

Chance, a brilliant physics doctoral student, makes a groundbreaking discovery with black hole models, accidentally sending him back to an ancient era. Using modern physics, he introduces hydroelectric power and advanced weaponry, meeting and losing his first love amid war. Striving to escape his despair, Chance's experiments thrust him into the 1980s, where he becomes a business magnate. However, tragedy strikes again with the loss of another love, Yoyo. Determined to break this cycle, Chance discovers his mentor, Professor Ramayah, is part of the Freemasons, who aim to exploit his invention. In a desperate bid, Chance travels to the 1940s to seek help from the legendary physicist Richard Feynman. Together, they delve into the mysteries of time and dimensions, encountering beings from various planes and uncovering ancient Maya prophecies. These revelations inspire Chance to develop a plan for a dimensional prison to trap the Freemasons' dark forces. Will he succeed in his daring quest to protect humanity across time and dimensions?

Wednesday_ · Fantasy
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98 Chs

salvage plan

As the house buzzed with frantic activity and plans for the search, Chance's phone rang. He glanced at the screen, seeing an unknown number. With a sense of foreboding, he answered the call.

"Hello?" Chance said, his voice tense.

A deep, distorted voice came through the line. "Chance, you've been a thorn in my side for too long. Your logistics station has severely impacted the sale of my electronic products. My factory has shut down because of you, and now it's your turn to suffer."

Chance's heart raced. "Who are you? What do you want?"

The voice continued, ignoring his question. "Listen carefully. You will come to the address I'm about to send you with 10 million yuan in unmarked bills. If you don't comply within three days, you can say goodbye to your precious bride."

In the background, Chance heard YoYo's unmistakable voice, filled with terror. "Chance, help me! Please, help me!" Her scream was abruptly cut off, leaving a chilling silence.

Rage and fear surged through Chance. "If you hurt her, I swear—"

The voice cut him off. "Save your threats. Three days, Chance. Don't make me wait." The line went dead.

Chance stood frozen, the phone still pressed to his ear. The room seemed to close in around him as the gravity of the situation sank in. He had to save YoYo, but he needed to act carefully.

He quickly gathered Daniel, Mr. Xiang, and Grace. "I just got a call from YoYo's kidnapper. They want 10 million yuan in unmarked bills delivered to an address they'll send me. We have three days."

Mr. Xiang's face paled. "We need to contact the police immediately. They'll know how to handle this."

Chance shook his head. "We will, but we can't rely on them alone. We need to be prepared. Daniel, get in touch with everyone we trust. We need to gather the money and make sure we have a solid plan."

Daniel nodded, determination in his eyes. "I'll start making calls. We'll get the money and figure out our next steps."

Grace looked at Chance, her expression resolute. "We'll do whatever it takes to get YoYo back. She's strong, but we need to act fast."

As they dispersed to take action, Chance's mind raced with thoughts of YoYo. He couldn't bear the idea of her being in danger because of him. He vowed to save her, no matter the cost.

The minutes turned into hours as the team mobilized. Daniel made a series of urgent calls to trusted allies and contacts within the business community. As news spread, support began to pour in from unexpected quarters. Chance's reputation for integrity and his network of loyal associates proved invaluable.

Mr. Xiang coordinated with a discreet security firm known for handling delicate situations. They specialized in ransom deliveries and hostage negotiations, a grim testament to the world they operated in. Their expertise provided a semblance of reassurance, though the stakes remained high.

Grace, ever resourceful, began working on a parallel track. She contacted a hacker known only as "The Ghost," someone who had helped them in the past with sensitive information. If anyone could trace the kidnapper's call or gather intelligence on the location, it was The Ghost.

As the preparations continued, Chance felt the weight of leadership pressing down on him. Every decision, every moment counted. His mind flashed back to YoYo's terrified voice, and he forced himself to focus, to channel his fear into determination.

Late that night, Daniel returned with updates. "We've secured the funds," he said, showing Chance a large duffel bag filled with cash. "It's not the full amount yet, but more is on the way. Our contacts are coming through for us."

Chance nodded, a mixture of relief and anxiety washing over him. "Good. We need every bit we can get."

Mr. Xiang joined them, his expression grave. "The security team is ready. They'll shadow us during the handover, providing backup if things go south."

Grace entered the room, her eyes intense. "I've spoken with The Ghost. They're working on tracing the call and gathering any intel on the address when it comes through. It's a long shot, but it might give us an edge."

The team gathered around a map of the city, planning out possible routes and contingencies. Chance felt a surge of gratitude for his friends and their unwavering support. Despite the danger, he knew he wasn't alone in this fight.

The next morning, Chance received a text message from the unknown number with an address on the outskirts of the city