such a beauty.

The western princess rossy issued a final challenge to chance, the hall echoed with excited whispers.

"If you can defeat our warriors in battle, we will swear allegiance to your Daimyo dynasty and never set foot on your land again. Do you accept?"

Chance nodded confidently, "Agreed. However, if I win, you must promise to marry the Princess of the West to me."

Such a wager was putting the fate of the country on the line, and the entire court was thrown into a tense atmosphere.

Three days later, the arena was packed with people as the two sides prepared to face each other, the Western warriors all standing tall, each a master of combat.

The West sent its first warrior, Una, a giant of strength weighing over 300 pounds. He was known for his incredible strength and unrivaled fighting prowess. The Great Ming Dynasty fought back by sending their best martial artist, Filipper, a legendary warrior.

The gong sounded and the first match began.Una charged at Zhang Fei with the momentum of a raging bull.Filipper, who was known for his agility and precision, tried to dodge and counterattack, but Una overwhelmed his opponent with his strength.Una lashed out with his massive wolfsbane, knocking Filipper to the ground, unable to continue the fight.

The crowd froze as the Western side had won first. The Great Ming Dynasty was temporarily one game behind.

Next, the Qing Dynasty sent Mulan, known for her courage and strategic mind. She faced off against Batur, a Western warrior known for his speed and ferocity. The two engaged in a fierce duel, striking quickly and dodging each other's attacks. Mulan's tactics and quick thinking kept her in the fight, and in the end, with a precise strike, she defeated Batur and evened the score.

The crowd erupted in applause, and the score was tied at one win apiece.

As the final rounds of the tournament approached, the arena was filled with tension, and Chance knew that he was no match for the Western warriors of that blood in terms of strength and fighting skills.

So Chance decided to rely on his modern knowledge. He took out a weapon he had made earlier: a small, simplified version of a tank, the equivalent of putting a man in a closed metal box and putting wheels on it to make the box move!

In the final round, Chance stepped into the arena and fought across from the Western Princess herself. The princess not only possesses beauty, but also superb kung fu and is a formidable fighter. The audience watches in tense silence as the two prepare to fight.

Chance reveals his secret weapon: a miniature tank equipped with an advanced targeting system and an automatic firing mechanism. This tank is small, but designed to be extremely powerful and agile.

The Princess charges at Chance with her sword in hand, her movements swift and deadly, and Chance uses a remote control to direct the tank to intercept her. The tank's movements are precise and it fires non-lethal ammunition designed to disable and maim rather than kill the enemy.

Undaunted, the Princess tries to close the distance to disarm Chance, but the tank's automated system stops her. It fired a barrage of carefully aimed bullets, knocking the sword from her hand and forcing her to retreat.

The crowd gasps in surprise. Realizing she was outmatched, the Princess stepped forward and faced Chance. "You won, and honorably. We will honor our agreement."

The Western emissary salutes the Emperor and swears allegiance to the Qing Dynasty. The Emperor, beaming with pride, declared Chance the victor and praised him for his intelligence and bravery.

"Chance, you have proven yourself not only intellectually, but also in battle. Your creative spirit has brought us victory."

Cheers echoed through the arena as people celebrated Chance's victory. The princess approached him, both respect and curiosity on her face. "You have shown remarkable skill and creativity. I will honor our agreement and stand by you."

Chance nodded, recognizing her courage. "But when will you honor our bet. "

Rosy knew it by heart, but pretended not to know and asked, "What wager? "

"Whoever you lose at the time will have to marry me. " chance said in a slightly flirtatious tone.

The celebration continued as the Crown Prince watched from afar, jealous. Once again, he underestimated Chance, and they made plans to make sure that Chance was driven away from the capital before he could do anything about it.

That night, as Chance returns to his quarters, he can't help but think back to the events of that day.Chance begins to formulate new plans and inventions, determined to use his unique strengths to solidify his place in history. The idea of using his knowledge of the future to reinvent the past fills him with a sense of purpose and determination.

Meanwhile, Princess Rosie of the West was lost in thought, her mind racing back to the day's competition. She smiled absentmindedly, remembering how Chance had accidentally touched her breasts during the match. Her maid approached her cautiously.

"Princess Rosie? Princess Rosie?" The maid called out.

Rosie came back to her senses, "Huh? Did you call me?"

"Yes, I've been calling you for ages," the maid replied with a knowing smile. "You were daydreaming and smiling to yourself. Anyone would have thought you were pining for a secret lover."

Rosie's cheeks reddened with both embarrassment and amusement, "Oh, it's not that ... I was just ... in deep thought."

This is the first love affair of an 18 year old girl, rossy deeply appreciate the talent of this fourth prince, can be the next, it is going back to the tribe.