
Vanaheim Part 1

The important knowledge that Nate had wanted from Sif, and that he had gratefully received, was related to the world of Vanaheim, the world of the Vanir, which was also the world he wanted to take a look around. After confirming that Thor and Sif were well on their way back to the Capital, Nate had Hope create the Portal to Vanaheim and they both past through it, becoming invisible as they did in case anyone was nearby where they were about to appear.

On the other end of the portal was a beautiful forest that made the forests of earth or even Asgard seem ordinary and drab. It was brights and beautiful, and seemed to be aglow with a calming energy that made Nate immediately feel tranquil.

Nearby there was a beautiful young woman with white hair and brown eyes, which he caught a glimpse of when she looked around a bit, even though her back to them wading into a nearby river completely naked and carrying only a spear to catch a fish with. Even though Nate only saw her from behind, he could still tell that this young woman was gorgeous, and even though he only saw them from the side, he knew that her breasts were very nice.

She was not the one he wanted to meet, though. Even if she was beautiful, he could not let her distract him from his task today. Forcing thoughts of this mysterious beauty aside for now, Nate contemplated the information he got from Sif and created a mental map in his head and started heading towards where he should be able to find her.

Flying up with Hope while they remained invisible. Nate spotted off in the distance an orchard and they flew towards it and landed just outside of it before Nate became visible again and stepped into it alone,

Nate did not even need to rely on Hope's telepathy to find the young woman in here, since he could follow the sound of her humming to where she was picking apples. Appearing no older then seventeen if she were human, Nate knew that appearances were not to be believed with this one, since she was Idunna, who tended to this orchard of Golden Apples, and who had truly stopped aging after receiving this role, so she actually was just a bit older then Thor.

She had long blond hair, light blue eyes and modest breasts, but even if her breasts were barely b-cups, Nate still thought that she was gorgeous in her white dress with gold bits here and there "You are as beautiful as I've heard, Idunna, the goddess of Immortality."

Idunna glanced towards Nate and rolled her eyes "Another young man who thinks he can come sweep me off my feet and somehow become immortal?" she tsked and seemed annoyed.

"Well, while I do wish to acquire one of your apples, it is not to consume it, as I am already immortal." Nate insisted to Idunna and chuckled "I am Nate Grey, one of the current avatars for the Phoenix Force. It is a pleasure to officially meet you."

"If you don't want to eat it then what use are my apples for you? You expect me to believe that story?" Idunna was still leery of this unexpected visitor, treating him no different then any other suitor that had pursued her over her lifetime.

"Well, I wish to create my own micro-dimension, as an avatar of the Phoenix, I can do this, and one of the things I wish to use is one of your apples. I want to harness it's energy to form a better dimensional seed, to have it mature faster and become more powerful." Nate admitted to Idunna "I could have sought your apples elsewhere, admittedly, but I also heard about your beauty and I decided I also wanted to see it for myself, so here I am."

"Did you do anything to my friend, Rán?" Idunna asked with concern, since she he had come from the same direction as Ran had left to go fishing.

"Rán? Is that the name of the cute girl with white hair I passed on my way here?" Nate guessed "I did not harm her. She didn't even see me since I was invisible on my way here."

Idunna nodded and seemed relieved, it was clear that she had been worried about the presumably younger girl. Idunna and Rán the girl from before, looked to both be around the same age physically, but Idunna was someone that had truly stopped aging at a certain point, and was quite a bit older then her appearance would suggest.

"I am glad to hear that she was not harmed. She is kind and often comes to visit me here. " Idunna carefully examined Nate.

"Well, I'm not a bad person, I would never deliberately harm someone who is innocent, especially not a cute girl, so neither you nor your friend Rán need to fear. Right now I just want to get to know you a bit." Nate insisted to Idunna with an flirtatious smile.

As he was saying this, Rán was already returning, now wearing a simple set of hide equipment and a dark cloak with hide boots and gloves. The quality of all these pieces were quite good, and still looked very good on her.

"You must be Lady Rán. It is a pleasure to meet you" Nate greeted her "I was just having a chat with Idunna here."

Rán was moderately surprised by Nate. She was not surprised to see him, since Idunna received no shortage of suitors here, but she was surprised that he did not seem to be bothered by her presence. Normally they would try to be polite to her because she was friend of Idunna, but Rán was quite observant and could tell that her presence annoyed them, and that she was 'in the way' as far as they were concerned. She did not see that in Nate's expression. Rather he seemed genuinely thrilled with her arrival.

Nate could already deduced that if he wanted to win over Idunna, he would have to take his time and make an effort. If he were lucky, maybe he could also win over Rán's love as well, since she was also really beautiful, though he sensed that Rán had a bit of a tomboy streak and would be even harder to win the love of then Idunna.




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