
Third Task: Defeat a Black Buran 3

The majestic tree had caught onto the Black Buran like the hand of God, holding it in place despite all its struggles to set itself free. Master Lyod and others were still marveling at the creation when they discovered a young lad scaling the twisty trunk of the conifer. 

Staff in hand, Ryu was rushing up the tree like a maniac. Green mama vapors were being discharged from his body, letting everyone know this was his end game. Effectively, if he failed this attempt to take down the Buran, Lyod will have to step on no matter what. 

Being one with the tree, Ryu felt no difficulty scaling the near-vertical climb. Rushing with a sense of urgency, he was burning through his mana like a madman. His vision was focused on the black creature strangled in the crooked branches. 

And by the looks of it, the Black Buran itself must have figured out the precarious situation it was placed in suddenly. It chomped down heavily on the pesky vines, however, this brushwood was alive, quickly growing back to twist around its rugged body. 

Growing desperate as the boy navigated closer and closer every next second, the Buran resorted to delivering a crushing sonic boom directed at the stem that kept it captured. 

It succeeded in freeing itself, but not without wasting precious time. The human boy was already on its face, there was nowhere to run. Reaching the end of his road, Ryu jumped off... "Purgatory Strike... Burn..!!" 

Ryu's staff caught fire, burning with a dazzling green flame. It was an all-out attack generated after pouring every last drop of his mana. With no time to react, the Black Buran finally revealed an extension to its claw. 

It was a long foldable blade arguably one of the strongest body parts among any beast. This blade was what it used to create those sharp and precise wind strikes. Blade met staff leading to an explosion in mid-air. 

*BOOM* For the second time in a row, Ryu's body was thrown back by the pressurized blast. Then again, he came better off from the explosion because even though the Buran stopped the flaming staff to meet its vulnerable torso, the flaming explosion did reach it. 

Falling through the air, Ryu barely caught upon the gigantic tree he had created, gradually slipping down its trunk to reach the ground relatively harmless. *GRRRRRYYY* Compared to him, his opponent was in dire straits. 

The mighty Black Buran fell to the ground, burning in verdant flames. No matter how it rolled over, the fire sticking to its outer skin refused to go out. At this point, Ryu can only hope for the best. He was done. 

'Purgatory Strike? You dare name your attacks after this father, brat?' An unexpected party had chosen to jump in the flow, pissed at the boy. 'You disgrace the name of my creation. A real Purgatory is capable of wounding even the fearsome Black Dragon. And you have the gall to name this measly attack Purgatory?' 

Demon who spent most of his days sleeping around had become active. Not only that, it was actively spouting rants which Ryu was driven to ignore. There was no doubt he had tried to immaculately replicate the very same strike Denon had delivered while it took over his body and fought against the Abyss Dragon. 

His attacks might be puny when compared to the Demon's, however, Ryu would like to believe it had the required elements just on a marginal scale. If there was anything that befuddled him, then that will be those green flames that were eating away the Black Buran even at this moment. 

Since Ryu refused to take responsibility for his actions, the Demon eventually calmed down after a long rant. Now the green-haired boy just had to wait and see if the oversized bat will be able to continue. 

Away from all this high-action drama, master Lyod's lower jaw was almost touching the ground. Was this a joke? Or was he still dreaming? Never before he had seen Ryu manifest these kinds of green flames. Was he, not a proper plant manipulator? Or can it be that these flames were an extension of his vegetation-controlling powers? 

So many questions reverberated in Lyod's mind with not nearly as many answers. Every day, he had seen this boy train in front of him. Then how come he was still able to keep this ability secret from him? 'It must be Mrs. Emily who should have taught him this.' Lyod simply couldn't fathom any other explanation for the oddity on display. 

Since even the old expert was in awe, Itzel and others naturally had their minds blown. Itzel had more experience of the outside world than Courtney, yet she had never heard of a feat coming close to what Ryu has achieved right in front of her eyes. The menacing Black Buran, that's called a calamity-level beast had been bested by a sixteen-year-old.

They wanted to rush up to Ryu and congratulate him on his feat, but the confrontation has not reached its conclusion. The Buran and the human were still engaged in a two-way staredown contest with neither budging from its place. 

Flames had been put off from the beast's body, but not before leaving sustaining damages. Even so, its inherent pride made it impossible for the creature to cave in defeat. 

What followed was a peaceful blackout from both parties. Ryu might look better off among the two with only a small number of gashes over his body, nevertheless, in truth, he didn't even have the energy to move a single step. 

On the other hand, while the Buran still had a strong will to fight it had greatly damaged itself. If Ryu could pull off another one of those fiery attacks, the beast knew it will die. With neither party willing to test each other's resolve for a fight to the death, they chose to disengage. 

Ryu watched calmly as the black figure forced itself over to the edge of the gorge and then flapped its damaged wings to descend into the dark depths. "Can I count it as a win?" It was a surreal experience. Finally, he had overcome what could have been the greatest hindrance. 

"Absolutely my boy.. hahahaha.." Lyod was so excited that he practically flashed behind the boy, slapping his back with all the enthusiasm in the world. "Time and again you exceed my expectations, lad. It's unbelievable hahaha.." 

It was evident from his incessant laughter how much he cared about Ryu's win. "Then I hope training is over, old man. I want to get back home now." It's been a week since they had been out on this trip. He might not want to admit it, but in truth, he did feel a little homesick. 

"Yes.. yes... This is enough. I am completely satisfied.. as soon as you recover a little, we are good to head back." The master-pupil duo had walked over to the other side of the hill when Itzel, Courtney, and Jenny, all rushed in to embrace him. 

"You have us so many heart attacks, big brother. Did you have to be so stubborn?" Ryu didn't expect Jenny to start reprimanding him after his intense duel. Then again, giving it another thought, she must have been extremely stressed out watching him fight off the vicious beast. 

"Didn't I win in the end, girly?" Compared to Ryu's last fight, his body was actually in a better position. This realization helped a lot to pacify the young girl. "That you did.. but I was so scared.. my chest is still pounding." 

Ryu found her reactions adorable and could not resist pecking her head in return. "You guys don't have anything to say?" His attention eventually turned to Itzel and Courtney who had blatant smiles lodged on their face, spreading from ear to ear. 

"Nothing.. except that you did really well." The middle-aged priestess presented a beautiful face that made Ryu's heart surge with emotions. Her lips were so close to him that he could just capture them with minimal effort. 

"Then aren't you going to serve me for all the hard work I put in?" Ryu had a suggestive smile on when he extended his hands to untie the knot of the bra cloth holding Itzel's boobs in place. 

"Hmph.. back to sex? Didn't you want to get back home only a few minutes back, brat?" Master Lyod was annoyed at the fact that Ryu had negligible control over his sexual appetite. "Yes, and beautiful ladies help me recover a lot faster, master Lyod." 

Popping Itzel's tits out in the open, Ryu treated himself to the chewy nipples, occasionally swallowing the majority of her boobs into his mouth. The old man just rolled his eyes at his unruly behavior devoid of any self-restraint. Then again, Ryu was the victor after proving himself, Lyod believed he owed the boy some freedom of entertainment. 

"You can keep doing that.. but first answer my questions." Before Ryu could even ask the old man to stop, he had already shot the first question his way. "Why were you able to control fire?" 

Ryu expected this question. "I am not sure. Rather than a proper fire, it just felt like my mana itself was ignited. So, I can't tell what is going on. After all, this is the first time I used this attack." As soon as his explanation ended, he got back to eating Itzel's mammaries, leaving her flustered. 

Lyod was left wondering. It's not like he didn't think of this possibility. Nevertheless, what left him shocked was the fact that Ryu claimed this was the first time he used the attack. 'He must be talking of not having the  experience of using it in combat.' 

"Okay.. but I got another one. How in the world did you capture the Buran when you were locked under that makeshift shield of yours?" Ordinary persons might have overlooked this fact. A Black Buran was the ruler of the skies, it can travel miles in a blink. Then how exactly Ryu locked onto its position so accurately from underneath his wooden thatch? 

"Haha.. that was easy. Didn't I tell you my wood clones are the best bet I had?" Ryu laughed heartily as if he himself had not discovered such a peculiar usage of his clones prior to today. "Turns out, unless they are thoroughly destroyed, they can still transmit some broken thoughts to me." 

Lyod felt weak in his heart. There was such a thing? He recalled the two clones were only broken apart and thrown in either direction by the Buran. If what Ryu was telling was true, those guys were still very much in the game even after being incapacitated. 

"There could have been such a use case?" Lyod was put in doubt by the answer. Now he needed some time to process all this newly discovered information. Seeing Ryu was lost suckling onto the village priestess's boobs, Lyod decided to walk off. 

"I am going to take a walk around. Make it fast." Aware he wasn't needed anymore, he chose to travel off so the boy and his women could have some privacy. 

Ryu definitely appreciated the gesture. "Sure.." Keeping his answer short, he straightforwardly approached Itzel's lips. At the same time, his hands caught hold of Courtney, invading her pussy like it was the most natural thing to do. 

The married women groaned in fleshly pleasures. After all the nervousness Ryu had brought to them, both of them were ready to unravel themselves and have some fun. Right then someone grabbed Ryu's inflating penis. To everyone's surprise, she was Jenny who didn't want to be left out. 

"Off him girl... You are not yet recovered from last time." Too bad for her, but before Jenny could proceed any further, her mother jumped in like a tyrant. Itzel slapped her hands away, leaving the young maiden with a spoiled mood and a big set of pouted lips. 

<<Sorry guys, too busy to read through all the comments let alone reply them. Will atleast try be consistent with releases. Thanks for your support. Love you all!!>>

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